Elegy for 2020

Elegy for 2020

Deep Freeze

It’s been a cold hell of a year
Fight, flight and frozen in fear
Plague, poverty and white people’s tears
Bearing uncertainty with desperate cheer.

Conspiracies bloom on glacial ground
Trumpolini clings to his imperial crown
The old white bois club still runs the town
Profits gush upward, never down.

The new normal is just surviving the vice
Clamping the heart, pounding in ice
In isolation, writing poems suffice
The mental equivalent of lentils and rice.

Empire’s targets are used to this stuff
Not knowing if US threats are a bluff
The club must fall, enough is enough
Never give in, never give up.

Jinjirrie, November 2020

Exit Mango Turtle Right?

Mango Turtle

Let me count the ways

all the amerikkkan beauties,
these squawling babies
wailing and whining
for the mango trumpolini,
detachable dicks prickling
on the streets howling –
who gave guns to infants
to spray shit on the wall
when they don’t get their
caterwauling way?
was it the walrus,
the pet goat,
the cat in the hat,
the goose or the gander,
thomas the tank engine
chugging across the
privatised stolen land of oz,
humpty trumpty or huck finn,
tweedle dum or tweedle dee?
pulitzer or pulling yourself?
the people can take back
the profits of their labour
from the profiteers
of the animal farm
only when the swaddling twaddle
is ripped away,
coo coo achoooo!

Jinjirrie, November 2020

Trump thinks he won

November 8, 2020

Trumpolini clings to his throne
Like a dog with a juicy bone,
Soon in a cell he’ll be alone,
His official protection blown.

Jinjirrie, November 2020


There once was a man who wouldn’t concede,
Narcissism wreaks ironic hubris,
So they’ll recount the vote till all agree
Trump’s the whiniest loser in US history.

Jinjirrie, November 2020

Yeah Right, Pull the Other One aka Open Proxies

Blame Russia, China and Iran,
Scapegoats for a convenient
Trumpolini election scam,
Banking on collective narcissism
Of a rotting, desperate empire
in the final stages of disintegration.

Jinjirrie, November 2020


#ScottytheBully is the epitome of misogyny,
Interrupts and wanks over Ruston casually,
Dismissing exploitative front bench lechery,
And the culture of sexism endemic in the LNP.

Jinjirrie, November 2020


Deep Within a Journalistic Silo
It’s only taken 6 years for journalists to discuss this.

NB Edit to Humpty Trumpty in ‘Let me count the ways’ snitched from Phillip Adams
Scummo interrupts Anne Ruston

Budgets and Rorts – Verse from the Tipping Point


Panegyric Arabica

At a birthday bash in a dairy shed,
I explained surplus value to a sneering capo,
“Don’t you dare quote Marx at me!” he said,
His profits built enslaving islanders
On plantations for baristas’ daily bread,
Bourg coffee shops and crass latte sippers,
In horror, I picked up my stuff and fled,
Yet the rich prick was riddled with rot,
A year later, I hear he’s dead.
We’ll party on and roast his loss,
One less monocultural shithead.

October 2020


The most sensuous courting
is lucrative rooting and rorting,
shady deals under the sheets
are the zenith of bliss for LNPs.

The critical X factor
run over by a tractor,
Whatever he’s done,
she don’t need to know.

It’ll take more than an ICAC
to uncover the real facts
They’re all up to their knees
In pork grease and sleaze.

October 2020

Budget Rort

The Scummos hijack the country,
stick a straw in the treasure,
a gloating, smirking transaction,
kick the poor and women for pleasure,
construction-led is con-extraction,
siphoning it up to dirty mates
to store in offshore banks –
“A rightful trickle-up!”, they swank,
national audit office nobbled
to entrench a rorted economy,
Australians fleeced by corrruption,
depraved rich toads toast perfidy.

October 2020

Budget 2020

Scummo funds faith-based quackery,
Replacing science and logic with chicanery
so folks won’t discern political fuckery,
$61.4m to school chaplains and just
$16.9m to Indigenous health an obscene travesty.

October 2020

Poetry in the Time of COVID19

Feeding the Chooks


For decades they sneered
at us backward banana benders,
behind by 50 years they reckon,
we endured Bjelke’s curses of faded kitchen curtains,
daylight farm slaving and cow’s milk curdling,
fly with the crows, you get shot with the crows
as he fed the chooks, gloating.
Well, birds fly south for the summer,
and not this time, we’re roosting up north,
safe on our parochial perches.
Who’s laughing now? eh eh eh?
We already have your footballers
locked in our hubs –
yet laugh too soon, maties, and the boot
can be on the other foot in a few days …
Pride is the deadliest, most subtle sin.
Plagues follow science, not rhetoric in tabloid beatups,
thrive on denial, superstition, conspiracist ignorance.
Fertilised by desperation, selfishness and carelessness,
the toll is belling for us all.

Jinjirrie, August 2020


Flame Tree


The Not Good Network has crashed again!
What will we do without Netflix and Nintendo?
Stare out the window, gaze at the clouds
Till the kids beg us to read books to them out loud.
We cook up the mince and tear out our hair
And Grandma hides out in her flat downstairs,
What’s the pollies doing except for themselves
While our lives are becoming a living hell,
You’re surplus workers and we don’t need you,
Go get infected in a Centrelink queue,
It’s a brave new world for us all to explore,
And frankly, my dear, that’s no metaphor.

Jinjirrie, March 2020

Panic Payback

And there’s nooooo toilet paper again!
Just expensive tissues and paper towels,
The dunnyrollheads are driving us round the bend
And there’s a mighty bellowing in our bowels
That won’t be purged with a wash in the shower,
We’ll have to get up at an ungodly hour
And interview the dunnyroll queue
To ask politely ‘from where are you?’
And if they’re not from round here,
Lock ’em in the loo, till they learn not to fear!

Jinjirrie, March 2020

Under The Coronavolcano

Already I miss the parties, all our friends,
We’re a party for two without foreseeable end,
I ache for ping pong nights with our local group,
Now it’s stay at home or be carried off by hazmat suits.

We’ve been lucky, us two, we always rub by,
Yet with Scummo’s ineptitude we gaze at the sky,
Wondering when humans will be safe outside our place
And we can hug and kiss them again on their face.

Jinjirrie, March 2020

#Scummo Years

For these are now the Scummo years
You can’t eat dirt, you can’t drink fears
Stand up against the ruling class boots
It’s us or them, pull out their roots
Tears only overflow their cup
Never give in, never give up.

Jinjirrie, May 2019

From the bush on the Sunshine Coast, where even the local stupormarket is out of toilet paper again today.

Useful Resources:

WHO COVID19 info
Info on how long the virus survives on different surfaces, the virus half life, how to clean and more.