Wisner! the US has to be kidding

Was this bloodbath in Tahrir Square Frank Wisner’s Plan B, @PJCrowley ? or didn’t he have a Plan B? #

Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic

The forces unleashed in Egypt can’t be turned back

The manoeuvres at the top of the regime have transparently been choreographed in Washington. Mubarak’s declaration on Tuesday night followed hard on the heels of a visit from the Obama administration’s envoy, Frank Wisner, a paid lobbyist of the Egyptian government, who was reported to have “urged” the Egyptian president not to stand again.

CIA: Frank G. Wisner arrived in Cairo

Frank G. Wisner Jr. is not known to the U.S. public either as a diplomat or as a master spy, but as an unscrupulous financier. He was part of the Enron power elite involved in the fraudulent bankrupcy of the corporation that ruined countless small investors and, later, as Vice Chairman of American International Group whose share prices plummeted by 95% during the 2008 financial crisis before its bailout with taxpayers’ money.

From the Guardian:
11.31pm GMT: Frank Wisner, the US special envoy sent by Obama to talk to Egypt’s government, is on his way back to the US, empty-handed it would appear. AP reports:

The White House had attempted to nudge Mubarak to the exits, dispatching former US Ambassador Frank Wisner as a special envoy to deliver the message to him. But by Wednesday, Wisner was on his way back to the United States.

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the delicacy of the matter, suggested Wisner had been seeking specific pledges from Mubarak beyond just a promise not to stand for re-election. The official would not elaborate, but the administration has made no secret of the fact that it wants the state of emergency lifted and would prefer to see Mubarak’s son, Gamal, not try to succeed his father. Mubarak mentioned neither in his address Tuesday night.

Who is US Special Representative to Kosovo Frank G. Wisner?

Frank Wisner at Sourcewatch

The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

Wisner is a veteran of “economic espionage” and is believed to have used his diplomatic cover to advance US governmental and corporate economic interests while he served as a diplomat to Asia. A member of Wisner’s staff told InterPress Services in 1997 that “if anybody asked the CIA to help promote US business in India, it was probably Frank”.

Egypt - revolution
Egypt Links

Israeli leaders’ brotherly allegiance to fascism RT @db_s_turbosnail: Voice of Israel urging Mubarak to crack heads: http://bit.ly/fNjWRM #
#Jan25 Live ammunition confiscated from the police by protesters
Into Egypt’s Uncharted Territory
NDP Mubarak thugs who confessed that they were paid to go out and hurt anti-Mubarak protesters
ADC Finally Jumps on Egypt Bandwagon
Leading Egyptian Facebook Activist Arrested, Friends Say
Revolution in Egypt – and the Hypocrisy of the US and the West
Hillary Clinton gets tough with “military dictatorships”

I understand if they expect a domestic audience to swoon for this sort of rhetoric, but do they actually expect that there is anyone in the Middle East, anywhere, who will take seriously the righteous objections of Hilary Clinton — the American Secretary of State and close Mubarak family friend — to the rise of an oppressive military dictatorship in the Middle East? Is anyone there really going to believe that it’s that government’s lack of respect for human rights — rather than its refusal to serve American interests and heed its various dictates — that is motivating the hostility and threats?

All of a sudden, we each began receiving text messages from Vodafone and calls for protests to end before things got out of control.
The Neocons Split with Israel Over Egypt
Amid protests at home, Egypt mobilizes strong lobbying force in Washington

Egypt protests – live updates
What lay behind Obama’s friendship with Mubarak?
Erdogan is Brilliant
Egypt: much too early to celebrate
Google, Facebook, Twitter sound off on Egypt
RT @ArabRevolution: @VodafoneEgypt actively supporting Mubarak regime. SMS sent to Egyptians http://yfrog.com/gzhf7fvj BOYCOTT @VodafoneUK #
RT @jeremyscahill URGENT Cairo #journalists reporters GET OUT of your HOTEL ROOMS NOW http://bit.ly/gFRvZg #Jan25 RT NOW @chrislhayes #
@PJCrowley The perpetrators of today’s violence in #Egypt must be held accountable, and the government should tell its supporters to eschew violence. #
. @PJCrowley Take careful note ‘Pro-Mubarak supporters are recognizably police, says Peter Beaumont. ‘ http://tinyurl.com/4a8urur #
. @PJCrowley Some of the attackers caught. Their IDs showed them to be policemen dressed in civilians clothes.’ http://tinyurl.com/4nuvurn #
. @PJCrowley RT @alaa: Further proof there is police among the thugs, they’re now shooting tear gas #Jan25 #
Protestor consoles Egyptian army officer

Palestine / Israel Links

UN joins PA slamming Israeli water infrastructure destruction
More detentions in Ramallah at rally for Egypt
When Israel’s protective net of tyranny tears
Journalists forced to pledge abstention from Gaza rallies
Tunisian PM: Gaza source of inspiration

Wikileaks Links

Other Links

Sudanese Start Protest Movement
Passenger: Feds Orchestrated “Underwear Bomber” Plot to Advance TSA

‘Democratic’ Land Theft

The leaked minutes of a meeting in 2008 between Palestinian, U.S. and Israeli officials show a senior Palestinian proposing that Israel annex all but one of its major Jerusalem settlements as part of a broad deal to end their decades-old conflict.

EgyptAh, to be a ‘democracy’- apartheid Israel can flaunt international law and steal land, sponsor Palestinian ‘leaders’ without a mandate of the people from whom Israel steals, who then give away even more land behind Palestinians’ backs. How could Israel then be accused of stealing?

The Palestinian Papers blow the cover off the iniquitous deals which Abbas and his cohorts have done on the sly with their Israeli bosses. What chance for the end of the gross indignity of Israeli apartheid when the perpetrators of this discrimination are covertly and not so covertly assisted by those who shill as ‘Palestinian leaders’?

At this time, Nelson Mandela’s wise words on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People are a beacon and warning.

“Even during the days of negotiations, our own experience taught us that the pursuit of human fraternity and equality — irrespective of race or religion — should stand at the centre of our peaceful endeavours. The choice is not between freedom and justice, on the one hand, and their opposite, on the other. Peace and prosperity; tranquility and security are only possible if these are enjoyed by all without discrimination.”

One remembers also the second point in the preamble of the United Nations Charter:

“to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small”

Right now, expansionist, warmongering zionists are quivering with bloodthirsty anticipation at the thought Arabs might oust their tyrants. Yossi Gurvitz analyses:

‘… it is sickening to see the Israeli consensus demanding that when Arabs think of their future, they should imagine a hobnailed boot crushing their faces forever, in order to protect Israelis from their own fears. This concept demonstrates, again, how much Israelis view Arabs as savages who can neither govern themselves, nor develop. They always need a strongman to keep them down. This concept tells us much more about Israelis than about their neighbours.’

Israel’s friend, Mubarak is a nice chappie, really

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak rejected calls from protesters to resign and said he would name a new government to promote democracy as protesters clashed with police into the night, setting buildings on fire and swarming armored cars.

Kevin Rudd is milquetoast, omitting condemnation of Mubarak’s outrageous oppression and police violence against peaceful protestors and journalists.

Well the political situation is highly fluid, as a number of my colleagues from elsewhere around the world have said. We have long supported democratic transformation across the Middle East. We have equally strongly argued that this transformation should occur peacefully and without violence. That remains our view in terms of recent developments in Egypt as well.

Even Hillary Clinton was more supportive of protestors:

“We are deeply concerned about the use of violence by Egyptian police and security forces against protesters, and we call on the Egyptian government to do everything in its power to restrain the security forces,”

Yet Hosni Mubarak is in power because the West has supported him.

Mubarak is in power in Cairo with the west’s blessing, approval, support, sponsorship, funding and arms. Democrat and Republican presidents, Labour and Conservative prime ministers, have all cosied up to Egypt’s “secular” tyrant, a self-proclaimed but ineffective bulwark against “Islamic extremism”, since he assumed the presidency in 1981.

One of the Wikileaks cables released yesterday confirms how Mubarak imprisons poets, bloggers and journalists with gay abandon. And thus, I give him doggerel:

‘There was an old despot called Hosni
whose mind was suspicious and lazy,
for when poems are writ,
he quivers his lip,
and looks for the poet not meaning.’

‘There was an old fool called Mubarak
who hated all literary dialect
while his back was turned,
Hosni’s ears would burn,
as poets would cleverly paint him black’

Palestine / Israel Links

Let’s not forget Israel loves autocrats to maintain its life
WB mourners clash with Israeli troops
Ian McEwan should turn down the prize
Ian McEwan can’t escape the politics
The Papers of Opprobrium
Apartheid entity has vacancy sign up : “New hosts required for mutually beneficial oppression, belligerence and land grabs. No democracies in the Middle East need apply”.
Israel fears radical takeover in Egypt – hasbara in full flight
Diana Buttu on the Palestine Papers
1/21/11, Update: Tear gas death triggers mobilization against Israel’s lethal tear gas
Bernard-Henri Levy with another stupid ill-informed tirade
Eroding Israel’s Legitimacy in the International Arena : latest hasbara strategy with a partial list of BDS and other triumphs against Israeli apartheid.
Israel staunchly on the side of Arab tyrannies
Paraguay joins Latin American neighbors in recognizing Palestinian state
Feeds are from activists and citizens on field via phone, if you have verified news you can contact us by phone or sms on Lebanese number +961.70.520837 or email

Egypt/Tunisia Links
Anti-riot document says: 1-Let protesters through streets, don’t block them. Don’t shoot unless commanded #Egypt #Jan25
4 hours ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply
@ArabRevolution ???? ?? ???????
RT @TrellaLB Secret document reveals the anti-riot police game plan http://fun.ly/93v0 #jan25 #Egypt

Feeds are from activists and citizens on field via phone, if you have verified news you can contact us by phone or sms on Lebanese number +961.70.520837 or email
@alexismadrigal u published Egyptian protestor’s tactics, will u do same 4 Mubarak’s thugs? http://bit.ly/ghaK8M #Jan25 #Egypt @theatlantic
Feeds are from activists and citizens on field via phone, if you have verified news you can contact us by phone or sms on Lebanese number +961.70.520837 or email
Israel to boost security on Egypt border
Please @alexismadrigal u published Egyptian protestor’s tactics, will u do same 4 Mubarak’s thugs? http://bit.ly/ghaK8M #Jan25 #Egypt
The Great Arab Revolution and the Gulf States
From The Angry Arab: Word of caution
Not Found
Tunisie : l’héroïsme ordinaire des femmes
Mubarak’s appointment of military men to top posts continues Egypt’s martial style of rule
The Egyptian Intifada
Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead
A Manifesto For Change In Egypt
The Protest Movement in Egypt: “Dictators” do not Dictate, They Obey Orders
18 Ways to Circumvent the Egyptian Government’s Internet Block
Egypt protests leaves at least 18 dead
Just Whose Side Are Arab Armies On, Anyway?
US to review aid to Egypt, WH spokesman says
Egypt: Night Falls, After Day of Rage
Mubarak Refuses to Quit, Fires Egyptian Cabinet as Protesters Defy Curfew
Busting Egypt’s web blackout
Egyptian Intifada Rap
The truth about Egypt
Amid Digital Blackout, Anonymous Mass-Faxes WikiLeaks Cables To Egypt
BBC journalist arrested and beaten by Egyptian police
Australian media coverage has been pathetic
Rallies in support of Egyptian rebels in Melbourne and Sydney – what about other Aussies??
Egypt Is Burning, and It Is Not a Facebook or Twitter Event

@SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei now speaking to Al Jazeera “We want to build a new Egypt, built on democracy & human rights”

“We want a new constitution, & for Egypt to catch up with civilisation” “Mubarak’s speech was a let down. He ignored everyone”

El Baradei “HE wants to change the govt, he is responsible for this govt. He is taking the will of the Egyptian people lightly”

“The Egyptian people welcomed the Army on the street. The Army is a friend of the people, the protests yesterday were peaceful”

All the buildings that were attacked & burned belonged to the NDP & police that repressed the Egyptian people for 30 years”

If the army wants peace to return they must assist the people to change this regime. No Egyptian or Arab wants Egypt to fail”

“If the army believes that the imposed curfew will secure the buildings then I am with it, but we have until 7pm to protest ”

“We have the right to live with freedom & liberty in our own country. I learnt of my house arrest on TV, not sure if it’s true”

“This is their stupid way (house arrest). There are five million Egyptians who agree with my demands of change of regime”

“I will join the protests today and in the media and in any other way so that we achieve change today, not tomorrow”

“I will do my best, others can have opinions about me. They are welcome if they agree with me or not”

“My goal isn’t popularity or presidency, I want to serve my country. I have enough (personal) business”

“There were many international calls. I have many friends. Governments also called to ask about me yesterday”

“The Europeams & the Americans called me. I was disappointed by the US position on Egypt, the US adjusted their position later”

“The Europeans & the Americans called me. I was disappointed by the US position on Egypt, the US adjusted their position later”

“The US govt must choose between the govt of Egypt or the people of Egypt. I have personal respect for Obama”

“I spoke to them (US govt) to assure them of my well-being.”

“If the US govt wants a friendly Egypt they must stand with the people not with the regime”

“The translations were wrong, I said Egypt is ready for a new democratic govt & I won’t run under these conditions”

“I said that if the Egyptians wanted me to assume a transitionary (leadership) role I will not let them down”

“The goals of the movement I have founded are similar to other opposition parties, there must be free elections”#

“We need reform after 30 years, a society that respects knowledge. I am before anything an Egyptian”

“My goal is change. I said Mubarak must leave. I’m not sure that he will leave. Protests will continue if he doesn’t leave

There can be conciliatory solution. A new constitution where Egyptians have the right to choose their representatives”

“Articles 86 & 87 in the conditions must change to allow any Egyptian willing to run & international election observers”

“Articles 86 & 87 in the conditions must change to allow any Egyptian willing to run & international election observers

“Egyptians must choose their leader, who becomes president is up to Egyptians”

RT @TravellerW: “@ElBaradei, We’ll vote for any of the men or women who took the streets while u were skiing in Salzburg”

Wikileaks Links

WikiLeaks: The Next Generation
Right war, right reasons: day Gordon Brown came clean on Iraq
New York Times Robbery of Wikileaks
Assange’s collaborators get their knives out
Anonymous arrests shine a light on some (much) bigger issues

Other Links

Ayn Rand took government assistance while decrying others who did the same
Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare
Mandela’s life and times
Blair sister-in-law wants him tried for Iraq crimes
United States, Japan told time running out to deal with debt
Aboriginal Day of Remembrance
Protest outside Egyptian embassy in Yemen

Black Fella White Fella

Palestine/ Israel Links

Israel asked Palestinian Authority to kill al-Aqsa commander
Secret Palestine documents expose sham “peace process”
Breaking: 11 year old child arrested in Nabi Saleh
Israel rejects Palestinian capitulation
Warcrim Tony Blair criticised for ‘Israeli bias’ & advocating “an apartheid-like approach”
‘Black Swan’ director against Israel boycott

Other Links

ElBaradei sensing an opportunity for 2011 presidential run? “If the Tunisians have done it, Egyptians should get there too,” the former UN nuclear watchdog chief told Der Spiegel for an interview to be published on Monday.
Egypt’s government forbids more protests
Tunisia asks Interpol to issue arrest warrant against ousted president – where’s the 1.5 tons of gold, Ben Ali?
Healthy man in a sick Europe
Dr. Helen Caldicott : If You Love This Planet : Sundays at 3 pm EST
France deplores protests in Egypt
Demonstrations were held in Cairo yesterday demanding the ouster of President Mubarak and calling for reforms. This was inspired by recent events in Tunisia and by the works of our talented Associate, Carlos Latuff.
Mubarak’s son, family fly out to UK: reports
The Egyptian consulate in Britain was more forthcoming than the UK Home Office (see 12.38pm) on the reports that Gamal Mubarak (son of Hosni) and his family have fled to London amid the protests, my colleague Sam Jones tells me. A spokesman said to him:

We deny it. I assume he is in Cairo, but he’s not in London. That’s the truth of the matter.

The spokesman, who said the reports had originated on the US-based website, Akhbar Al-Arab, would not comment on whether Gamal Mubarak had any plans to flee Egypt.”
Police crackdown in Tunisia meets resistance
Robertson accepts US law award with warning to back off Assange
Aborigines must join in debate, says Aunty Doreen Linda Burney

Invasion Day 2011

On “Australia Day” many Australians project yobboish nationalism and drape themselves in the flag US-style, while the self-appointed elite sneer at the ‘bogans’ and ‘bevans’. Yet elitism is another form of the purulent racism with which Australia is infested, a miasm from the colonial aristocracy with roots in British class structure along with a more recent infection from the US ‘Me, me, me’ consumerist culture which values money, power and capitalist competition over community and cooperation.

At my place, we think of Australia Day as Invasion Day, the anniversary of the day our indigenous people saw white sails on the horizon, bringing Little England and its vapid social class structure, filthy diseases and other introduced species and destructive agricultural methods. This is my poem/song about the colonialists’ invasion of Australia.

Blow the Winds

Five years gone since my mate left home
he purchased his ticket to slavery
consigned him to another land
to wait for me in purgatory.
His pretty girl cried silken tears
sent to the gallows with cotton in her ears
they said she lied by the Rule of Law
born and bred a gypsy woman.

I’ll be going now, and I’ll see you soon
Sailing beneath the rising moon,
I’ll look for you in Melbourne town,
and there’s never been a heart so torn.

I stole an heiress in a field one morn
My heart’s in tatters and my hopes are gone,
In 1825, cold and wet and barely alive
I miss my woman and the babes she’s borne,
Fated to hang by a weeping judge,
Now sailing on the winds of scorn.

Blow the winds and fill the sails
take us to hell in New South Wales
The hulks are full in England
with many more like me
Bound to be Australians
with ironclad guarantees.

Me life’s not me own, I’m a Government man,
don’t remember when me term began,
the squatter’s chains rattle in me bones
to please the whims of the English throne.

Thrown into the white man’s cell
for laughin’ late and givin’ ‘em hell,
grabbed by the coppers, ripped from the land
no white fella can understand.
In 1985 another Murri suicides,
and there’s plenty more in Australia
of scoundrels such as me
Australia would be better off
if we’d hung on English trees.

Jin Jirrie

Palestine / Israel Links

Palestine Papers reveal limits of Israeli power
Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
US threat to Palestinians: change leadership and we cut funds
Livni: A lawyer ‘against law’? “Livni: I was the Minister of Justice. I am a lawyer… But I am against law – international law in particular. Law in general.”
Expelling Israel’s Arab population? Israeli negotiators, including Tzipi Livni, proposed “swapping” some of Israel’s Arab villages into a Palestinian state.
Rice: US army presence in Iraq protects Israel
Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
CFMEU & ASU support Marrickville
Palestine Papers: Why there will never be a State of Palestine
Boycott and I Choke
15 Hamas members arrested by PA
‘Haaretz’: it’s beginning to feel a lot like apartheid
US calls Israeli probe of flotilla raid ‘impartial’ – what a joke – the US tyrants back the Israeli tyrants’ lies
PA admits the memos are authentic; anger grows in the occupied territories and refugee camps across the region
Hamas initiates urgent consultations with Palestinian factions
Palestinian embassy to open in Ireland
@avinunu The criteria for obtaining US support is not whether you are democrat or dictator, but whether you are pro or anti US imperialism. #
Democracy under threat over EI funding, Dutch groups say
Lizzy Ratner: Detailing the Goldstone Report
Urge US Not to Veto Israeli Settlements Resolution
Possible source of Palestine papers leak

Other Links

Protesters take over Tahrir Sq
Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight
From Nasserism to collaboration
Jan 25th Coverage.. the beginning (Part1) – photos
After Tunisia: Obama’s Impossible Dilemma in Egypt

The Palestine Papers : Confirmation of Collaborative Rot

Al Jazeera’s ground-breaking scoop provides definitive confirmation of perfidy on the part of unrepresentative Palestinian ‘negotiators’ and of the falsity of the Israeli position. The Palestine Papers reveal that Israel shunned way more than generous settlement offers through which Palestinian leaders betrayed their people.

The Palestinian Authority proposed an unprecedented land swap to the Israeli government, offering to annex virtually all of the illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

Not only did the Israeli government offer no concessions in return, but – as The Palestine Papers now reveal – it responded with an even more aggressive land swap: Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert wanted to annex more than 10% of the West Bank (including the major settlements in Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel and elsewhere), in exchange for sparsely-populated farmland along the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The Israeli offer is documented in a Palestinian rendition of what’s colloquially called “the napkin map,” a rendering of which is revealed for the first time in The Palestine Papers.

Olmert met in mid-2008 with Mahmoud Abbas and showed him a map of the proposed swaps. Abbas was not allowed to keep a copy of the map, and so the 73-year-old Palestinian president had to sketch a copy by hand on a napkin.

And further:

The PA, in other words, never even really negotiated the issue; their representatives gave away almost everything to the Israelis, without pressuring them for concessions or compromise. Erekat seemed to realise this – perhaps belatedly – in a January 2010 meeting with [US president Barack] Obama’s adviser David Hale.

Erekat: Israelis want the two-state solution but they don’t trust. They want it more than you think, sometimes more than Palestinians. What is in that paper gives them the biggest Yerushalaim in Jewish history, symbolic number of refugees return, demilitarised state… what more can I give?

There is, in other words, seemingly no mutually acceptable policy for Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel, and other major West Bank settlements within a two-state solution – a fact the Bush administration was willing to acknowledge in July 2008.

Rice: I don’t think that any Israeli leader is going to cede Ma’ale Adumim.

Qurei: Or any Palestinian leader.

Rice: Then you won’t have a state!

Rice may prove to be correct: Two and a half years later, the parties are no closer to a solution on settlements, and the Israeli government may be gearing up to issue a “massive” new round of housing permits for illegal settlers in the West Bank.

Along with Al Jazeera, the Guardian also intends publishing the documents which it says show

* The scale of confidential concessions offered by Palestinian negotiators, including on the highly sensitive issue of the right of return of Palestinian refugees.
* How Israeli leaders privately asked for some Arab citizens to be transferred to a new Palestinian state.
* The intimate level of covert co-operation between Israeli security forces and the Palestinian Authority.
* The central role of British intelligence in drawing up a secret plan to crush Hamas in the Palestinian territories.
* How Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders were privately tipped off about Israel’s 2008-9 war in Gaza.

As well as the annexation of all East Jerusalem settlements except Har Homa, the Palestine papers show PLO leaders privately suggested swapping part of the flashpoint East Jerusalem Arab neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah for land elsewhere.

Most controversially, they also proposed a joint committee to take over the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City – the neuralgic issue that helped sink the Camp David talks in 2000 after Yasser Arafat refused to concede sovereignty around the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosques.

Desperately, the beleaguered Palestinian negotiators have attempted to ameliorate their irretrievable, exposed position:

Last night Erekat said the minutes of the meetings were “a bunch of lies and half truths”. Qureia told AP that “many parts of the documents were fabricated, as part of the incitement against the … Palestinian leadership”.

However Palestinian former negotiator, Diana Buttu, called on Erekat to resign following the revelations. “Saeb must step down and if he doesn’t it will only serve to show just how out of touch and unrepresentative the negotiators are,” she said.

In Haaretz, after Erekat is exposed as a traitor to the Palestinian people by the Palestine papers, he has the temerity to call Lieberman’s ‘map‘ a joke.

The current Likud platform, recommended reading, evidences the fact that Israel under Nutanyahoo has no intention of ceding a Palestinian state despite any of his stern blither – and indeed why relinquish a inch when talk of peace talks can delay resolution indefinitely, creating a facade that ‘something’ is being done, while Israel continues to steal more Palestinian land and oppress Palestinians, with the unmitigated support of its supine neocoloniser, the US. Israel’s leaders’ whines about “peace and security” echoed by its US consorts are always a cover for ziofascist expansionism and ethnic cleansing.

Even the lack of a US veto of the forthcoming UN Security Council Resolution to censure settlement growth is unlikely to restrain the avaricious Israelis, for what punishment has been visited on them by western governments for their contravention of the previous 28 UNSC resolutions of which they are in breach?

Ali Abunimah, who is analysing the Palestine Papers for Al Jazeera and will be commenting on them further this week spells out the bottom line in Electronic Intifada:

“The cover has finally been blown on a ‘peace process’ where there has been no transparency, honesty or accountability to the Palestinian people by those who claimed to negotiate in their name. What saddened me most as I reviewed hundreds of documents was to see how Palestinian negotiators — with no mandate from the Palestinian people — viewed the basic rights and interests of the Palestinian people not as objectives to be secured, but as obstacles to be fudged or mere bargaining chips to be frittered away to secure a ‘deal’ that could save the skins of the Palestinian Authority at almost any price.”

“What we can discern immediately from these documents is that the US-brokered negotiations, especially under the Obama administration, can never lead to the restoration of Palestinian rights and that the two-state solution is basically dead. In the long term, we will have to ask how the peace process charade, revealed in these papers, was allowed to continue for so long as Israel continued its relentless colonization of Palestinian land and the Palestinian Authority that was supposed to be a step on the road to freedom become a sophisticated tool of continued Israeli occupation.”

Tariq Ali affirms:

Many PLO supporters in Palestine must be weeping as they watch al-Jazeera and take in the scale of the betrayal and the utter cynicism of their leaders. Now we know why the Israel/US/EU nexus was so keen to disregard the outcome of the Palestinian elections and try to destroy Hamas militarily.

The two-state solution is now dead and buried by Israel and the PLO. Impossible for anyone (even the BBC) to pretend that there can be an independent Palestinian state. A long crapulent depression is bound to envelop occupied Palestine, but whether Israel likes it or not there will one day be a single state in the region, probably by the end of this century. That is the only possible solution, apart from genocide.

Tariq is unrealistic here, I think – by demographic pressures alone, one state would come about much sooner than the end of this century.

Thus, once again, the battle comes down to a principled struggle for equal rights for all – the end of Israeli apartheid and jewish ethnonationalist hegemony in historic Palestine. Given the Palestine Papers’ affirmation of Israel’s bad faith in ‘peace’ negotiations and complicity of the US with Israel’s intransigence, the rationale for boycotts, divestments and sanctions of Israel is affirmed once again.

Related Links

The Al Jazeera leaks that will bury the Middle East peace process
The Palestinian papers: Pleading for a fig leaf
The “napkin map” revealed
Palestinians rebuffed over Jerusalem offer
Palestine papers: Browse the documents
‘Palestinians agreed to cede nearly all Jewish areas of East Jerusalem’
Maan Newsagency cover for the Palestine Papers
The Palestine Papers: Secret Papers Reveal Slow Death of Middle East Peace Process
@DidiRemez IDF Radio: Olmert aide says J’lem #PalestinePapers correct; Weisglas gives PA another kiss of death by calling it “best PAL leadership ever” #
@Falasteeni: Now Abed Yasser mocking Aljazeera for emulating Wikileaks. I mock you for emulating Zionism, traitor. #PalestinePapers #
@avinunu: PA’s Abed Rabbo more or less directly and personally blaming Emir of Qatar for release of #palestinepapers #
@avinunu: PA’s Abed Rabbo is now launching a full-scale attack on Qatar and its Emir, who have nothing to do with #palestinepapers #
Documents reveal PA offered Israel “biggest Yerushalayim” in history
@MaxBlumenthal Erekat apologized publicly to Israel even after they rejected “the biggest Yerushalyim ever.” Remember this? http://bit.ly/fEgTNE #
This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over
The Palestine Papers: An end to the myth of Israel’s generosity
Rashid Khalidi: Leaked “Palestine Papers” Underscore Weakness of Palestinian Authority, Rejectionism of Israel and U.S.

Palestine / Israel Links

Water authority discloses Israeli crime on Gaza’s water supply
Israel to end Gaza electricity, water dependency – more foul play by Nutanyahoo afoot
“Who Owns Jerusalem” – A CAMERA Hoax Approved for MCLE Credit – CAMERA’s Latest Scam: The San Remo Irrelevancy and the Occupied Palestinian Territory
E-mail to the California State Bar on the “Who Owns Jerusalem” Hoax
Israelis Learn to Love the New Berlin
Lieberman’s “solution” : Palestinians will be forced to live on 13% of their original land
Support for anti-apartheid council
Boycott vote in Sydney suburb sparks media furor, death threats
Israel: New laws expose ‘democracy’
Obama will not veto UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements – of course, we will believe it when we see it.
The zioshill Turkel Commission decides Gaza is not being collectively punished. Zionists are accustomed to inventing past, present and future.
Jan. 25: Take Action to Protest FBI and Grand Jury Repression!
FBI targets U.S. Palestine activists
UN has duty to speak out for human rights, Ban says at Holocaust event
The Turkel Commission is fighting yesterday’s war
Obama will not veto UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements – Debkafile pushing propaganda again?
Dutch FM mulls slashing funding for anti-Israel charity – desperate Steinberg fighting his duplicitous lawfare campaign
Settlement issue isn’t Israel’s problem, it’s Obama’s
Water authority discloses Israeli crime on Gaza’s water supply
Lying to Australians for the Israeli government – Michael Brull exposes the collaboration with Israel’s crimes perpetrated by the Australian government and the media shills for Israel.
West Bank settlements threaten Palestinian existence
The Gaza Flotilla Public Commission Report in Full
Timeline: Palestine-Israel conflict
Wikileaks’ Israel cables show US complicity – ‘In contrast to what the US government says in public, the cables also show that it is fully aware that the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks it pushes cannot succeed, as “there is too wide a gap between the maximum offer any Israeli prime minister could make and the minimum terms any Palestinian leader could accept and [politically] survive”.’
on Hamas
Walk-out in Protest of an IDF soldier speaker at the University of Western Ontario
Israel’s Mavi Marmara report is whitewash
Lieberman’s map of future Palestinian borders is a joke
Palestinians find freedom in the surf of Gaza – ‘there are 40 surfers in the Gaza Strip, who share just 15 surfboards between them.’
Turkey’s interim report on Israeli attack
Israeli soldiers ordered to ‘cleanse’ Gaza

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