Ali Abunimah on the 9th International Al-Awda Convention

The Ninth International Al-Awda Convention is to be held at:

The Embassy Suite Hotel, Anaheim South
11767 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove, California 92840
April 29, 30, 2011

We call on all Palestinians regardless of organizational affiliation to join Al-Awda’s members and supporters at this year’s convention. We will address and collectively take steps toward changing our destiny as a people while we reaffirm our determination to return to our homes and lands. We can no longer stay silent while an un-elected, illegitimate leadership beholden to its U.S. and occupation masters is cravenly giving up on our rights.

To address these critical issues that our cause is facing, planning discussions that will merge brain storming ideas, strategy, tactics with action items will include:

* The Palestine Papers and the Arab people’s uprising; Impact on the Palestinian struggle and future organizing. Round-table and panel discussion with key speakers
* Boycotts & Divestment
* Refugee Support
* Cultural Resistance Through Various Forms of Art
* Palestinian Children’s Rights Campaign

Several young activists from the refugee camps will be taking part this year in hands-on workshops.

Among the Speakers at the Ninth Al-Awda convention are:

* Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, General Coordinator Palestinian Right of Return Congress, Founding President of the Palestine Land Society
* Abbas Al-Nouri, Syrian Arab actor of “bab el-h7ara” fame, political activist
*Diana Buttu, Palestinian lawyer, former legal advisor to Palestinian negotiating team
* Lubna Masarwa, Palestinian activist, survivor of Mavi Marmara massacre
* Laila Al-Arian, Palestinian Author, writer and producer with Al-Jazeera English, one of the lead producers of the Palestine Papers
* Dr. Jamal Nassar, Specialist in Middle East politics and Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at CSUSB
* Rim Banna, Palestinian singer & activist
* Najat El-Khairy, Palestinian porcelain painting artist
* Remi Kanazi, Palestinian spoken word artist, activist
* Youth from Refugee Camps

Palestine / Israel Links

Former Dutch PM tells Haaretz: European leaders can’t trust Netanyahu
ei: How Palestine’s uprising inspired Egypt’s
Israel Lobbyist Abraham Feinberg’s FBI File Released – Israeli mole raised money for Dems and for the secret Israeli nuclear weapons campaign.
Israeli Jets Level University Buildings in Gaza – What excuse does apartheid belligerent Israel have this time for destroying the University in Gaza? Knowledge is dangerous and Israel must defend against it?
Troops Arrest Eight Civilians and Distribute Demolition Orders to Villagers in the West Bank
Israel may ask U.S. for $20 billion more in security aid, Barak says
Netanyahu: If enemy rockets get to Jordan Valley, all of Israel will be a target
Knesset to outlaw consumer protests against the occupation
Details from Peace Now on massive new land grab by Israel in the West Bank – Israeli evil never fails to disappoint
Traditional cuisine ingredients are disallowed to indigenous Palestinians by the introduced human Occupiers.
Israeli PM: Military must remain in West Bank
The message warns foreigners that “meddling” by the US and EU is “putting your stay at risk”
Get this: On Thursday’s “day of rage”, Israel settlers distributed threatening flyers to several diplomats in the West Bank. #
MPs seek Green help to save upper house

Two of Labor’s leading left-wing MPs – the Deputy Premier, Carmel Tebbutt (Marrickville) and the Education Minister, Verity Firth (Balmain) – have written to their Greens opponents, Fiona Byrne and Jamie Parker, proposing a preference swap.

The Labor candidate for Sydney, Sacha Blumen, has also written to his Greens rival, De Brierley Newton.

”While I note that media reports have indicated that the Greens will not be preferencing Labor in the upper house statewide, I believe we can show leadership in the community of Marrickville,” Ms Tebbutt wrote to Ms Byrne. ”I suggest that both our parties should indicate to voters that we will recommend an exchange of preferences locally and in the upper house in the electorate of Marrickville.”

The three inner-city seats accounted for more than 10 per cent of the Greens’ upper house vote at the 2007 election. Labor believes if it can persuade the Greens to swap preferences in these seats it could alter the balance of power in the upper house.

However, the Greens campaign spokesman, Chris Holley, said: ”The Greens are encouraging voters to make up their own minds about whether to give a preference or not. The best way to avoid a conservative dominated upper house is to vote for the Greens.

Danby calls on O’Farrell to block Greens in Marrickville
ALP launches dirty tricks campaign

“There is absolutely no plan or intention to boycott China”, she [Byrne] said that day.

It was clearly a set-up by the ALP machine to try and smear the Green mayor.

The real story here is that the Labor party has been under pressure from supporters of Israel to reverse the council’s decision on the BDS.

Yet, all five Green councillors, all four Labor councillors and one independent councilor supported the motion.

Carmel Tebbutt, deputy Premier and Labor MP for Marrickville, made a point of stating at the candidates’ meeting that she did not agree with the council’s support for BDS.

She also tried to stop the chairperson — Eva Cox — from asking an anti-BDS speaker to finish up and ask a question. Tebbutt defended the person arguing that her “question” (it was a speech) had been “placed on notice”.

It is understood that some of the Labor councillors and rank-and-file members are furious with the Labor machine for its attacks over BDS.

As the countdown to March 26 begins, we can expect a lot more dirty tricks from Labor as the party faces an electoral wipeout, including possibly in a seat it has held since 1910.

Give Israel the South African treatment

As a Palestinian and a Jew, we salute Marrickville council for understanding that words about “two-state solution” and “peace process” are soothing to elite media and political ears, but desperate facts on the ground in Palestine require direct action in a consultative and non-violent way.

When governments fail to arrest the illegal march of colonisation on Palestinian land, it is not enough to wait for futile peace negotiations that only lead to a more deeply entrenched occupation.

Marrickville council is at least trying to advance the debate about occupation while our leaders visit Israel and dine with Benjamin Netanyahu.

Burqas under your bed
Wacky petition: Reprimand Terrorist-Sympathisers at Marrickville Council, Australia Q Society of Australia Inc

Ten local councillors from the suburb of Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia, in their official role as elected representatives of approximately 75,000 residents, have put forward an official resolution in December 2010 to:

“…boycott all goods made in Israel and any sporting, institutional, academic, government or institutional cultural exchanges…”.

By this action, the ten councillors have formally aligned their municipality with terrorist organisations seeking to overthrow the State of Israel, the one free and democratic nation in the Middle East, fellow UN member, and notably the only multi-ethnic state in the region where freedom of expression, equality, non-discrimination, free union movements, freedom of press and the rule of law are established and guaranteed. In short, they have espoused totalitarian values over Australian democratic values. They are playing into the hands of the Islamist Global BDS Movement and supporting the Hamas and Hizbollah terror groups and other international racist and anti-Semitic organisations..

This irrational act is not only alarmingly naïve, but by supporting the worldview of totalitarian Islam, represents an appalling abuse of our democratic process.

A council’s brief is to act in the interests of their residents, by organizing such things as rubbish collection, social services, catching stray dogs and regulating fence heights. They are not elected to engage in partisan foreign politics or involve themselves in the domestic affairs of other states. In particular, they must never be seen to side with totalitarian, anti-democratic religious fanatics who use terrorism and murder in seeking to destroy the democratic nation of Israel, with which Australia has strong and friendly relations.
We ask the Hon Minister for Local Government in the State of New South Wales (Australia) to reprimand the council of Marrickville for engaging in conduct unbecoming of a local municipality in Australia.

We consider that the conduct of this council is divisive, irrational and ill-informed, and that it deals with matters which do not and should not be included in the jurisdiction of a local municipality.

Muslim prayer group targeted
Fear, intolerance and a Muslim prayer group

Media Statement : Slander in Reporting on the Alma Road Community House Petition

The aim of Q Society of Australia is to tell the truth about Islam and Sharia law as we see it: That Islam is a totalitarian, political and religious ideology, of which Sharia law is an integral part, and that the further spread of Islam and Sharia law threaten our free, egalitarian and democratic society. Many national and international political leaders have voiced exactly the same concern. …

In consequence, our objection to the expanding use of this small Community House in Melbourne’s Jewish heartland as instant part-time mosque for up to 100 faithful, is not racist by any measure.
The nationality, race or ethnicity of the people involved is immaterial and was never raised by us. Q Society is very much in favour of a multi-ethnic Australia. We are not petitioning against Muslims praying, neither do we have any concern with members of Australia’s Islamic community peacefully gathering to worship in private, or in a designated place of worship. Peaceful assembly for worship
is the right of all Australians and there are now many mosques in Melbourne for this purpose. …

sermons are often used to incite violence against non-believers. So it is hardly alarmist to acknowledge local residents’ concern about this. It is evident that Friday prayers in the heart of Jewish Melbourne will inevitably create unease in a community already forced to employ security guards outside its schools and synagogues. It is a fact that foundational Islam contains many words fostering hatred of Jews and Christians, with the result that anti-Semitism and violence against Christian minorities is rife in the Islamic world.

While it is true the prayer group has received support from some Jewish groups, these are not representative of the whole of the Jewish community, but mostly progressive elements, who also support Palestinian causes either out of self-interest or a misplaced concern for “the Other”. Deborah Stone of the ‘Anti-Defamation Committee’ (ADC), proclaims “We at the ADC understand that by defending everyone’s freedom we ensure a freer society for ourselves.” But she fails to acknowledge that defending the freedom of intolerant Islam and Sharia ultimately threatens to destroy both her and our freedoms.

Civil rights organisation slams anti-Islam group

Egypt Links

Let’s buy democracy
Still Fighting in Cairo
Egypt activists call for Million Woman March
Feminism, Fear of Women, and Britain’s Student Protests

Libya Links

U.S. Prepares to Make Its Lunge at Libya’s Oil Fields
Video: Gaddafi insists al Qaeda is to blame for chaos and killings : is Israel orchestrating Gaddafi’s PR campaign?
Gaddafi sends negotiators to Benghazi

‘Asharq Al-Awsat- Informed Libyan sources in the city of Benghazi, where the headquarters of the Interim National Council are located, which has recently put forth its candidates to administer the country in the coming period, have revealed that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi yesterday sent a negotiator on his behalf to visit the Council. [Via the negotiator], the Libyan leader declared his readiness to abandon power and leave Libya, in return for ensuring the safety of himself and his family.’

International Women’s Day 2011

Outside our comfort zone, the raped and repressed face a long road to change
Abortion law reform is still unfinished business :

The law’s lack of clarity, its paternalism, the profound disconnect between it and community standards about privacy, gender equity and the entitlement of patients to ethical and professional medical care unequivocally demonstrates that it is indeed broke.

The charging of Cairns couple Tegan Leach, 19, and Sergie Brennan, 21, in 2009 with abortion-related crimes was a game changer. Here, at last, was incontrovertible proof that not only did the law of abortion denigrate, patronise and discriminate against Australian women, it also put them and their partners at very real risk of being charged, tried, convicted and sent to jail for undertaking what the World Health Organisation says is “one of the safest medical procedures.”

The Cairns case also exposed how confused Australians of reproductive age such as Leach and Brennan are about the laws of abortion that reign in their state or territory. How many Australians, perhaps even most, mistake the relative availability of safe abortion services as evidence that abortion is no longer a crime?

Wikileaks Links

Cyber fighters: The force with no name
Bradley Manning Now “Catatonic”; Obama ENOUGH!
‘There will be consequences’ for Manning’s mistreatment, Kucinich warns Sec. Gates

Indigenous Links

Traditional Education

Other Links

Sri Lanka: US Senate Calls for Justice
Protesters say Maliki is using special security forces to shut down demonstrations in Iraq

“Maliki is starting to act like Saddam Hussein, to use the same fear, to plant it inside Iraqis who criticize him,” said Salam Mohammed al-Segar, a human rights activist who was among those beaten during a sit-in. “The U.S. must feel embarrassed right now – it is they who promised a modern state, a democratic state. But in reality?”

Failing in Afghanistan successfully :

Despite hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of troops, the US is unable to conclude its longest war. All of which explains the rather blunt comments made in a speech at the end of February, by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates when he said “… any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should ‘have his head examined,’ as General MacArthur so delicately put it.”

Securing the Evolution – pidder

Thanks for Embracing BDS of Apartheid Israel, Pete Seeger!

Never say never 🙂 After playing in a deceptive virtual rally for the greenwashing Israeli Arava Institute which partners with the state land-grabbing device, the Jewish National Fund, Pete Seeger has had an epiphany, altered his stance and now supports BDS!

During a January meeting at his Beacon, NY home with representatives from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and Adalah-NY, Pete Seeger explained, “I appeared on that virtual rally because for many years I’ve felt that people should talk with people they disagree with. But it ended up looking like I supported the Jewish National Fund. I misunderstood the leaders of the Arava Institute because I didn’t realize to what degree the Jewish National Fund was supporting Arava. Now that I know more, I support the BDS movement as much as I can.”

Applaud Pete’s reversal in favour of justice and human rights by liking his facebook fan page and posting a message of approval.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to delegitimise itself by reprehensible actions toward children not of its preferred ‘flavour’ and pass unsavoury anti-boycott legislation (albeit watered down from the original fascist draft) in the Knesset..

the Israeli government may deport children from the Bialik Rogozin school, including one of the stars of “Strangers No More”:

Just a week after the Israeli media runs its hip-hip-hooray! reports of the win, the Oz Unit will start rounding such kids up. And one of the children is the 10-year-old star of the film. According to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel:

…10-year-old Esther who starred in the movie is facing a probable deportation alongside an estimated 120 pupils from her school. Esther fled from South Africa and arrived in Israel with her father four years ago – thus missing the five-year mark set as a condition to remaining in the country.

Interview with Omar Barghouti and Hind Awwad on the Palestinian BDS Campaign

Palestine / Israel Links

The Israelis keep bulldozing their village, but still the Bedouin will not give up their land
Arabic and Hebrew: The Politics of Literary Translation
A challenge to Israel’s mass propaganda
Adidas: Apartheid is not fair play, drop sponsorship of Jerusalem marathon
John Pilger: Behind the Arab Revolt is a Word We Dare Not Speak : The revolt in the Arab world is not merely against a resident dictator but a worldwide economic tyranny designed by the US Treasury and imposed by the US Agency for International Development, the IMF and World Bank, which have ensured that rich countries like Egypt are reduced to vast sweatshops, with half the population earning less than $2 a day. The people’s triumph in Cairo was the first blow against what Benito Mussolini called corporatism, a word that appears in his definition of fascism.
What Ian Did Next: McEwan in Jerusalem
FM KEVIN RUDD: Australia’s foreign policy interests in the Middle East 22Feb11
McEwan’s lousy acceptance speech, and reasons to be be cautiously optimistic
Israeli Gov’t May Deport Children Attending Tel Aviv School Featured In Oscar Winning Documentary

Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem’s visa revoked
Great-grandson of S.Y Agnon to McEwan: Don’t shake hands with apartheid
Award-winning Gaza journalist Mohammed Omer speaking in NYC area Mar 2-5
Israel should be given the South African treatment
Right of reply: The Palestine papers revealed nothing – Erekat in denial mode
Sewage without borders : Israel used money it owes the Palestinian Authority to treat untreated solid waste flowing into Israel, while settlement sewage still pollutes the West Bank
Talking to “socialists” about Palestine
US Palestinian Community Network to PA – ‘You’re fired’
Crying foul over criticism of Israel
Swedish FM, in rare move, to spend night in Nablus
The ‘Israel First’ Myth : simpering colonialism
Revised anti-boycott bill passed in Knesset Law Committee
Bay Area Says “Drown Out Apartheid” at Israel Philharmonic Performance
‘Gevalt, They’re Delegitimizing Us’ -a new play by Avigdor Lieberman and Benjamin Netanyahu
Pete Seeger endorses BDS, shuns Jewish National Fund
Oscar night at J St: Michael Sfard says Israel made ‘an immoral choice’ and makes it again, every day
Human rights lawyer Franklin Lamb detained in Beirut
Pete Seeger officially joins anti-Israel boycott
Israel vows to raze all illegal outposts built on private Palestinian land – well, really only 3.

The government will immediately dismantle all illegal settlement outposts built on privately-owned Palestinian land, with the sole exception of the house owned by slain Israel Defense Forces officer Eliraz Peretz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided on Monday in consultation with the defense minister and the attorney general.

The decision, which will be submitted to the High Court of Justice in response to 15 petitions demanding the outposts’ demolition, will apply to at least three outposts inhabited by about 100 families.

Report: Israel to legalize tens of outposts

Treacherous zio-imperialist Dennis Ross oozing sewerage about 2 states at the Jstreet convention

Egypt Links

Anti-Zionism, Anti-Imperialism and the #Jan25 revolution

Some DC pundits have been repeatedly on satellite TV stations claiming the Egyptian revolution had nothing to do with Israel or the US. Some even go as far as claiming this was “purely an internal affair.”

Those self described “ME experts” tend to neither know a word of Arabic nor visited Tahrir Square during the mass protests. The roots of this Egyptian revolt date back to September 2000, when street activism was revived again following a decade of dirty wary between the regime and the Islamist militants. There is a chain reaction linking those protests which broke out in solidarity with the Palestinian intifada to the current revolt.

Libya Links

Gadaffi: ‘’I am a delusional freak, who thinks that the people are protesting are protesting because they love me’’
Who is calling for American intervention in Libya?
Live Blog – Libya March 1
Libya unrest: US repositioning forces in region

Saudi Arabia Links

Why a king’s ransom is not enough for Saudi Arabia’s protesters : King Abdullah’s offer of bribes to his country’s alienated youth is no substitute for genuine reform
Saudi Arabia woke up on Wednesday to the announcement of thirteen Royal Orders that preceded the much-anticipated return of Abdullah by a few hours. The King’s “gift to the nation” signaled a major push for the improvement of everyday life of all Saudis by pumping $35 billion into comprehensive development projects in every region and corner of the Kingdom.

Bahrain Links

Protests at Bahrain’s parliament

Other Links

Searchlight poll finds huge support for far right ‘if they gave up violence’
Disgraced neocon Paul Wolfowitz appeared on CNN’s Zakaria show this morning and showed once again why he is a criminal weasel of epic proportions:
An Empire of Lies : Why Our Media Betrays Us

The imperial elites’ success depends to a large extent on a shared belief among the western public both that “we” need them to secure our livelihoods and security and that at the same time we are really their masters. Some of the necessary illusions perpetuated by the transnational elites include:

– That we elect governments whose job is to restrain the corporations;

– That we, in particular, and the global workforce, in general, are the chief beneficiaries of the corporations’ wealth creation;

– That the corporations and the ideology that underpins them, global capitalism, are the only hope for freedom;

– That consumption is not only an expression of our freedom but also a major source of our happiness;

– That economic growth can be maintained indefinitely and at no long-term cost to the health of the planet; and,

– That there are groups, called terrorists, who want to destroy this benevolent system of wealth creation and personal improvement.

These assumptions, however fanciful they may appear when subjected to scrutiny, are the ideological bedrock on which the narratives of our societies in the West are constructed and from which ultimately our sense of identity derives.

Bullying in an Aboriginal context
Independent Andrew Wilkie calls on Abbott to ‘lance the boil’ of racism in his party
White women and the privilege of solidarity

The Whitewash Apartheid Orchestra

Adalah-NY and supporters creatively protest the performance of the “Brand Israel” Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall on February 22. In the background, celebrated Irish composer and prominent activist for Palestinian rights, Raymond Deane, appreciates the innovative music of The Whitewash Apartheid Orchestra*.

The Whitewash Apartheid Orchestra
Credit: Ellen Rachel Davidson
The Whitewash Apartheid Orchestra
Credit: Ellen Rachel Davidson

Noelle Ghoussaini from Adalah-NY explains:

“Tonight we sent a clear message to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Israeli government’s “Brand Israel” campaign that their music cannot drown out Palestinians’ calls for justice.” The US protests respond to the call from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) to boycott cultural institutions like the IPO that work to normalize Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and whitewash the oppression of Palestinians in Israel, the occupied territories, and in exile.

Hundreds of well-dressed concert-goers paused on the edge of the sidewalk in front of Carnegie Hall, and looked across the street at the protesters’ signs, and listened to their chants and songs. Many were handed a mock IPO program that featured a cover photo of a past IPO performance in front of Israeli tanks for the Israeli army, and, on the inside, the PACBI’s call for an international boycott of the IPO.

Protesters held signs saying, “Israel Fiddles while Palestine Burns,” “Justice Presto not Lento,” “Without Justice There’s No Harmony,” and “Boycott the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra;” and they carried a banner with the words “Don’t Harmonize with Israeli Apartheid,” surrounded on each side by a violin with a rifle barrel as its neck. Protesters chanted, “We love Gustav, we love Mahler, but occupation makes us holler;” “For liberation take a stand, don’t let Is-ra-el rebrand;” and “Muslims, Jews, Atheists and Christians, stand for justice like Egyptians.”

In a street theater skit, a protester­­-turned-IPO conductor asked the crowd, “How can apartheid continue without us promoting the new, positive, aesthetically vibrant and civilized Israel? Don’t forget, there is “art” in “apartheid.” The conductor instructed three violinists to play progressively louder in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to drown out and cover up Israeli crimes against Palestinians that kept welling up behind the orchestra.

View the complete photo collection.

* Raymond Deane’s work “March Oubliee” will feature at a concert with Irish ensemble, the ‘Fidelio Trio’, in the Leonard Nimoy Thalia on the 24th February at 7.30pm.

The Fidelios Trio will also conduct a residency at the University of Illinois on the 27/28 February playing “March Oubliee”.

Other Current BDS Actions to Support

Support BDS in Marrickville – send a Marrickville Councillor a note of encouragement for their important stand for human rights.
CJPP Carry Bags – An environmentally-friendly, Palestine-friendly, ecosilk shopping bag. Strong, light and compact, to fit in your handbag or pocket. A stylish alternative to plastic bags!

Palestine / Israel Links

Fox reverses poll results to portray public as anti-union
This is the occupation: A letter from a reasonable woman
PFLP condemns Gaddafi regime’s massacres against the Libyan people | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Israeli airstrikes injure 16 Gazans
Army, Settlers, Destroy Palestinian Olive Trees in Al-Jab’a
Netanyahu: Mideast instability could last for years – dreaming of regional conquent still
The emergence of a new Arab world?
Obama’s folly: the human cost of the West Bank settlements

Libya Links

If the tide turns: some pros and cons of military intervention in Libya

Saudia Links

Saudi’s $36bn bid to beat unrest

Other Links

Dozens slaughtered by US forces in Afghanistan-Pakistan air attacks

One village resident told Pajhwok Afghan News that foreign forces intercepted a vehicle taking the wounded father to hospital, halting it for two hours. “The troops beat us and tied our hands,” the man, Psarlay, said. “Meanwhile, Patang died because of excessive bleeding.”

Another resident, 26-year-old Ezatullah, told the Wall Street Journal: “The house was completely destroyed by the strike. Only two children [aged] four and six survived.” He added that “thousands of people attended the funeral of the slain family Monday and are planning a protest against coalition forces Tuesday”.

Deputy AG loses job after tweet drama
Dept. Attorney General Jeff Cox is now Former Dept. Attorney General Jeff Cox and no longer is part of the Indiana AG’s office.
Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama & Neo-Liberalism are the Daleys’ Gifts to Chicago and the Nation. Thanks.
Fox reverses poll results to portray public as anti-union
Ruling on Assange’s Extradition Is Due on Thursday
The origins of the ALP
Egypt May End the ‘Obama Arms Bazaar’ – NOT!
Military budget of the United States

For the 2010 fiscal year, the president’s base budget of the Department of Defense rose to $533.8 billion. Adding spending on “overseas contingency operations” brings the sum to $663.8 billion.[1][2]

When the budget was signed into law on October 28, 2009, the final size of the Department of Defense’s budget was $680 billion, $16 billion more than President Obama had requested.[3] An additional $37 billion supplemental bill to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was expected to pass in the spring of 2010, but has been delayed by the House of Representatives after passing the Senate.[4][5] Defense-related expenditures outside of the Department of Defense constitute between $319 billion and $654 billion in additional spending, bringing the total for defense spending to between $1.01 and $1.35 trillion in fiscal year 2010.[6]

Christian Zionism Reinforces Israeli Zionism & Theft of Palestinian Lands

Alice Bach, a biblical scholar and professor at Case Western Reserve University describes how Christian zionists assist Israeli zionists to appropriate Palestinian lands through biblical ‘cultural heritage’ tours to Israel while US [and other nations’ including Australias’] tax deductible donations are sent to illegal Israeli settlements. I’m reminded again how Christian zionist biblical interpretation aligns with fabricated zionist mythology.

The video above accompanies an article on the Institute for Palestine Studies site.

CUFI’s financing and budget are difficult to trace, although its gifts to settlements, particularly the $6 million (CUFI’s figure) to the settlement of Ariel, are widely publicized to indicate the organization’s deep commitment to the expansion of the State of Israel.

Palestine / Israel Links

Ian McEwan and the writer’s commitment – eating the cake as well
Novelist Ian McEwan plays for both teams in East Jerusalem
Israel: US Veto on Settlements Undermines International Law

Other Links

Egypt, Cuba and The Wall Street Journal

Boycotting Israeli Apartheid in Australia


The Boycott of Israeli goods is part of an international movement known as the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement. The movement was initiated in 2005 by over 170 Palestinian organisations and has gained momentum internationally as the brutality of Israel has time and again been exposed to the world.

The main goals of the movement are to:

– Expose the true nature of Israel’s occupation and apartheid practices

-Give real value to human rights by making Israel accountable for its crimes

– Reveal and highlight the complicity of the international community in supporting Israeli crimes that relentlessly violate human rights and international law

– End international law support for Israeli occupation and apartheid with the understanding that apartheid cannot be sustained without external assistance.


– Support the boycott of all Israeli companies

– Inform yourself about the history of Israel’s occupation of Palestine

– Spread the word (share on facebook, myspace or any social sites, ‘like’ this video or add to favorites)

– Join the Campaign


Also see Israeli Apartheid is Worse Than Apartheid Practised by White South Africa

Australians for Palestine

Today’s Palestinian / Israel Links

Ziolobby putting heavy pressure on Marrickville Council – resist Israeli apartheid ! stay firm & BDS Israel
Israel boycott sparks furor, death threats
Netanyahu is beginning to resemble his friend Mubarak
In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council – not good enough, US
Deposing dictators is just the start of a Middle East transformation
The “Palestine Papers”: Grave Palestinian concessions met with utter Israeli rejectionism

Other Links

David Hicks relates the torture techniques and other outrages committed on him by imperial forces in Guantanamo.
The “Anti-Nationals” – repression and torture in India
Split in the royal family in Bahrain?
ABC reporter beaten in Bahrain
Live Blog – Bahrain
The Importance of Assimilation and Integration
Inside the Predator Drone Killing Machine
2011 Bahraini protests