The Egyptian Revolution Continues

Keep the revolution flowingThe roots of the Egyptian people’s revolution lie in the labour movement. It does not augur well that the ‘interim’ army rulers are intending to restrict worker meetings and strikes. In effect: ‘you won democracy so now give up one of democracy’s key tenets’.

From Reuters:

‘Egypt’s new military rulers will issue a warning on Sunday against anyone who creates “chaos and disorder”, an army source said.

The Higher Military Council will also ban meetings by labour unions or professional syndicates, effectively forbidding strikes, and tell all Egyptians to get back to work after the unrest that toppled Hosni Mubarak.’
Egypt’s military to warn against “chaos and disorder”

In response, an action plan which builds on the original strategy:

@3arabawy: Don’t trust the Generals! Don’t trust the Generals! Keep building your trade unions. That is the only thing that can protect our revolution. #

@3arabawy: Everyone should start forming unions & labor associations now. If we don’t build those now, we’ll be fucked by the regime soon. #egyworkers #

@3arabawy: Army is now warning against strikes. Remember when army took over in 1952, 1st thing they did: executing 2 strike leaders in Kafr el-Dawwar. #

@stupiditytries what are they going to do??? shoot people? let them try. if people want to organize, they will (and they should). #

@InasBseisos the military are waving with STICK after they already lured us with the carrot #Jan25 #

@jmayton: The military in #Egypt is not looking so “honorable” right now. Getting reports of people being roughed up by army. #Jan25 #

Egypt is now led by the Defence Minister and leader of the military, Hussein Tantawi.

Egypt’s new military rulers on Sunday suspended the constitution and dissolved a parliament dominated by the ruling party of former president Hosni Mubarak, after he was overthrown in a popular revolt. Skip related content

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces’ “communique number five”, which was read out on state television, said a transitional period of military rule would last six months while reforms were put in place to allow free elections.

The council announced the suspension of the constitution and said it would “run the affairs of the country on a temporary basis for six months or until the end of parliamentary and presidential elections.”

It announced the “dissolution of the lower and upper houses of parliament” and said it would continue to issue decrees during the transitional period.

The legislative body was seen as illegitimate following elections last year that were marred by widespread allegations of fraud and gave Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP) an overwhelming majority.

A committee will also be formed to oversee amendments to the constitution and a popular referendum will be organised to vote on the changes, the council said, in a bid to ease restrictions on presidential candidates.

The statement also confirmed Defence Minister Hussein Tantawi as Egypt’s de facto head of state.

“The head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will represent the council domestically and internationally,” it said, stressing its commitment to international agreements.

What is to come?

@RamyYaacoub From @Ghonim ‘s meeting with Military leadership: Constitution amendment council might be pumping out amendments in 10 days #Jan25 #Egypt #

A double narrative of the Egyptian people’s revolution is emerging after the military assumption of power : one is the solid perspective from the Egyptian trade union movement which built and is maintaining the revolution, and the other from the middle class represented in western media by Google executive Wael Gonim which responded in self-interest to the killing of middle class Khaled Said, attributing much of the revolution’s success to twitter and facebook and which now feels appeased. The alliance between the working class and bourgeois has proved a winning combination, but let’s not forget where the revolution started and continues – in the grassroots trade union movement.

Egypt Links

“There is a Pre-History to this Revolt”: As Egypt’s Military Bans Labor Strikes, Mona El-Ghobashy Examines How Egyptian Labor and Social Movements Laid the Foundation for Revolution
Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality
Army urges Egyptians to end strikes
Egypt’s military dissolves parliament, suspends constitution
Industrial Action Updates
Mubarak’s Folly: The Rising of Egypt’s Workers
Egypt’s military to warn against labor strikes
Biting the hand that fed you : Mubarak slammed U.S. in phone call with Israeli MK before resignation
Jordan Muslim Brotherhood: Israel, U.S. main losers in Mubarak ouster
Mubarak’s final hours: Desperate bids to stay
Revolutionary Socialism #Egypt #Jan25 #EgyWorkers [arabic]
Israel and new Egyptian leadership make contact
#Jan25 Opera #egyworkers on strike
Egypt’s military rejects swift transfer of power and suspends constitution
Wael Ghonim and Egypt’s New Age Revolution
Was the Revolution Facebooked? 1 of 2
Where in the world are the Mubaraks ?
Did Facebook bring down Mubarak?
Egypt’s thirst for freedom has intensified, even after Mubarak’s exit
Egypt: It’s Not Over Yet!
Egypt being governed same way as before, PM says
The rumor trail: Where is Mubarak?
Paul Barry: where’s Mubarak’s loot?
Egyptian military tortured, “disappeared” thousands of demonstrators
Mubarak in life/death state in Germany hospital
Visualizing The New Arab Mind
West has ugly history of blocking Arab freedom
Rendition For Mubarak: Hand Him Over To The Iraqi Resistance
Public transport #egyworkers strike
Egyptian activist Mona Seif: It’s a revolution, and it’s not over
OK. It is official. Wael Ghonim is starting to annoy me
Military urges halt to strikes gripping Egypt
Knowing and Unknowing the Egyptian Public

Palestine / Israel Links

#BDS: Focus On Israel’s Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Fast Train
Israel/Palestine: Apartheid of a special type?
Israel wary of changes in Egypt as ex-officials predict hostility

Indeed, Israeli officials appear to have little sympathy for the democratic aspirations of citizens in Arab states. As Gabi Ashkenazi, the outgoing Israeli army chief, was quoted by Israeli media as saying last week: “In the Middle East, stability is preferable to democracy.”

When will Obama start talking to Hamas and Hezbollah?
Hamas prohibits import of Israeli-manufactured clothing
Youth Against Normalization: #BDS: Boycott Sign in Washington State
Only someone like Mubarak could defend Netanyahu’s brand of democracy
Beit Ommar Demonstrators Protest Settlers, Vow Solidarity With Egypt
International/Egyptian March to Gaza, Rafah Crossing, on February 26th, 2011
Haaretz notices GOD TV’s role in JNF Forest of Hate (while GOD TV squirms)
Israeli and PA Forces Suppress Solidarity with Egyptians
An Open Letter to the Participants of the Red Sea Chamber Music Festival
Egypt’s revolution and Israel: “Bad for the Jews”
US vows to oppose UN resolution on Israel
Israel’s fruitless lie

Wikileaks Links

RT @crowdleaks: Search through all the #hbgary emails using the #crowdleaks search tool
For those who may be interested, got a response from @JuliaGillard to the open letter about #Assange.

Australia Links

1988 Anti-Bicentennial Cartoon Book
Remove Schedule 2 of the FaHCSIA and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
In Australia, a Fight Over Aboriginal Lands
Australia is the same as Israel – without guaranteed equal rights, all rights can be compromised by the majority racist government. Australia desperately NEEDS a Bill of Rights for real equality and justice.

Other Links

Live conversations and updates on Algeria protests as they happen!
Tunisia: An On Going Battle for Democracy
Uncertainty In Arab Countries After Protests Dispersed In Algeria, Yemen
@exiledsurfer: Protest schedule: #Bahrain #feb14, #Libya #feb17, #Algeria #feb19, #Morocco #feb20, #Cameroon #feb23, #Kuwait #Mar8 #
Inside the Muslim (Journalist’s) Mind
Four Myths About Iran’s Clerical Regime : Is Ahmadinejad an anti-imperialist, or really a deceptive populist?

Egyptians Reject the Tyrannical Status Quo

While Tahrir Square in Cairo remains the focus for pro-democracy protest, strikes to protest the Egyptian dictatorial regime are rolling across the fertile Nile Delta – even musicians are on strike.

Revolutionary rapper Lowkey comments:

“These democracy activists, as we speak that are in Liberation Square, are having their pictures taken by the State Security and State Television and by media all over the world and those activists are being targeted. They are being targeted with the full support of the United States. What the United States is trying to do at this stage is maintain the status quo, but change the face. They want a more acceptable face to the exact same status quo and the people are rejecting that status quo.”

While the US puts more stopgap suggestions to the Mubarak/Suleiman regime, Wael Ghonim expresses the wishes of the protesters. Move over, Malcolm Gladwell, here’s Wael Ghonim on the Egyptian Internet Revolution 2.0.

Egypt Links

The Palestine Cables: Egyptian VP Suleiman, Israel’s favorite, wants ‘Gaza to go ‘hungry’ but not ‘starve”
Exclusive: Mamdouh Habib interview on new US/Israeli Egyptian pet Omar Suleiman
US company helped Egypt spy on citizens
Labor Actions in Egypt Boost Protests
Egypt Revolution’s Actors: The Media (pt.1)
Obama and Egypt’s Future
Egypt takes aim at Al-Jazeera for protest coverage
Egypt: Strike! Strike! Strike!
Wael Ghonim: Negotiation days with Mubarak are over
Mubarak rumored to be planning ‘sick leave’ in Germany
Omar Suleiman warns of coup as tensions rise between Egyptian demonstrators, army
Egyptian workers take the lead
Iran refuses opposition permission to march in support of Arab uprisings
US Marines heading to Egypt?
Ben Ali and Mubarak: Brothers in arms
Meet Egypt’s Future Leaders
The Crumbling Anchors of Mubarak’s Support
Egypt’s army ‘involved in detentions and torture’
Musicians’ Union protest
US sets parameters for Egypt

Suleiman was quoted on Sunday as suggesting Egypt was not ready for democracy and a government statement said the emergency law would be lifted “according to the security conditions” — a phrase giving the authorities wide latitude.

As Egyptians staged one of their biggest anti-Mubarak protests yet, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs described Suleiman’s comments about democracy as “unhelpful.”

Mubarak, under pressure from more than two weeks of unprecedented demonstrations, has said he will not seek re-election in September but has refused to resign.

After Biden spoke to Suleiman by telephone on Tuesday, the White House issued a statement listing four steps the United States wants Egypt to take:

1. “Restraining the Ministry of Interior’s conduct by immediately ending the arrests, harassment, beating, and detention of journalists, and political and civil society activists, and by allowing freedom of assembly and expression;

2. “immediately rescinding the emergency law;

3. “broadening participation in the national dialogue to include a wide range of opposition members; and,

4. “inviting the opposition as a partner in jointly developing a roadmap and timetable for transition.”

#Jan25 Telecommunication workers on strike
Egypt and Poli-Sci US academia
Obama consults Saudi King Abdullah on Egypt

“The President emphasized the importance of taking immediate steps toward an orderly transition that is meaningful, lasting, legitimate, and responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.

“The President also reaffirmed the long-term commitment of the United States to peace and security in the region.”

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who is under siege after days of raging street protest is known to be close to King Abdullah, who has condemned efforts by what he said were “intruders” to interfere with Egypt’s stability.

‘We Focused Too Much on the Rulers’ – patronising EU racism about the arab revolt in Egypt
Richard Cohen: Egyptian democracy will be “a nightmare” – US racism against the arab revolt
Egypt army would intervene in case of chaos, minister says
Sheridan, faithful shill for Israel, lies and drums up fear of the MB in Murdoch gutter press
WikiLeaks: Suleiman told Israel he would ‘cleanse’ Sinai of arms runners to Gaza
The Revolt in Egypt is Coming Home – John Pilger
Hamas says Egypt ex-minister tied to church attack
The minister had tried to blame the bombing on a Palestinian group associated with AQ
Egyptian military & regime systematic discrimination against Copts
Prosecution investigates Interior Minister’s alleged involvement in church attack
Egypt says military intervention on table
J Street says it invited boycott advocate to its conference so as to pillory her

Palestine / Israel Links

The Palestine Papers, or How Everything You Thought You Knew about the Peace Process Was Wrong
Al Arakib villagers beaten and gassed as they protest the 16th demolition of their homes
Well Gideon, the poor people of Egypt may be ignorant in your view, but they are not stupid, nor ignorant of the scam that is pulled on them by their regime at the behest of imperialism.
AICafe 11.2: Practical Advocacy, BDS Actions in Europe
Israel bombs medical aid warehouse in Gaza EXCLUSIVE PICTURES
Education in East Jerusalem: A Prohibited Democratic Right
Center: Woman detained en route to brother’s cell
UK physician to TAU: Discipline pro-boycott academics
U.S. reaffirms commitment to Israel’s security
Center: Expired food at Israel prison
Temporary ban on Palestinians entering Egypt
Students protest Israeli diplomat Khaldi in Edinburgh
The glib ambassador – The Israeli envoy in Britain is wrong to condemn student protests
Israeli war criminal Barak whines about Egyptian democracy protests to Obama
Will Egypt Protests Boost Israel’s Budding Energy Market?
‘Army of Shadows’ Hillel Cohen
Wikileaks: The economic reasons behind the siege on Gaza
Personal data decision set to boost EU-Israel trade

Wikileaks Links

2011-02-09 Wikileaks responds to one of the Wikileaks tell all books

Other Links

Grassroots Support for Aristide’s Return
Turkey’s rising role in the Middle East and its foundering EU Accession – A star-crossed collision?
“All those involved in my treatment should be jailed for war crimes” Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner Mamdouh Habib speaks with WSWS
Torturing Democracy
‘Tortured’ British man in Iraq faces trial tomorrow
Young Activist Faces 10 Years in Prison After Trying to Save Public Lands From Oil and Gas Companies
Expelling journalists: a long-established FSB policy
The Iraq Briefing Book

Ultraracism == Ultrazionism

Palestine / Israel Links

Louis Theroux’s “Ultra-Zionists”: A chance to see what we’re up against

Bottom line – it’s a great watch, maybe even important. Particularly for viewers abroad. Because these nutters, who are a handful of extremists, are calling the shots in the West Bank today. And they can do whatever they want because government after government in Israel allows them to. And guess who allows those Israeli governments to do that? American president after American president.

This whole thing is worth watching, if only to get to the last minute of it. It’s when Louis interviews for the final time Daniel Luria, of the right wing movement Ateret Cohanim, which settles Jews in East Jerusalem. “There’s Jewish life in united Jerusalem”, he says to Louis as he looks him in the eye, “and there’s nothing – nothing – that you or the world can do about it. Nothing”.

That’s it in a nutshell. But if I may slightly correct Luria’s observation: the world has never tried to do anything about it to begin with. They’re enablers.

Hopefully, some viewers abroad will finally take responsibility and try to change that.

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
‘Rawabi developer says he will uproot JNF donated trees’
Rejoinder to Open Letter to JNF Leadership
Jewish Voice for Peace chief threatened over pro-Palestinian campaign
Rawabi: A national project that defeats its purpose
11 Palestinians wounded by Israeli attacks on Gaza Strip

Gaza, Feb. 9 (BNA) Eleven Palestinians were wounded in Israeli fighter jets attacks, the F 16 attacked several targets in Gaza Strip earlier today.
According to the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) nine citizens including two women and four children were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital after the missile attack on a workshop in north-east of Gaza. The bombing caused severe damage on a carpentry store leading it to burst into fire, as well as a pharmaceutical storehouse that belonged to the Health Ministry. The fighter jets targeted several other locations of Gaza, including a farming land east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, fishermen and west of Khan Younis. MYZ/E M.

Friends of Israel should thank Ronald Reagan
U.K. urges Israel to tone down ‘belligerent’ rhetoric amid Mideast uprisings – Hague refers to the fake peace process? what a joke.
BDS promises a just peace, unlike current US strategy
West Bank Streets Quiet as Palestinian Authority Suppresses Protests
Palestinian negotiator backtracks on CIA charge
Red Cross tents demolished in village
Partner of gay shooting victim to be deported

Egypt Links

Why Egypt will never be an Islamic state
Lazarus the Computer Riseth (with photos)!
Omar Suleiman, “Egypt’s Torturer-in-Chief,” Tied to False Iraq WMD Tortured “Intel”
Hasty’ reforms will lead to chaos: Egypt
Mubarak’s Fate in Military Hands
Egyptians remain stalwart in defiance
Allies Press U.S. to Go Slow on Egypt
Egypt VP: Protests must end soon
Obama’s man in Cairo
Why Egypt will never be an Islamic state
U.S. lawmakers now back Egypt aid

Influential U.S. lawmakers have eased their threats to cut aid to Egypt, reflecting a growing consensus in Washington for preserving U.S. leverage with Egypt’s powerful military amid the country’s civil upheaval.

The shift comes as Obama administration officials, the Pentagon and powerful pro-Israel groups in Washington urge continued aid to Egypt, about $1.5 billion a year, mostly in military assistance.

Although protesters in Cairo are demanding that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resign immediately, the Obama administration is urging a more gradual reform process, headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman, that would allow Mubarak to remain in office for now.

U.S. officials believe the military should play a crucial role in that process and deserves continued support. Pro-Israel groups fear that a loss of aid could jeopardize Israel’s security.

Just last week, a chorus of lawmakers backed protesters’ demands for Mubarak’s resignation, and some called for an aid freeze to force changes.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) had earlier said “all options are on the table,” including aid cuts. But in an interview Tuesday, he said that now “is just not the right time to threaten that.”

McCain said he was concerned that a reduction in aid might affect Egypt’s willingness to cooperate with Israel.

Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Senate subcommittee that oversees foreign aid, declared last week that he would not vote for aid to Egypt, adding that he knew no lawmaker who would.

This week, however, Leahy appeared to soften his position, saying through a spokesman that he would oppose any new aid “until the situation is resolved.”

White House officials said earlier in the crisis that they would review the aid if the Mubarak government didn’t move promptly toward political reform. But within a few days, officials clarified that they weren’t considering cuts to aid.

Administration officials are trying to preserve their relationship with the military, which they see as vital for carrying out political reforms.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised the Egyptian military Tuesday for its restraint and emphasized the need for the Egyptian government to move at a “steady pace” to enact promised reforms.

The Arab Nationalist Reawakening in Egypt and Beyond
Live blog Feb 9 – Egypt protests

Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s vice president, tells ABC news that Egypt currently lacks the necessary “culture of democracy” for the changes demanded by protesters.

The White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has called his comments “particularly unhelpful”.

Suleiman also blamed the protests for paralysing the Egyptian economy. “The big presence in Tahrir Square and some of the satellite stations which insult Egypt … make citizens hesitant to go to work,” he said.

Suleiman added: “We cannot bear this situation for a long time and we must end this crisis as soon as possible”.

The western companies propping up Mubarak’s Egypt regime
The Egyptian revolution establishes a new social contract and values by Nawal El Saadawi –

“This is such a gala for all of us, for all of us, the festival of freedom, dignity, justice, creativity and rebellion.” “A young man named Ahmed Galal said, “We are a popular revolt that establishes a new social contract, not just demands, and our slogan of this revolution is ‘equality of freedom of social justice.’ The people who made this revolution are the ones who should put the rules for the new governance, choose the transitional government, select a National Committee to change the constitution, the committee of wise men of the revolution, so as not to allow opportunists (the owners of wealth and power) to impose on us committees of wise men who did not participate with us in this revolt.”

Robert Fisk: Week 3, day 16, and with every passing hour, the regime digs in deeper
Activist’s tears may be game changer in Egypt
Egypt: Kareem Amer latest to go missing
Wael Ghonim – a new face of Egypt’s revolution
The Muslim Brotherhood uncovered
Anzalone: The Muslim Brotherhood Myth
Egypt: New accreditation rules; military obstructs media
The Egyptian Army: also known as the surrenderers
WikiLeaks: Israel’s secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak

Mr Suleiman, who is widely tipped to take over from Hosni Mubarak as president, was named as Israel’s preferred candidate for the job after discussions with American officials in 2008.

As a key figure working for Middle East peace, he once suggested that Israeli troops would be “welcome” to invade Egypt to stop weapons being smuggled to Hamas terrorists in neighbouring Gaza.

What will become of Israel if Mubarak falls? – Israeli hasbara
Israel and the Palestine Papers: An Exercise in Etymology

The Palestine papers are groundbreaking documents in more than one way. They show that Palestinian negotiators approached the negotiations with a set of serious propositions. But they not only demonstrate that Israel in fact has a partner for peace talks—they also present Israel with a choice. Indeed, Israel can either reclaim its democratic values and drop the transfer plan, or it can drop the pretenses and assert its position as the regional peace refuser.

A Friendship of Values, Not Convenience – hasbara drivel

Wikileaks Links

US air force backtracks over WikiLeaks ban

Other Links

“What Does the Future Hold for Syria?” By George Saghir
AP IMPACT: At CIA, grave mistakes, then promotions – As the empire exculpates its crooks at the top, so does it protect (and promote!) its flunkeys.
Tunisian regime seeks emergency powers against mass protests
Gillard delivers indigenous report card
US House defeats anti-terrorism powers extension
Phone hacking victim tells her story – how Murdoch ruined the life of an ordinary Australian
Statement on Aboriginal rights by leading Australians
Australian PM tells Aboriginals to help themselves
Commemorating the indigenous resistance to invasion – Tunnerminnerwait and Mauboyheenner

The Empire Dithers

Whilst the US will strive to ensure that a government friendly to imperialism and neocolonial interests will continue in Egypt, P. J. Crowley defined the stance of the US early after the beginning of the mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square and elsewhere in Egypt.

Crowley… on the 26/1:

‘We are monitoring the situation in Egypt closely. The United States supports the fundamental right of expression and assembly for all people. All parties should exercise restraint, and we call on the Egyptian authorities to handle these protests peacefully.

As Secretary Clinton said in Doha, people across the Middle East – like people everywhere – are seeking a chance to contribute and to have a role in the decisions that will shape their lives. We want to see reform occur, in Egypt and elsewhere, to create greater political, social, and economic opportunity consistent with people’s aspirations. The United States is a partner of Egypt and the Egyptian people in this process, which we believe should unfold in a peaceful atmosphere.

We have raised with governments in the region the need for reforms and greater openness and participation in order to respond to their people’s aspirations – and we will continue to do so.’

Initially the Israel FM said “We are closely monitoring the events, but we do not interfere in the internal affairs of a neighboring state.”

While in Haaretz:

‘Israel expects the Egyptian government to weather the protests roiling the country and to remain in power, an Israeli Cabinet minister said Thursday, providing Israel’s first official assessment of the crisis affecting its powerful southern neighbor.’

‘Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Cairo, said it is in Israel’s interest for Mubarak’s regime to survive since the alternatives, ranging from an Islamic government to the secular opposition, would be far less friendly to the Jewish state.

“I am very much afraid that that they wouldn’t be as committed to peace with Israel, and that would be bad for Egypt, bad for Israel and bad for the U.S. and the West in general,” he said.’

Once Nutanyahoo determined a racist angle would be most powerful, off he went. (I really loathe quoting Judith Miller at Foxnews, but still)

‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Mubarak by phone early in the crisis, the Israeli press reported, assuring him of Israel’s continuing support. Netanyahu, breaking almost a week of silence about the mass protests and riots sweeping Egypt, on Monday warned Islamic extremists could well fill a political vacuum and threaten the peace between the two nations.

And we now have a divergence appearing in the US ranks, with ex-CIA special US envoy Wisner spouting a more Israel friendly line, to the annoyance of Crowley:

‘Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak must stay in power for the time being to steer changes needed for political transition, U.S. President Barack Obama’s special envoy for Egypt said on Saturday.

“We need to get a national consensus around the pre-conditions for the next step forward. The president must stay in office to steer those changes,” Frank Wisner told the Munich Security Conference.

State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said Wisner “didn’t coordinate” his comments with the administration, and he was not in officially representing the U.S. following his trip to Cairo ‘

Obama yesterday:

‘He said the United States can’t force anything on Mr. Mubarak, but said that “what we can do is we can say, the time is now for you to start making change in that country.”’

Is the US is having a bet each way? Certainly, they are certainly dithering.

If the US cut off military aid, would the army immediately side with the people whom they should be defending and not the regime?

It’s extremely dangerous imho for dissenters if either Mubarak or Suleiman or another of the NDP camp continue to lead until elections are held, as these strongmen thenwould have ample opportunity to crack down further. There would also be more potential for the forthcoming elections to remain sham or be delayed and for opposition parties to be repressed and banned once more. All for in the name of ‘stability and security’, of course.

Emboldened by concessions from the regime and admant upon Mubarak’s departure, the protestors remain in Tahrir Square for the week of resistance. Obama is realistic about the Muslim Brotherhood though does not demand Mubarak leave immediately. Hillary Clinton channels Crowley’s earlier statements about Wisner:

The US President yesterday described the Muslim Brotherhood as well organised with strains of anti-US ideology, but dismissed the group as just one faction. “They don’t have majority support in Egypt,” Mr Obama said.

Optimistic about Egypt’s future after days of turmoil, the President said he was confident the US could work with the country’s next government after elections. “What I want is a representative government in Egypt,” he told Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly. “I have confidence that if Egypt moves in an orderly transition process, we will have a government in Egypt that we can work with together as a partner.”

He stopped short of saying Mr Mubarak should quit immediately, as protesters demand, but insisted transition start now.

“Egypt is not going to go back to what it was,” he said. “The Egyptian people want freedom. They want free and fair elections. They want a representative government. They want a responsive government.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rushed to distance the administration from comments by former US envoy to Egypt Frank Wisner, who delivered a message on Mr Obama’s behalf urging Mr Mubarak to step aside only a week ago.

Mr Wisner created confusion when he said Mr Mubarak’s leadership remained “utterly critical” during the transition and that he should remain in office until September. Mrs Clinton said Mr Wisner “does not speak for the American government. He does not reflect our policies, and we have been very clear from the beginning we wanted an orderly transition.”

From Israel, continued snorts of approbation bellow from the politeratti with Dore Gold comparing the US thrust to their reactions during the overthrow of the Shah.

“Massive demonstrations were being held in the streets of Tehran, calling for the ouster of the shah, who had been America’s key ally in the Persian Gulf.

“The White House did not know quite what to do: back the shah or seek his replacement,” he wrote, warning the Obama administration not to “repeat the errors” it made by failing to back an ally facing protests, in the name of democracy.

Related links

Obama envoy Wisner works for Egypt military, business lobbyists
Egypt: Tahrir Square’s Mini Utopia
Egypt’s new cabinet meets as protests continue
Report: German intelligence agents arrested in Cairo
The World Turned Upside Down
The Egyptian mirror
US special envoy to Egypt recalled due to ties with Mubarak regime

Palestine / Israel Links

Jerusalem set to approve contentious Jewish housing in Arab neighborhood
Ten Arrested in Dawn West Bank Invasions
Unlike Egyptians, Israelis support restricting expression
Faithless dedicated to BDS
Interview with Omar Barghouti and Hind Awwad from the Palestinians Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign
It will not happen to us
Palestinians want Bethlehem on UN heritage list
‘Turkey and Iran to triple bilateral trade despite nuclear sanctions’

Oracles of the New

Zizek in the Guardian:

The hypocrisy of western liberals is breathtaking: they publicly supported democracy, and now, when the people revolt against the tyrants on behalf of secular freedom and justice, not on behalf of religion, they are all deeply concerned. Why concern, why not joy that freedom is given a chance? Today, more than ever, Mao Zedong’s old motto is pertinent: “There is great chaos under heaven – the situation is excellent.”

Where, then, should Mubarak go? Here, the answer is also clear: to the Hague. If there is a leader who deserves to sit there, it is him.

Egypt Links

Mubarak is still here, but there’s been a revolution in our minds, say protesters
#Jan25 The injured in Tahrir won’t leave
U.S. Trying to Balance Israel’s Needs in the Face of Egyptian Reform – Implausible Undeniability
2 Detained Reporters Saw Secret Police’s Methods
Israel isn’t the center of the Mideast, or of the world