Let me count the ways
all the amerikkkan beauties,
these squawling babies
wailing and whining
for the mango trumpolini,
detachable dicks prickling
on the streets howling –
who gave guns to infants
to spray shit on the wall
when they don’t get their
caterwauling way?
was it the walrus,
the pet goat,
the cat in the hat,
the goose or the gander,
thomas the tank engine
chugging across the
privatised stolen land of oz,
humpty trumpty or huck finn,
tweedle dum or tweedle dee?
pulitzer or pulling yourself?
the people can take back
the profits of their labour
from the profiteers
of the animal farm
only when the swaddling twaddle
is ripped away,
coo coo achoooo!
Jinjirrie, November 2020

November 8, 2020
Trumpolini clings to his throne
Like a dog with a juicy bone,
Soon in a cell he’ll be alone,
His official protection blown.
Jinjirrie, November 2020
There once was a man who wouldn’t concede,
Narcissism wreaks ironic hubris,
So they’ll recount the vote till all agree
Trump’s the whiniest loser in US history.
Jinjirrie, November 2020
Yeah Right, Pull the Other One aka Open Proxies
Blame Russia, China and Iran,
Scapegoats for a convenient
Trumpolini election scam,
Banking on collective narcissism
Of a rotting, desperate empire
in the final stages of disintegration.
Jinjirrie, November 2020
#ScottytheBully is the epitome of misogyny,
Interrupts and wanks over Ruston casually,
Dismissing exploitative front bench lechery,
And the culture of sexism endemic in the LNP.
Jinjirrie, November 2020
Deep Within a Journalistic Silo
It’s only taken 6 years for journalists to discuss this.
NB Edit to Humpty Trumpty in ‘Let me count the ways’ snitched from Phillip Adams
Scummo interrupts Anne Ruston