Australia’s Shame on Manus Island

Manus Island Has No Dentists

You privileged imperial settler fucks
squatting on top of stolen earth,
tormenting the tormented
who flee from wars you helped create
with scheming crony capitalist mates,
may you suffer a thousand abscesses,
temporary fillings for absent justice
and learn firsthand about
pain you inflict on others
with closed ears, slammed racist doors,
gnashing sweet-toothed fangs
on Tim Tams and Cadbury tours,
privileged slick white saviour thieves
who send hand-patters, guards and no dentists,
may your monocultural destruction
destroy you and the land regenerate
on the bones of sociopathic corruption.

Jinjirrie, March 2013.


‘There is a lack of medical treatment and medicine for all diseases. The medical team suggests drinking water as the only treatment.

The only medication is Panadol, which is used as a painkiller to reduce pain temporarily but is no cure.

There is no dentist or dental treatment on the Island. Many of the detainees suffer from dental problems and the excess use of Panadol not only doesn’t help the pain but causes stomach and kidney problems.

There are no recreational or educational activities in this camp and as a result detainees are experiencing extreme mental and psychological problems. ‘


Grabbits wall to wall across the nation
Kiss pristine environment goodbye,
Grabbitating forests to grabbit mates
Greedy Grabbits don’t share the pie.

For Grabbits grasp as grabbits do
Farewell your civil liberties,
What’s good for them isn’t good for you
No protests to hinder productivity.

It’s work till you drop
for trickled down slops,
Like scum, Grabbits settle on top
Grabbits want the whole damn lot.

Jinjirrie, March 2013.

Related Links

Tony Abbott confesses his guilty food pleasures and diet secrets
Syrian repatriation in the face of death: ‘The Department for Immigration offered repatriation to two Syrian asylum seekers on Manus Island, despite one saying he faced “certain death” if returned, according to leaked case manager documents obtained by Guardian Australia.’
Government pressures Manus asylum seekers to return home while pressuring to allow attackers back in

Brandeis: “We Grabbits will force you to grabbit from our pet grabbits or you will be cut off at the knees, left to moulder in the outer limits.”

Racist Australia Warehouses Its Crimes Against Humanity Offshore

Reza Barati

Murder on Manus

whistle-blowers risk careers to broadcast
asinine liberals heave blameless sighs
colonial deniers abuse the outcast
seduced by dog-whistling shyster lies.

little learned from past but how to forget
racist wheel turns, has lost its brakes
we are deformed by all we have met
this banal society banality makes.

Jinjirrie, February 2014.

Related Links

If G4S is to blame for Manus violence, the government has blood on its hands

During Question Time on Monday, Scott Morrison insisted that Papua New Guinea was ultimately in control of the Manus Island detention centre. The implication is clear: the Australian government is attempting to distance itself from G4S and from the reports of what occurred there. But the fact is that G4S is on Manus Island thanks to a contract with the Australian government. It is being paid with Australian taxpayer dollars, in furtherance of an Australian government policy.

Reza Barati’s family: ‘We want answers. What did they do to him?’

Australia’s obscene cruelty toward refugees which it stores out of sight in its gulags overseas cannot be ignored and must be stopped. There’s no real dentist on Manus Island, says whistleblower Azita Bokan.

“Put it this way, the very simple things – everyone is in a queue hoping that maybe one day there will be a miracle and they will get a dentist there. Everyone is having massive pain. They are beside themselves with pain and all that’s been done is they take them to the guy that calls himself a dentist and all he does is he pulls teeth out. And most of them, their tooth has been pulled out – teeth that could have been saved. “

PNG police prelim report: Refugee Reza Barati was murdered by multiple head injuries.

A Manus Island migration agent has turned whistleblower, saying the whole asylum seeker processing system there is ‘fake’.

Settler Colonialism is Nothing to Celebrate

Invasion Day 2014

Flame Tree
i distrust whitey
for bloody good reasons
distrust my white privilege
may i be invaded
dispossessed of entitlement
sail ships around ignorance
predations on environment
give back land to land
its song to settle on me
to sustain future
make treaty with truth

Jinjirrie, January 2014.

Related Links

From invasion to resistance in Australia

“Capitalism could not flourish without crushing the resistance of people who wanted to live differently, writes Tom O’Lincoln in Red Flag. That has been true in every corner of the globe. Private property, wage labour and the drive to accumulate capital were incompatible with Aboriginal society. That incompatibility was the basis of the genocide that followed.”

Episode 22: Fuck Off You’re Full Of It* – We Don’t Celebrate Genocide

Why It’s Time to Redefine Australia Day

‘I concluded some time ago now that those who regard Australia Day as Invasion Day are right; the early governors such as Lachlan Macquarie viewed their conflict with the Aboriginal people as war and the terrible orchestrated violence against our Indigenous people lingered well into the 20th century.

Most Australians don’t know – or don’t want to know – about the extent of the violence that accompanied European colonial settlement and that is still synonymous for black Australia with Australia Day.’

Invasion Day: Nothing to Celebrate

Today, on Invasion Day while we remember that “white Australia has a black history” and commemorate the resistance of the Indigenous Australians and the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and our cultures, it is also important that we stand in solidarity with refugees who are being incarcerated by the repeated Australian governments (including the Rudd, Gillard and Abbott govts) in hell holes on Manus Island and Nauru.

Unsurprised a Canadian settler makes the same arguments as zionists do to assert faux “Indigenousness”, like ‘I was born here’ and ‘the 1st Nations people once came from Asia.’ And this is a Canadian settler who supports the liberation of Palestine from zionism.

Angela Mitropoulos on borders, white supremacism and incitement of racism in Australia’s military

“The violence, and indeed increasingly extra-legal violence, that increasingly enforces these shifting bureaucratic and legal placements of the Australian border propels an ever-greater recourse to mythic or naturalised definitions of what it means to be Australian.

But even without these turns to an explicit Southern Cross fascism, widespread Australian emotional attachments to invocations of sovereignty are an expression of colonial anxieties and white supremacy. The borders of Australia are the legacy of English colonization. They are neither natural or eternal.”

Australian navy white supremacist ties busted

Protesting against racist Australia Day in Brisbane

Calling for UN Sanctions Against Australia

In today’s Guardian, Ant Loewenstein rightly advocates the use of UN sanctions to pressure the Australian government to end its regime of terror against hapless refugees corralled in offshore detention camps. Sanctions would make Australians, their racist government, the Australian media and the world sit up and take notice and apply punitive pressure to end Australia’s disgraceful treatment of refugees.

Western leaders live under the belief that they can behave as they like to the powerless and invisible. Asylum seekers are essentially voiceless, reporters are barred from visiting where they’re warehoused in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, and the daily drumbeat of dishonest rhetoric wrongly accuses them of being “illegal”.

Even the threat of sanctions against Australia would enrage the Abbott government and its backers. Australia is a democracy, they will claim. Australia’s decisions are checked and approved by lawyers, they may argue. Australians can vote out recalcitrant regimes, they could state.

And yet transparency over asylum seeker policy has arguably never been more absent.

The shared impunity which the US delivers to its fellow settler colonial human rights abusers is an insult to justice. This impunity must end in order that criminals who abuse human rights of others can be brought to justice. The West has no credibility unless it makes an effort to adher to the values it claims it represents when its orientalists laud it over others.

The Australian government feels invincible, protected under America’s security blanket and selling its dirty coal to the world. We are sold the myth that building remote detention camps will protect us from the “hordes” trying to enter our promised land. It’s impossible not to conclude that Australia, a colonial construction, doesn’t see itself akin to Canada, the US and Israel as countries struggling to cope with people various officials call “infiltrators”. That bubble must be burst, and the threats of sanctions will be the required shot. Until Australia and its defenders appreciate the necessity to treat asylum seekers with dignity and respect, they should feel the world’s opprobrium.

Australian academic faces Israeli lawfare attack from the Shurat HaDin

The right to criticize the policies of another country are at stake

Today an Israeli based law centre, Shurat HaDin, filed a case in the Federal Court of Australia, against Professor Jake Lynch from the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. They claim that he has supported policies which are racist and discriminatory by his specific endorsement of an academic boycott of Israeli institutions and individuals representing them. Jake Lynch has refused collaboration with Hebrew University because of its support of the illegal occupation of Palestine and close connections with the Israeli armament industry.

This lawfare attack against academic freedom and freedom of speech has been condemned by over 2000 Australian and international human rights advocates from some 60 countries, who have all signed a pledge supporting Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel because of its well documented and clear violations of international and humanitarian law, and offering to be co-defendants in any legal action taken against Lynch.

Shurat HaDin has taken many similar actions internationally against groups who support the BDS movement. Professor Stuart Rees comments, “It seems that this firm, Shurat HaDin works in the civil courts as a proxy for the Israeli government and security forces, seeking to shut down any criticism of the state of Israel and its ongoing human rights abuses and violations of international law.”

In August, Shurat HaDin lodged a complaint in the Human Rights Commission against Jake Lynch’s refusal to sponsor an Israeli academic from the Hebrew University, now they want to silence this highly regarded academic, by taking their complaint to the Federal Court. This challenges the right to take non violent action in support international human rights law and the rights of the dispossessed Palestinians. Australians for BDS condemns racism in all forms, and specifically anti-Semitism.

“Israel’s occupation and ethnic cleansing machinery continue unabated but the moral force that used to drive that process is fast eroding and, as out of touch as the Abbott government and anti-BDS activists in Australia may be, there is an undeniable shift in the balance of moral power. International civil society is holding Israel to account in a way no government has ever been able to do”.

Press release by Randa Abdel Fattah, Australian Palestinian lawyer and writer.

Press conference with Professor Stuart Rees and Professor Peter Slezak
Date: WED Oct 30th (today)
Time: 2pm
Location: Queen’s Square, Junction of King, Phillip and Macquarie Streets, Sydney (St James Station)’s_Square,_Sydney


Professor Peter Slezak speaks at the press conference:

Related Links

Academics to fight Federal Court action claiming support for BDS racist
Two Thousand Defendants For Human Rights
Israeli lawyers group Shurat HaDin unmasked as Mossad proxy
Defending The Right To Dissent
Defend free speech and human rights and support the BDS
The Israeli government’s official ‘lawfare’ contractor