Win, win, win!

Fox news idiotsToday in the latest Newsweek polls, Doodoo Dubya has managed only 26% – the slimy ratbag is now down to Nixon crim levels.

To celebrate, we introduce you to feisty Texan political blogger Chilled Beer, who is holding a competition for a Super Troopers DVD … see here for more details.

NB The woeful Doodoo polling has been overshadowed by a Gallup poll touted by the major vulture media purporting to show that only 14% of US folks have faith in Congress. And why would they have faith in a numbers-nobbled Congress which has been unable or unwilling to prevent their treasonous, lying Prez from careening on his villainous, idiotic way.

Meanwhile, Hillary is leading the polls as contendaress in the 2008 election. Consider Larry Sabato’s poignant questions thrusting at the inbred elitism of seppo politics:

How is it that the country is on the verge of filling its highest office for the sixth consecutive term from one of two families? That every President from 1989 to 2017 may be a Bush or a Clinton is a national disgrace. What has happened to the American Republic? How does it differ from a banana republic–where a couple of dominant families often run everything for generations? Have we driven the vast majority of the potentially best Presidents out of the contest because of the high personal and professional costs of running for office? Are we the voters responsible because we are too lazy to go beyond the simplistic attractions of familiarity and high name identification? Or, most disturbing of all, has our political system become ossified, so that we are too fearful of change to seek out the most outstanding leaders among us for the toughest job in the world?

We don’t pretend to have the answers. But we are shocked and dismayed that more people aren’t even bothering to ask the questions.

We are cynical and doubt sufficient US serfs will wake up prior to the elections to the devious dynastical con being perpetrated on them by their feudal lords and lordesses. Furthermore, those who consider themselves imperial citizens naturally require and feel comfortable with imperial rulers.

While we wait …

And watch and listen …

Our national politics, let alone our international political predilections are nearly too sickening at present for words anyway. While the rodent postures and preens over indigenous causes which he has patently ignored for 10 years, he is touting devious plans to allow forced entry to aboriginal communities – cornucopia for mining interests? He is preparing for the campaign of his miserable ratty existence, the outcome of which despite the woeful Liberal polling is by no means assured.

Little Johnny’s immoral counterparts and allies, the terrorist state of Israel and its bevy of international cowering zealot minions with their individual imperial ambitions, piously condemn the popular democratically elected so-called ‘terrorist’ government of the overly occupied terrorities in favour of their now allies of convenience, the terrorist Fatah brigades. Terminally blinkered Western proponents of democracy thus are seen to regard democratic governments as legitimate if they undemocratically support policies which their electors patently do not.

There is a reason the people threw out Abbas’ Fatah party in last year’s election. Palestinians see the leading Fatah politicians as unimaginative, self-serving and corrupt, satisfied with the emoluments of power. Worse yet, Palestinians came to realize that the so-called peace process championed by Abbas (and by Yasser Arafat before him) had led to the permanent institutionalization — rather than the termination — of Israel’s 4-decade-old military occupation of their land. Why should they feel otherwise? There are today twice as many settlers in the occupied territories as there were when Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat first shook hands in the White House Rose Garden. Israel has divided the West Bank into besieged cantons, worked diligently to increase the number of Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem (while stripping Palestinian Jerusalemites of their residency rights in the city) and turned Gaza into a virtual prison.

Divide and conquer the good old colonialist way – again, for the umpteenth disastrous time since the Zionist invasion, when the Zionists first introduced terrorism to Palestine. Is As’ad from the Angry Arab News Service too optimistic when he declares:

The Palestinians need a new political organization: neither Fath nor Hamas. NOW.

As’ad also points out that

A new poll among Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank reveals the obvious: that most Palestinians are neither for Fath nor for Hamas: more than 40% of Palestinians indicated that they are “independent”.

United Stupids Suicide bomber barbieYet even if there was an alternative political force, it would be nanoseconds before the Israeli government stereotyped them as terrorists in order to engineer the obligatory, traditional nobbling of peace initiatives, so their land thieving on the West Bank and breaches of international law could continue behind the usual smokescreen of convenient, manufactured ‘beleaguered’ victimhood.

As Jeffery Sachs observes:

For the past 10 years, the greatest practical barrier to peace has been Israel’s failure to carry out any true withdrawal to its 1967 borders, owing to the political weight of hundreds of thousands of settlers in the West Bank and the religious and secular communities that support them. This remains the crucial truth; the rest follows as tragedy. Even when the US or Israel have tabled peace offers, such as at Camp David in 2000, they have included convoluted ways to sustain the West Bank settlements and large settler populations, while denying an economically viable and contiguous Palestinian state.

Sachs fails to note that inevitably it is the enabling activities or lack thereof of the Israeli government which have bolstered the continued thievery and oppression. At all times, it has been within the power of that democratically elected government to restrain its extremists and to act within the ambit and intention of UN Res 242 in order to obtain peace.

Continue reading “While we wait …”

WTF am I?

One of the notable benefits of participating in the Blogshares game is that it can lead one to discover sites which one would never come across otherwise.

Here’s a not to bad joke found on one such found treasure.

A helicopter was circling above Seattle in poor visibility providing traffic information when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft’s electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter’s position and course to steer to return to the airport.

The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a handwritten sign, and held it in the helicopter’s window. The pilot’s sign said ‘WHERE AM I?’ in large letters.

People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said ‘YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER.’

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.

After they were on the ground, the passenger who was sitting in the front seat asked the pilot how the ‘YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER’ sign helped determine their position.

The pilot responded ‘I knew that had to be the MICROSOFT building because they gave me a technically correct, but completely useless answer.’

Bug found in blog post


On the Queen’s pseudo birthday, we’ve finally had a chance to go through a mammoth swag of emails – those ones people proliferate compulsively round the net to share their idea of humour or to prove they know how to forward email, whilst we sanitise our inbox from an even greater dung heap of awful sickly friendship chain emails requiring one to send them on to ten people or you will suffer a painful fate. Some friends.

We couldn’t resist this animation which reminded us, as we resisted the urge to swat our screen, of certain Lib party pollies.