The Great Israeli Body Parts Scandal Revisited

Max Blumenthal reports on the suit which Rachel Corrie’s family is pursuing against the Israeli government. Oblivious to the Geneva Conventions, Israel colonel, Yossi, attests under oath that “There are no civilians during wartime”. Blumenthal notes that there are no Israeli reporters present in the courtroom, that ‘the case has been virtually ignored inside Israel’.

The Corrie family have been hampered in their search for justice for their courageous daughter, Rachel, by Israeli authorities, the US congress and executive courtesy of the malevolent control the Israel lobby has over them.

A 2003 bill introduced in the House International Relations Committee calling for a thorough Israeli investigation in Corrie’s killing and for American efforts to prevent such killings from happening again garnered 78 signatures in support (Rahm Emanuel was the only Jewish signer). However, Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, one of the Israel lobby’s closest allies in Congress, prevented the bill from getting out of the committee. President George W. Bush could have pressed for a full floor vote on the bill but he did nothing. The bill died as a result.

Having been obstructed by the Israelis’ opaque investigation and betrayed by their own government (with notable exceptions like former Rep. Brian Baird), the Corries have been forced to take matters into their own hands.

Blumenthal details another aspect of the case pursuant to Rachel’s murder – the abuse of her body. After obstructions by the Israeli regime in transporting her body to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where all bodies of victims meeting uncertain fates are sent for autopsy, against her parents’ wishes, Rachel’s corpse was autopsied by the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss.

Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas.

When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the whereabouts of her missing body parts.

The Corrie family deserve the truth from the duplicitous, prevaricative Israeli regime and the support of their own government. What is the use of government if it is unwilling to protect its citizens from murder, when it chooses to protect the murderer with which it is already complicit through bounteous guaranteed military aid and an extraordinary special relationship? Supporting the Geneva Conventions and human rights law would naturally highlight America’s multiple abuses against its own civilians domestically, along with civilians in foreign nations where it has exercised its vile preemptive doctrine and impunity, travesties shared with and practised by its warmongering, human rights abusing settler colonial cronies and imperial consorts.

UPDATE 27/4/13

Why doesn’t Wikipedia mention Yehuda Hiss or the Abu Kabir Institute or Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ definitive investigations on its page on her?

The organ harvesting story in the Israeli media

The Guardian sanitised version of the above Israeli media article

The first successful dock protest against Israeli apartheid ever at Oakland

The boycotts, divestments and sanctions movement in the US just took a gigantic leap forward with a successful solidarity action between activists and longshoremen at Oakland, CA to prevent an Israeli ship from unloading its cargo.

In Oakland, California an Israeli ship was blocked by protesters for the first time in history. 700-1000 protesters blocked three different gates at 5:30 A.M. keeping dockworkers from unloading the Israeli cargo.

ILWU members refused to cross picketline – citing “health & safety” provisions of their contract. Management demanded “instant arbitration.” The arbitrator took a look at the picketlines at each gate to the SSA Terminal and ruled that ILWU members were justified in refusing to cross.

All dockworkers were sent home with FULL PAY.

This vid features the Brass Liberation Orchestra.

All ships are subject to inspection

Israeli Consulate New York . @IsraelConsulate yr navy says future #flotilla 2 be treated as provocateurs on board – what of the jewish aid ship?

. @Jinjirrie The blockade exists to protect Palestinians and Israelis. All ships are subject to inspection regardless of who’s on board.

. @israelconsulate why won’t you accept inspections by the UN? why send #flotilla ships to Ashdod & why board them in international waters?

and enquiring minds also want to know how the blockade, which prevents items like sewing machines, musical instruments, fishing rods, coriander, goats and chickens from entering gaza, ‘protects’ Palestinians.

. @israelconsulate furthermore, you say ‘blockade exists to protect Palestinians & Israelis’ – what are you protecting Palestinians from?

No reply to my last questions yet. So ‘all ships are subject to inspection’ and no direct answer to my question about whether the jewish ship would also be treated as having provocateurs on board.

Palestinians Should Go Back To Where They Came From

Veteran reporter, 89 year old Helen Thomas created a massive kerfuffle with her radical comment that “They”, the Israel referred to by her interlocutor, should go back where they came from – and Steve Colbert’s subsequent exposure of zionist maleficence is superb and beyond reproach.

Ali Abunimah - Israel is a racist entityIt’s significant to inveterate cynics like myself that the subject incident occurred on May 27 but wasn’t broadcast and magnified by the rightwing zionist media machine until several days later, after the indiscriminate zionist attack on humanitarian aid workers on board the Freedom Flotilla in international waters, killing 9 and wounding more than 30 people.

Although her comments were badly phrased and unfortunately vulnerable to misuse by the ziolobby, and it also seems significant that they were spun, she never said precisely ‘jews should leave Israel’ though was repeatedly quoted in the media as if she did.

To quote prominent Palestinian activist Ali Abunimah ‘it’s all still about selling a product that does not and cannot exist: a “moderate” and “liberal” racist state’.

Thus the media kerfuffle and public diversion is a distraction from the real major issues at hand, which are the horrendous illegal blockade which Israel maintains over the people of Gaza for its dubious ‘self-defence’ in the light of its horrific , oppressive 63 year apartheid inflicted upon the indigenous, dispossessed Palestinians, whose rights are spun by their oppressor as conditional upon their accepting the ‘right’ to ‘exist’ of the vile racist entity which inflicts brutal Occupation upon them and which has usurped their land without their consent.