Israel’s Attempted Jordan Valley Heist

Sarah Cobham – Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity

In March 2010 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated “Israel would never agree to withdraw from the Jordan Valley under any peace agreement signed with the Palestinians”. In line with this intension, since 1967 Israel has been operating a process of ethnic cleansing of the Jordan Valley. The Palestinian population has contracted from 320,000 in 1967 to about 52,000 today.

More information on the above video including reports

Two members of the Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity gave an illustrated presentation to the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group of MPs at the House of Commons on February 1st 2011. The meeting was hosted and chaired by Caroline Lucas, Green MP (Brighton Pavilion).


* Sarah Cobham – Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity (
* Chris Osmond – Corporate Watch (

Please read the links below which clarify and substantiate Nutanyahoo’s present Grand Land Heist plan in the Palestinian West Bank which Israel has illegally, brutally occupied with its military for the past 43 years in support of its previous criminal land grabs.

Related Links

Netanyahu invites extreme right-wing politicians to join coalition
Netanyahu’s Illusory Peace Plan
Address by PM Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan University
Likud Platform


The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.

Palestine / Israel Links

Israel Holds Gaza Engineer, Relatives Say – story now with daikon legs courtesy of the New York Times
The New Israeli Left
Who benefits from EU-Israel academic cooperation?

Western powers still don’t know how to deal with Arab democracy
Bedouin reject compensation offer, accusing Israel of land grab
This Is What Complicity Looks Like: Palestine and the Silencing Campaign on Campus
Israeli army holds graduation ceremony at Ibrahimi Mosque – Cave of the Patriarchs heritage scandal – the military stealth op for cultural appropriation
Jon Stewart compares settlements to terrorism, and gets laughs in the process
UN Delegates ‘Walked Out’ During Clinton Speech – the smell of empire in corrupt decline was too overwhelming
Israel Considers Military ‘Upgrade’
Israeli rabbis launch initiative to marry gay men to lesbian women ­
Israeli mother Addresses European Parliament
ei: Dutch opposition boycotts parliamentary delegation to Israel
What is the Qsociety up to? the full story by Larry Stillman
BDS Day of Action – March 30, 2011
Demonstrators Urge Boycott Of Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra

Middle East

Saudi police open fire on pro-democracy protesters
Thursday: 8 Iraqis Killed, 19 Wounded
Libya: It’s all about us
The New Face of The Middle East – And Boy is She Gorgeous
Signs of dissent becoming more visible among Saudi Arabian youths

Racism Links

Bill O’Reilly Takes On Rep. Keith Ellison Over Radical Muslim Hearings
Are Right-Wingers Simply Stuck in Adolescence? – explains the malignant narcissism and racism?
The 6 dumbest things said at Rep. Peter King’s Muslim radicalization hearing
Peter King’s Witch Hunt

Imperialism Links

Fighter-jet price tag will approach $30-billion, budget watchdog warns
Canadian Exports of Arms, Ammunition and parts to the Middle East & North Africa
Obama’s Guantánamo Policy: Legally and Morally Corrupt
The new working class: Welcome to the Precariat
No Big Deal – the demise of the LA Times imminent?
Word Games: Most US Media Hide an American Atrocity in Afghanistan Behind ‘NATO’ and Fudge the Victims’ Ages

Australian Links

The Wilful Girl and the Dreadful Monster: a cautionary tale by @firstdogonmoon
PM goes all the way with USA – from the bottom to the tonsils

Wikileaks Links

Yudhoyono abused power – Indonesian corruption.
Stripped naked every night, Bradley Manning tells of prison ordeal

Zizek on the One State REAL Solution

In the ABC religion and ethics section, Slavoj Zizek speaks about the fictitious two state solution, annunciating that which many of us already know: ‘If there is a lesson to be learned from the protracted negotiations, it is that the greatest obstacle to peace is what is offered as the realistic solution – the creation of two separate states.’

Zizek goes on to say:

Although neither side wants it (Israel would probably prefer the areas of the West Bank that it is ready to cede to become a part of Jordan, while the Palestinians consider the land that has fallen to Israel since 1967 to be theirs), the establishment of two states is somehow accepted as the only feasible solution, a position backed up by the embarrassing leak of Palestinian negotiation documents in January.

What both sides exclude as an impossible dream is the simplest and most obvious solution: a bi-national secular state, comprising all of Israel plus the occupied territories and Gaza. Many will dismiss this as a utopian dream, disqualified by the history of hatred and violence.

Zizek seems oblivious to Nutanyahoo’s plans to assimilate parts of the West Bank adjacent to Jordan in the fertile Jordan Valley for Israeli military purposes.

He might be cheered though by the latest statistics from an AWRAD Poll in August, 2010 surveying Palestinians across the Occupied Territories, where it was found ‘as much as 53 percent are willing to support, accept or consider the idea of one-joint state in which Israelis and Palestinians are equal citizens between the Jordanian River and the sea. In contrast, 47 percent find this unacceptable.’ It is the collaborator PA which clings to the false western colonialist plan for two states.

Zizek is on the mark with his conclusions:

But far from being a utopia, the bi-national state is already a reality: Israel and the West Bank are one state. The entire territory is under the de facto control of one sovereign power – Israel – and divided by internal borders. So let’s abolish the apartheid that exists and transform this land into a secular, democratic state.

Related Links

The Palestinian Question : the couple Symptom / Fetish : Islamo-Fascism, Christo-Fascism, Zionism : mieux vaut un désastre qu’un désêtre
Zionism and the Jewish Question

Palestine / Israel Links

My twitter notes from Ali Abunimah’s address today at McGill University, Montreal:

Boycotting, divestments & sanctions #BDS against Israel are not an ends in themselves, they are a means to legitimate Palestinian goals

End occupation, end all forms of discrimination against Palestinians, and end the racist exclusion of Palestinian refugees V @avinunu LIVE

When considering criticism of BDS academic boycott, Ali Abunimah draws attention to the awful destruction of schools by Israel in #Gaza

Israel went back again just 2 days ago and bombed Gaza University – so why are people critical of BDS silent on Israeli ‘academic boycott’?

‘It is the duty of civil society to respond to the Palestinian BDS appeal and act, especially when govts are complicit’ @avinunu LIVE

?’#BDS is an ethical, moral, justifiable means to bring pressure on Israel to change ‘ @avinunu Ali Abunimah LIVE

‘Israel has reached a crisis in the type of stories it can tell to cover up its crimes of apartheid’ @avinunu LIVE

The peace process has been an alibi, an excuse, for inaction, something for the gutless to hold onto’ @avinunu LIVE

Govts all worked to forestall, to prevent justice coming from the Goldstone Report, with the excuse being the ‘peace process’ @avinunu LIVE

“The ‘peace process’ is an utter hoax, has reached a dead end, what’s exposed more & more are realities of colonialism, apartheid & racism ”

Israel is 1 of the 4 most negatively viewed countries in the world, there’ve been significant increases in views from Americans @avinunu LIVE

Israel says this is cos of anti-semitism, but even Israeli diplomats quitting – ‘can no longer support Israeli foreign policy’ @avinunu LIVE

(diplomat made actual reference to this anti-semitism cover used by israel hasbarists)

Great historic change can happen and it can happen suddenly, people are still powerful, that when people decide they have had enough, nothing can stop them’ @avinunu LIVE

Billions of aid have gone to the west bank into building a repressive police pseudo state exactly of the kind people are rising up against in Tunisia and Egypt @avinunu LIVE

The IDF recognises that in the event of a popular uprising it will not be able to rely on the PA police state to repress it, and is searching for more collaborators – and that is a dead end – israel really has nowhere left to go @avinunu LIVE

Winning means bringing an end to apartheid, an end to colonial rule, giving everyone in Palestine/Israel a decent life, restitution and justice, refugees’ rights @avinunu LIVE

Jewish National Fund is primary means for land theft by zionists – JNF is one of the key institutions enforcing apartheid by denying Palestinians access to their land, locking it up for jews only @avinunu LIVE

Unchristian committee
Israel PM vows to keep troops on Jordan border
Israel postpones deportation of foreign workers’ children
The Palestine national football team has played its first ever competitive match at home in the West Bank. : It won the second leg of an Olympic qualifying game against Thailand but lost the tie in a penalty shootout.
#BDS: Jordan bans products made in Israeli settlements and in return exempts 2500 Israeli products from taxes
Palestinian leadership not seeking EU to replace U.S. in sponsoring talks
Zionist envy for the hearty intellectual and spiritual meal provided by Palestine solidarity poets.
How zioterrorist false flag ops helped build the apartheid Israeli state.
#BDS: Egyptian Youth Confront Amr Moussa: Israel is NOT a Country!
Palestinian family ordered to share East Jerusalem home with Israelis
How to face “incitement” allegation in Israel
Even after Palestinian independence, Netanyahu wants to maintain the occupation
Campaigners threaten to picket Israeli Music conference
Prevention Of Assimilation in the Holy Land
Eini to US Jewish leaders: Don’t underestimate BDS movement
Hamas dismayed at Hague statement on elections
Palestinians eke out living on dump recycling
Dirar Abu Seesi: Breaking the Israeli Gag
The European Union’s Blind Eye : How the EU ignores Israel’s failure to fulfil its obligations under EU agreements (updated and revised March 2011)
Dirar Abu Sisi, Palestinian In Ukraine, Allegedly Abducted By Israel
Asia to Gaza march will continue until Palestine is free: Mithiborwala
Danish minister fired in row on citizenship for Palestinians

Wikileaks Links

WikiLeaks: Cable identified 23 in Australia with Qaeda links – American diplomats last year proposed that 23 people in Australia be subjected to U.S. air travel curbs due to suspected contacts with Islamic militants in Yemen

Other Links

Hillary Clinton Calls Al Jazeera ‘Real News,’ Criticizes U.S. Media (VIDEO) – something the US can’t buy
Don’t Turn Off The Internet We Have A Revolution
Facebook tackled in ‘war against stupidity’ over real name policy
As King Targets Muslims, There Have Been Almost Twice As Many Plots Since 9/11 From Non-Muslim Terrorists

Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots.

In fact, right-wing extremist and white supremacist attacks plots alone outnumber plots by Muslims, with both groups being involved in 63 terror plots, 18 more plots than Muslim Americans have been involved in.

Facebook tackled in ‘war against stupidity’ over real name policy
U.S. funding tech firms that help Mideast dissidents evade government censors
Why the Government’s Unemployment Rate is Dangerously Deceptive — And the Dark Reality it Hides
New Poll Finds Tea Partiers Have More Racist Attitudes
Libya Live Blog – March 10
‘General Strike!’ Thousands Storm, Reoccupy Wisconsin Capitol in Response to Legislative Votes
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential – Check x 5
2010 Multi-state Survey on Race & Politics
British atheists Dawkins and Hitchens plan arrest for Pope Benedict XVI
Empire Means Never Having to Mean it’s Sorry by Cindy Sheehan
John Frum
What’s Wrong With The Passion? -A Review of Mel Gibson’s; The Passion of the Christ
Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

Another Month, Another Haet List

Giyus Megaphonies

Giyus megaphoney onanistic revelry:

Report hate spreading users

Fighting hate is a tedious job – it seems that for every user we report 5 new ones spring up in its place. But this only makes me more determined to stand up to hate and anti Semitism. The list of links today are all of users that spread hate, promote anti Semitism and de-legitimise Israel. Please report them to Facebook or Twitter respectively.Facebook

Login into your facebook account and click on any of these links. Click on the “Report/Block this person” or the “Report page” link on the left hand side of the screen.

* Students for Justice in Palestine – spreading anti semitic hate messages claiming Israel is engaged in ethnic cleaning
* Justice for Palestine – blames Israel of brainwashing Christian children and encourages people to sign up for the next flotilla to Gaza.
* Abdus Ayydin Rayyan Samad – justifies shooting rockets on civilians in Israel


Login into your twitter account and click on any of these links. click on the options button located on the upper right hand side Twitter button. Choose the 3rd option which would report that user to Twitter.

* cactijakeye – bluntly calls himself anti Semitic in his profile – supports hateful conspiracy theories like 9/11 was an inside Israeli job
* xXKelly82Xx – claims Zionists are not human and other fanatic hate speech
* BoycottAhava – behind the global campaign to boycott Ahava products claiming Ahava Cosmetics are made by Israeli profiteers in Occupied Palestine.
* Ziggy stardust – with twits like “racist zionist settlers kill Palestinian children” there is no doubt Ziggy Stardust is anti Zionist and Anti Semitic
* Remroum – openly supports terrorism against Israel
* Tha Captain – Anti zionist calling Israel a murdering state
* Ali Abunimah – constantly spreads Israel Apartheid mantra
* Jinjirrie – Promotes flotilla anti zionist and anti Semitic causes
* Worldpeace2day – obsessively promotes Israel Apartheid messages
* Nouren shiraz – constantly calling Israel a racist terrorist state engaged in “ethnic cleansing”

Thank you for taking part in this effort – all of us in are for free speech but that does not entitle anyone to delegitimize Israel and spread hate against the Jewish people as a whole.

What, then, does one do, when faced with one’s appearance on this ridiculous haet lsit? Why, message the perpetrator, of course 🙂

Jinjirrie: . @giyusgirl – pls get yr hasbaroid witchhunt rap correct – i’m anti-zionism, anti-occupation, anti-racism & anti-bigotry – that means you #

giyusgirl: @Jinjirrie anti-Zionism = no country for Jews = Jews are not entitled to their own country = Antisemitism . Enough said. #

Jinjirrie: . @giyusgirl anti-zionism = anti-racism & anti-fascism = equal rights & true democracy instead of ethnosupremacy = justice #

This is not the first zionist haet lsit on which I’ve appeared – the JIDF have me on several of their puerile witchhunt campaigns also. For some of my historical brushes with them, see here.

Zionism is a secular political ideology which grew alongside other nationalist movements in the 19th century. Similar to some other nationalisms, zionism exhibits toxic symptoms of white supremacism in its colonialism – indigenous arabs were and are regarded largely as inconvenient sub-humans, to be expelled and exterminated whilst the entitled, privileged ‘race’ usurp their land. Racists like @giyusgirl see indigenous Palestinians in Israel and the Territories it occupies as excess humans, and that challenging this zionist ethnosupremacism and colonialism is ‘anti-semitic’. Yet *all* colonialism is chauvinistic, shored up by a sense of rightness, privilege and entitlement. The erroneous concept of ‘races’ is essential to racists who desire superior privileges for their own ‘race’. There is only one race, the human race, and all humans are entitled to equal rights, respect and dignity wherever they may be, wherever they were born.

Palestine / Israel Links

@georgehale Get this: On Thursday’s “day of rage”, Israel settlers distributed threatening flyers to several diplomats in the West Bank. #

Australia Links

The Spectre of Democracy : All you need to know that is wrong with The Australian is in this picture:
Darkness at Noon: Bradley Manning
She’s back: Hanson to run

Other Links

Celebrating International Women’s Day : A day of working women’s solidarity
UAE activists demand direct elections
Whistleblowers: Despite reforms, insiders who blow the whistle at institutions like the World Bank, face retaliation
Cote D’ivoire: “It’s sheer horror we’re living here… People are being burned alive and hacked to bits”
Haunting 9/11 video captured by NYPD helicopter shows World Trade Center’s Twin Towers collapse

The Canberra School

The Canberra School

Economists are extremists
of irrational faith,
acolytes of daily newsprint
parsing icons of inflation and recession
with fringe benefits
doctrines of gain through pain,
while wealth breeds wealth by stealth.

Keynes, Smith and Friedman –
Thatcher, Keating, Reagan,
the pedantic pantheons
and sacrifice of certainty.
Economists as pampered disciples,
their J curved recursive credos of trade and ego
hardening malleable hearts to stone,
resounding hollow in
less speculative souls.

I’d like to turn the tables in the temple,
and for every new presumption,
make them reimburse the poor.

Jinjirrie 1992

To our sisters on #IWD2011 – equal rights : stand with the oppressed not the oppressor : end imperialism : capitalism is not woman-friendly

Australia Links

“Are you really sure what the phrase ‘Aboriginal perspectives’ means? The first step in understanding, respecting and eventually incorporating Aboriginal perspectives is simply by understanding the nature of perspective.”
Doing the Trained Monkey Dance
Nation of unrepentant pirates costs $900m
Racist Facebook Hater of the week
Gillard arrives in US for busy tour

Ms Gillard will become the first foreign dignitary to address the new US congress and only the fourth Australian prime minister to ever do so.

Her speech is expected to commemorate 60 years of the ANZUS alliance.

The other big moment will be a meeting with Mr Obama, where the exit strategy for the Afghan war and the global economic recovery will be likely topics.

But Ms Gillard has already indicated she will steer clear of difficult territory, including Australian WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

She will also discuss global security during talks with other senior administration figures, including secretary of state Hillary Clinton and the CIA director.

The global economy will dominate discussions with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and the head of the World Bank.

There will also be dinner with former Labor leader and now US ambassador Kim Beazley, lunch with News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch and talks with UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

Palestine / Israel Links

Egyptian diplomat says new leaders could ease travel restrictions on Gaza Palestinians
“It appears the policemen escalated the situation, and the suspects were dragged into the unrest. During the tumult some demonstrators incurred blows and violence unleashed by police.” The judge rejected the police’s request to expel the detainees from Sheikh Jarrah.
Protesting Israeli Diplomat Joins Sheikh Jarrah Demonstration
Palestinian with Jewish wife denied permanent visa : Son of Tul Karm’s Adel Hussein served in an IDF combat unit.
Yediot Finally Publishes Story of Kidnapping of Gaza Engineer
Liberal Senator calls for apology for Evian “hurt”
Choice of JStreet ‘mascot’ raises questions about Jewish identity
Saudis ban all demonstrations
Anglican bishop of Jerusalem sues Israel over visa refusal
Israel’s diplomats are spineless propagandists
Jewish people in the French capital live in the shadow of hatred
The right to live in Jaffa
The Israeli occupation echoes from Cairo: Amira Hass reminded that the Palestinians are under occupation when almost all Egyptians refuse to meet with her because she writes for an Israeli newspaper.
Kevin Rudd’s Jerusalem Press Conference

Steve Weizman, AFP: Without going into details Minister, did you in your talks with the Prime Minister raise your concerns about settlements.

Mr Rudd: I don’t go into those details, because my relationship with the Israeli Government is longstanding, with the Prime Minister it’s longstanding in various positions he and I have held over a long period of time. Therefore I leave those deliberations to themselves.

Of course, the wider question of settlements is a continuing issue in the international debate, as are the broader questions concerning the final status issues which I referred to before.

Libya Links

SAS and MI6 officers released by Libya’s rebel commanders
White House chief of staff sceptical about Libyan no-fly zones
Obama’s Libyan Abdication

Wikileaks Links


Other Links

Talk Doesn’t Pay, So Psychiatry Turns to Drug Therapy
NATO allies warn US on too much defense scrimping – While the Pentagon tightens its financial belt, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has hinted at reducing American troop levels in Europe. However, Washington must reconcile a smaller force with traditional NATO obligations.
America Is Not Broke : just morally bankrupt
Put merchants of death out of business

Catherine Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief, is pushing for the arms embargo slapped on China after the Tiananmen Square massacre to be scrapped on the grounds that relations with Beijing need to be nurtured for strategic reasons. Proving that she suffers from the same lack of scruples as other top players in New Labour, she is more concerned with drumming up business for the arms industry than in China’s oppression of Uighurs in Xinjiang or Buddhists in Tibet. Proving, too, that mollycoddling the arms industry transcends party lines in British politics, David Cameron toured the Persian Gulf last month with a few of his country’s leading arms traders. Critics of the trade are “completely at odds with reality”, the prime minister thundered.
It is right that a fresh ban on weapons sales to Libya has now been introduced. But we know that such bans can be lifted on the flimsiest of pretexts.

End Israel’s Apartheid & Bring Down Its Illegal Wall

On Al Jazeera’s Riz Khan : Walls of division – Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters adds his voice to Palestinian people and others demanding Israel to remove its illegal separation wall.

Roger Waters from Pink Floyd calls for solidarity with the BDS campaign against apartheid Israel.

Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Protest, March 4, 2011

The Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity protest, comprised of Israelis and Palestinians, takes place in East Jerusalem each week. This week’s action was met with violence as the police sought to shut down the protest. Three activists were taken into police custody. Sheikh Jarrah is a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem subject to house evictions and increased illegal settlement.

Palestine / Israel Links

Hundreds of women marching on Qalandia checkpoint near Ramallah to mark intl. women’s day
Ali Abunimah March 2011 International Tour
Treasury to raise Holocaust survivors’ rent

Other Links

Virus of Arab revolutions eats Balkans from within