NSW Police Attempt to Ban Palestinian Human Rights Rally

Organisers of a Sydney Palestine solidarity protest — Commemorate Al-Nakba: Protest Against Israeli Apartheid! — released the statement below on May 12.

NSW police initiated a Supreme Court action against the pro-Palestine Al-Nakba commemoration march to be held in Sydney on May 15. The police are seeking a court order prohibiting the public assembly and procession. Protest organisers state that they will not be intimidated and will defend the right to protest in court.

Independent journalist and author of My Israel Question, Antony Loewenstein, says: “The right to peacefully protest is a cornerstone of a democratic society. Supporting Palestinian rights is even more essential today in an age where our political and media elites choose to ignore Israeli apartheid right in front of their eyes.”

Sylvia Hale, Former Greens MLC, said: “It is critical, at a time when Israel has gaoled hundreds of Palestinians without charge or trial for protesting at Israel’s illegal occupation of their land, that we show our support for them and the thousands of other political prisoners in Israeli gaols. Australia must cut all military ties with Israel until the Israeli government abides by international law and ends its racist policies of ethnic cleansing.”

By attempting to ban the commemoration, the NSW police have shown they care more about assisting Israel in hiding from its past then upholding the democratic rights of Australian citizens.

May 15th marks the day of “The Catastrophe” (‘Al-Nakba’ in Arabic) where the state of Israel was created on the murder and dispossession of the Palestinian people. Within Israel, the state has attempted to silence protesters from speaking out against the oppression of the Palestinians and remembering this historic event. This has included intimidation and arrests of protestors and cutting funding of NGO’s involved in Al-Nakba events.

The march is planned for May 15 at Sydney Town Hall, beginning at 6pm. The rally will include speakers from the General Union of Palestinian Workers, Jews against the Occupation and many other pro-Palestinian activists.

A representative of the protest organisers has been summoned to a hearing at the Supreme Court at 10am on May 14 to contest the police actions.


The Palestinian Solidarity Organisation is calling for a Rally on the 14th May to defend the right to protest:


RALLY Supreme Court, on Macquarie Street, Monday 14 May, 10.00 am


RALLY & MARCH 6 pm Tuesday 15 May Sydney Town Hall

The NSW Police have taken the organizers of the Nakba commemoration march in Sydney to the Supreme Court demanding that the rally should be moved to a different location and the march to be cancelled. The protesters have decided to assert their rights, saying that they will contest any attempt to prohibit the march.

“In the same way that 3 Israeli activists were arrested for trying to commemorate Al-Nakba, the Victorian police charged 19 BDS protesters in Melbourne, (they are now in court), now the NSW Police are showing their true colours by trying to silence free speech and political protest in support of the Palestinians.

Al-Nakba (“the catastrophe” in Arabic) marks the anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel on May 15th 1948. The date is normally marked by commemorations and protests against the apartheid policies of the Israeli government and their continued oppression of the Palestinian people. Israel has taken measures to disrupt the commemoration of Al-Nakba including intimidation and arrest of activists and cutting of funding to NGOs involved in commemorations.

The rally and march are going to be held on Tuesday May 15th at 6pm at Sydney Town Hall and includes speakers from the Australian Unions, General Union of Palestinian Workers, Jews Against the Occupation, and young Palestinian activists. So, to defend the right to protest, we have to be at the Supreme Court, on Macquarie Street, on Monday the 14th, at 10.00, to show, outside and inside court, our decision to fights for our rights. Remember, the more people present, stronger our case will be.

Send this message wide, talk to your friends and be at the court. Ask for declarations of support from other organizations and peoples defenders of civil rights.

Also, this is a great opportunity to promote the Nakba rally because, even if the court find for the police, the rally is legal and we have the right to do it and WE WILL DO IT.

The following are the initial expression of solidarity:

The freedom to protest free from police interference is an essential right in any country that calls itself democratic. It is critical, at a time when Israel has gaoled hundreds of Palestinians without charge or trial for protesting at Israel’s illegal occupation of their land, that we show our support for them and the thousands of other political prisoners in Israeli gaols. Australia must cut all military ties with Israel until the Israeli government abides by international law and ends its racist policies of ethnic cleansing.” Sylvia Hale, former Greens MLC

The NSW government and police need to be reminded that freedom of expression is a fundamental right that cannot be either given or taken away by them. Their attempts to ban the Al-Nakba march this Tuesday can only be seen as political.

Nakba protests and commemorations marking Israel’s dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are being organized all over the globe. Sixty four years on, it is particularly important to affirm that majorities do not condone dispossession and the apartheid-like laws Israel deploys to keep Palestinians dispossessed.
Pip Hinman, Stop the War Coalition

Antony Loewenstein, independent journalist and author of My Israel Question, says, ‘the right to peacefully protest is a cornerstone of a democratic society. Supporting Palestinian rights is even more essential today in an age where our political and media elites chose to ignore Israeli apartheid right in front of their eyes.

For more information contact PALESTINE SOLIDARITY ORGANIZATION Patrick 0422028113 Raul 0403037376

UPDATE 13/5/12

Jwire is reporting that “the police simply want the protest diverted from the city centre at peak time.

NSW Police say that the organiser of the protest, Patrick Langosch, has not responded to their request to relocate the protest.”

NSW Police have issued the following statement….

A schedule 1 form under the Summary Offences Act was received from Patrick LANGOSCH on behalf of the AL-NAKBA PLANNING COMMITTEE on the 8 May 2012. This notice informed of the intention to hold the above public assembly followed by a procession through the CBD commencing 19:00hrs and following the following route:

From Sydney Town Hall enter George Street and travel north to Market Street; proceed east on Market Street to Pitt Street; proceed North on Pitt Street to King St; proceed west on King Street to George Street; proceed South on George St back to Town Hall.

Police contacted the organiser LANGOSCH and requested that an alternative, static assembly be conducted due to the safety issues and traffic congestion that would arise for the intended activity and its timing. Police attempted to negotiate with the group providing alternatives to a procession during the traffic peak on Tuesday evening. The group have declined to negotiate or alter their proposal in any way.

As a result of the refusal of the group to negotiate police have caused the issuing of a summons by the NSW Supreme Court seeking an order to prohibit the intended procession. The matter is listed before the NSW Supreme Court at 10:00 hrs on Monday 14 May 2012.

Basis of the objection

That the proposed procession will cause an unacceptable risk to pedestrian and vehicle safety during the peak traffic period in which it is proposed. That the impact of the procession to traffic in the inner city and corresponding impact on connecting road systems is unreasonable.

The objection has nothing to do with the issue that is the subject of the protest. Police facilitate hundreds of protests in the city each year. The nature of these protests are often the subject of negotiation to achieve a safe event that does not create an unreasonable impact on the amenity of the city. Police oppose all proposals that impact on the traffic and pedestrian flow in the city during the morning and evening peak periods.

Why is this group not allowed to protest

They are allowed to protest however the nature of this proposal is unacceptable as it would be for any other group that proposed this type of event. Alternative locations and times were suggested to the group who declined to consider any amendments to their proposal.

Is this a political matter

No. Political or other interests are not the issue, the unreasonable impact of the proposed procession is the only issue.

Where are they allowed to hold a Rally

Static rally locations including Belmore Park and Hyde Park were suggested, however the group declined to consider any alternatives to their proposal. As the group declined to negotiate the potential to facilitate a procession at alternate times and locations could not be progressed.

Is it illegal for them to hold a rally

No it is not illegal for the group to hold a rally. In accordance with the summary offences act, the Supreme court will now determine if a breach of the traffic regulations can be enforced by police if the group proceed with the procession they have outlined.

Al-Nakba commemorates the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel.

UPDATE 13/5/12
Patrick Langosch
Organiser Patrick Langosch tells me : “On 11 May 2012, the Crown Solicitor received instructions from the Commissioner of Police to commence proceedings to seek an order prohibiting the holding of a public assembly in respect to which the Notice has been served, pursuant to s. 25(1) of the Summary Offences Act 1988″ – from the papers served to me on Friday.”

and further when I asked him whether there was a mention on the writ of alternate routes and times:

“The police offered ‘alternatives’ in the form of an ultimatum. They said we could not have any kind of march and that the protest could not assemble at Town Hall (where it has been advertised as starting for a month). This was unacceptable to the planning committee. The funny thing is they claim it’s because of disruption to traffic while they have facilitated other marches along similar routes at similar times.”

UPDATE 14/5/12

The case has been deferred to 2.30pm

UPDATE 14/5/12

Patrick Langosch, organiser of the Palestinian rally to be held in Sydney tomorrow reports that “We won!” in the court hearing today against the police. Waiting for details.


Court upholds pro-palestine protesters right to march

At approximately 5.30pm today the application to prohibit the Al-Nakba demonstration by the NSW police was dismisssed by Supreme Court.

This means that the planned protest for tomorrow night (6pm Tuesday 15th May) will be larger than originally anticipated due to the publicity surrounding the case.

Protest organisers still question why, despite facilitating hundreds of protests every year, the pro-Palestine Al-Nakba protest was singled out to be taken to the Supreme Court.

Police argued that the protest would cause unacceptable disruption to traffic. Patrick Langosch, who defended the protest in court, “Palestinians can expect delays of up to 8 hours due to Israeli roadblocks. The disruption to Sydney traffic is nothing to the disruption to Palestinians lives caused by the Israeli occupation”.

“Todays ruling as a victory for civil liberties and the right to protest against the intimidation tactics of the NSW police” said Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant Michael Coleman, “had the court ruled otherwise we would be one step closer to the Apartheid state of Israel where groups are actively penalised and criminalised for commemorating Al-Nakba”

The march is planned for Tuesday the 15 th of May at Sydney Town Hall beginning at 6pm. The rally will include speakers from the General Union of Palestinian Workers, Jews against the Occupation and many other pro-Palestinian activists

Patrick – 0422028113 Michael – 0417638859

UPDATE 15/5/12

Police have issued confusing press releases saying the rally has been delayed – but it is definitely on at 6pm at Sydney Town Hall.

Jwire reports on the court hearing yesterday:

The judge failed to find any significant reason as to why this understood to be the first al-Nakba demonstration was being held in 2012. Langosch told the court that “it is not an option to have it on any other day than May 15? adding “the demonstration will go on regardless of the decision of the Court.” The judge agreed it that nbot holding on May 15 would be akin to holding Anzac Day on any other day other than April 25.

Justice Adamson said she would announce her reasons for the decision tomorrow morning.

During the hearing, Justice Christine Adamson referred to “the continuing grievances of the Palestinian people” in understanding the reasons for the protest.

Patrick Langosch comments at the bottom of the Jwire story:

This was a great victory for civil liberties and Palestine solidarity. One can only still wonder why, given that by their own admission the police facilitate hundreds of protests every year, they chose to take this one to the Supreme Court.

I also wanted to point out that the statement by the NSW police about the time of the rally and disruption to traffic is factually incorrect and the police have been made aware of this fact but have yet to issue a correction (in fact, in that time they have re-issued the same factually in correct statement).

The rally will be starting at 6pm at Town Hall and marching at 7pm. Why, given the whole day in court talking about it, did the NSW police tell motorists to avoid driving in the CBD from 5pm-7pm, which would only result in more disruption? Why have they not corrected this glaring factual inaccuracy and instead re-affirmed it? Incompetence? Malicious intent to cause more disruption then there would otherwise be as payback for the victor in the Supreme Court?

On the ABC : Sydney court rejects call to stop Palestine rally

In the SMH, the police info is also presented confusingly:

Freedom of speech trumps commuter chaos in eyes of the law

A Supreme Court judge has dismissed an application by police to prevent a pro-Palestine protest going ahead this evening, saying Nakba Day should be regarded like Anzac Day or Christmas Day.

The Al-Nakba Planning Committee plans to hold a rally from 5.30pm starting at Sydney Town Hall, with a following procession along George, Market, Pitt and King streets.

The procession was originally planned to start shortly after 5.30pm, but police advised this morning that the group planned to delay the start until 7pm to minimise disruption to commuters.

The Commissioner of the NSW Police had suggested that the procession be moved out of the CBD or to a weekend, citing concerns about disruption to commuter traffic at peak hour.

The Al-Nakba Planning Committee says the public assembly is to commemorate the day on which Palestinians were dispossessed from areas which now form part of the State of Israel, being May 15.

Justice Christine Adamson dismissed the summons last night at 6.30pm and published her reasons this morning.

“I do not regard it as reasonable to expect persons commemorating a particular date to defer or bring forward its commemoration so that it can be commemorated on a weekend,” she said.

“Nakba Day ought be regarded as a day which, like Anzac Day, Christmas Day or Australia Day, is referable to a particular date which is not movable.

“This is of significance since objection is taken by reason of the fact that the public assembly is to occur on a weekday, rather than on a weekend.”

Justice Adamson said the procession would go through the vicinity of busy Town Hall station and along George Street, “which has perhaps more bus routes than any other road”.

“If one’s purpose were to disrupt commuter traffic, one could hardly choose a better time or place. But this is not the defendant’s purpose. His purpose is to conduct a public assembly to commemorate Nakba Day. The date is the product of history,” she said.

UPDATE 15/5/12

Report on the Rally and March held from 6pm

Press release
Pro-Palestinian Al-Nakba commemoration a great success

Tonight over 500 people marched through Sydneys CBD to commemorate Al-Nakba. Al-Nakba is a significant date for the Palestinians and their supporters as it represents both the dispossession of the Palestinians in 1948 and their ongoing oppression today.

Yesterday the NSW Supreme Court dismissed the case brought by the Commissioner of Police attempting to prohibit the event.

“I don’t believe concern for traffic was the real reason the police took us to court” stated Patrick Langosch, who contested the polices case in court yesterday, “there are still 19 pro-Palestine activists in Melbourne who are in the third week of their trial after being arrested for attending a peaceful protest against the Max Brenner chocolate shop which supports the Israeli military.”

“This was part of the broader attempt around the world to criminalise solidarity with the Palestinians”, said Michael Coleman, participant of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, ” except this time it backfired for the police and has only made our movement stronger”

Event organisers have vowed to continue raising awareness and publicly campaigning in support of Palestine.

Patrick 0422028113 Michael 0417638859

On Yahoo 7 news, the numbers are deflated, and again the police furphy about the rally being delayed is repeated. Zombie cannibalist “journalism” at its most lurid.

Photos from the Sydney Al Nakba rally

Video of the March

Walid Khalidi on Nakba Day 15 May 2012 describes the zionists’ expansionist hegemonical intent in 1948:

‘As for nascent Israel’s “Davidian” status vis-a vis the Goliath of the “invading” Arab states, Ben Gurion provides eloquent testimony on it in his War Diary. Thus, on 24 May 1948, less than ten days after the Arab armies had entered those parts of Palestine allocated to the Arab state under the partition plan to preempt the advancing Jewish forces, David Ben-Gurion wrote (4):

“Maklef [Carmeli brigade] should receive reinforcements. His job is to occupy South Lebanon after bombing Tyre, Sidon and Beirut from the air. We will also shell Beirut from the sea. Yigal [Alon] should hit Syria [Syrian army] at [Mishmar Haemek] from the East and the North. Our airforce must bomb and destroy Amman. The weak link in the Arab coalition is Lebanon because Muslim authority there is artificial, and easy to undermine. We must establish a Christian state with the Litani River as its southern border (5). We will form an alliance with it.

Once we destroy the power of the Arab Legion [the army of Trans-Jordan] we will destroy Tran-Jordan and Syria will then fall. If Egypt dares to continue fighting, we will bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo. This is how we shall end this war and wind up our ancestors’ accounts with Egypt, Ashur and Aram….”‘

UPDATE 17/5/12

Vivienne Porzsolt applauds the great steadfastness of the Palestinian people at the rally.

Ziolobby attempts to smear the march.

BDS Maroc Protest Against Moroccan Government Delegation to Tel Aviv Agriculture Exhibition

BDS Maroc expresses its condemnation of the Moroccan Government sending an official delegation to the International Exhibition of Agriculture to be held in Tel Aviv from the 15th – 17th May.

English translation [Google]:

To the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries

After greeting, initiative followed in my DSL Morocco through the written press and electronic outraged news about an official delegation will represent Morocco in the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Tel Aviv between 15 and May 17, 2012.

While the exercise by the Zionist ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people and the worst kinds of oppression and exploitation affects humans and the earth and the trees of administrative detention and destruction of homes and depriving the peasants of their land and their water … and at a time of growing concern across the world calling for a boycott of the entity Zionist note that your ministry complicit in breaking the isolation of this entity the offender and contribute to the strengthening of its economy by opening the Moroccan market in the face of agricultural machinery and seeds coming from the occupied territories. The International Exhibition of Agriculture, Meknes, in addition to the published website of the Zionist Central Bureau of statistics on trade between Morocco and the Zionist entity, leaving no room for doubt.

We inform you, Mr. Minister, as our condemnation of this policy cooperating with the occupation and call for your ministry through the Moroccan government to stop all forms of cooperation and cut off all relations with “Israel” whatever it is.

Please accept, Mr. Minister, and believe our feelings.

Guidelines from Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) promote boycott of events which are not framed in co-resistance and which normalise Israel’s criminality, specifically in a Palestinian and Arab context:

“as the participation in any project, initiative or activity, in Palestine or internationally, that aims (implicitly or explicitly) to bring together Palestinians (and/or Arabs) and Israelis (people or institutions) without placing as its goal resistance to and exposure of the Israeli occupation and all forms of discrimination and oppression against the Palestinian people.” [2] This is the definition endorsed by the BDS National Committee (BNC).

Related Links

BDS Maroc on Facebook

Desperate Lies and Smears by Israeli Apartheid Supporters Highlight BDS Strength in Ireland

In the wake of Irish traditional band Dervish’s cancellation of their dates in apartheid Israel, an astonishing campaign of lies and smears has played out in the Irish press- mainly in the Sunday Independent – and has had substantial and deeply worrying contributions from the Irish Minister for Justice and Defence, Alan Shatter.

When the Dervish dates in Israel became known to Palestine solidarity campaigners, DPAI set up a Facebook page, Dervish, Don’t Bring Your Travelling Show to Apartheid Israel, the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) wrote an open letter to the group, musicians supportive of BDS contacted the band and people posted on the band’s Facebook page. There was no abuse of the band, no ‘venom’ directed at them (there never is), there was a concerted campaign to give Dervish information about the terrible situation of the Palestinian people, to tell them about their call for solidarity in the form of BDS and to ask them to join other artists of conscience in refusing to play in Israel.

When Dervish cancelled, stating that they had been unaware of the cultural boycott of Israel: “At the time we agreed to these performances we were unaware there was a cultural boycott in place. We now feel that we do not wish to break this boycott. Our decision to withdraw from the concerts reflects our wish to neither endorse nor criticise anyone’s political views in this situation.” (Official Facebook page here), they were congratulated by the IPSC, DPAI, who wrote a letter of thanks, and many other supporters of the Palestinian people. The cancellation, of course, sparked the usual hate-filled posts from zionists and that’s where the ‘venom’ referred to in Dervish’s second statement came from.

Here are some examples of the positive statements made by BDS advocates:

“Respect and thanks for having the courage to refuse breaching the Palestinian call for boycott.”

Raymond Deane, Cultural Liaison Officer IPSC: “Dervish – I salute you for this courageous and morally correct decision. You will now be subject to massive defamation from Zionists and their fellow-travellers – you should see this as proof that you have made the correct decision, because it will reveal to you the viciousness and mendacity of Israel’s apologists.”

Zoe Lawlor: “Well done and thanks Dervish. You have joined a growing list of artists refusing to play for apartheid. You are on the right side of history and with the Palestinian people in their struggle for justice. Respect.”

Dervish congratulations“Thank you so much for refusing to support apartheid, history will remember artists like you. It is not always easy to do what is right. You are not alone, Nelson Mandela and many other peacemakers have said they themselves cannot feel free until there is an end to the brutal occupation and colonisation of Palestine.”

“This cannot have been an easy time for any of you. I hope one day you play Tel Aviv again with laughter and lightness and when this difficult week is just a dim bad memory. Thank you for not breaking the boycott… you paid a much higher price than most people ever have to. Respect !”

Martin O’ Quigley, IPSC Chair: “Thanks Dervish for not playing to Apartheid. Supporting Human Rights is not expressing hate; supporters of the South African boycott didn’t hate white South Africans, just the policies of the Apartheid regime.”

Some of the negative comments from supporters of Israeli apartheid:

“LMAO at this band attempting to sit on the fence while simultaniously boycotting a country surrounded by a bunch of Arabs that want to see it destroyed. Israel has been at war with the savages that refuse to tollerate Israels existence, yet the world is siding with the intollerant Muslims while demonizing Israel. The world turning against Israel, now was this not prophesied to happen. Everything is right on schedule thanks for doing your part in satans agenda you bunch of lunatics.”

“Congratulations! You are now part of a cynical negative political campaign promoting nothing but hatred. Shame on you.”

“let it be kbown that i have heard that the bds uses some pretty shady tactics to threaten artists to cancel shows in the name of peace. oddly, much like hamas.”

“Wow Dervish! UNLIKE! Once again proving how anti-Semitic the Irish are! Please do not come back to Montana, we prefer real world music! I will do my best Not to promote you at every opportunity. Booooo Hisssss…get off the Stage!!!”

” white liberals. jeeeesus. take care all. i dont even like Dervish”

“For shame, Dervish, for so ignorantly taking a side in this misguided movement. Your statement that “Our decision to withdraw from the concerts reflects our wish to neither endorse nor criticise anyone’s political views in this situation” is so absurd as to be comical. How, by joining a boycott, are you not endorsing a position? Way to land on the wrong side of history. Pathetic.”

“this is the day the nusic of dervish die for me”

The posts above are representative of the reaction on the Dervish page and absolutely refute any smears against IPSC members and those standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people. They make Alan Shatter’s press release of 4th May look even more baseless when the evidence is there for anyone to see on the Internet. Instead of doing this and working on the basis of factual information, Shatter instead chose to write an outrageous press release accusing the IPSC (erroneously referred to as the IPSG) of “cyber bullying” and infringing on Irish citizens’ rights to travel. He also makes a link between Al Quaeda and the IPSC that is so ridiculous as to be laughable, except that this is a minister, in our government, paid for by our taxes, charged with upholding justice and protecting Irish citizens, IPSC members included. The statement defies belief and has been reported as fact in Irish newspapers, their journalists too lazy to actually investigate and report properly and accurately. The Irish Times and Independent are guilty of this and also claiming that there is no ‘official’ boycott of Israel, thereby displaying the usual orientalism of completely ignoring Palestinian voices. Meanwhile Shatter employs the all too familiar and predictable zionist tactic of mentioning Syria, demonstrating a profound inability to comprehend the simple tenet that the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign is just that, a campaign in solidarity with PALESTINE, not Syria…… rocket science and all that. By the way, his concern for Syria doesn’t extend to the Golan Heights….

While Palestinians live under occupation, oppression, siege, are frequent victims of Israeli war crimes and while over 2,000 of them are currently on hunger strike to protest the illegal practice of detention without charge or trial, Shatter has been silent. Could it be that the Minister for Justice has no sense of justice when it comes to Palestinians?

In the wake of the Dervish cancellation, there has been much hysteria in the Irish media, accompanied by increasingly poor standards of journalism – even journalists with no apparent pro-Israel agenda have managed to mischaracterise both BDS and the campaign around the Dervish tour. Above all else, they keep spectacularly missing the bloody point. Palestinians living through their 64th year of brutal occupation, betrayed by the so-called international community, have called for a comprehensive boycott of Israel – that’s their call, that’s one of the means by which they choose to resist the apartheid imposed on them. Solidarity groups support that call, that’s what solidarity means.

Raymond Deane, IPSC Cultural Liaison Officer, was interviewed by the ignorant and boorish Marc Colman on Newstalk radio (about 20 mins in) and subjected to personal attack by the uninformed and rude Eamon Delaney, both of whom trotted out the usual zionist cliches, familiar to any observer of the defenders of Israel and rehearsed multiple times on this blog. He was ‘accused’ of calling for the boycott himself, then it was claimed that it was a Hamas led boycott. Delaney even said that Israel shouldn’t be ‘picked on’ as it is a country made up of people who are white and European originally, very telling.

The thing about democracy is that, of course, everyone is entitled to an opinion but let’s make them based on knowledge not empty rhetoric or lazy thinking. If you’re going to be against the cultural boycott, at least be informed as to where it came from, what it entails, how it fits into the struggle, the truth about Israel’s constant repression of Palestinian culture. What we have seen here is the usual knee-jerk reaction of Israel’s supporters, who often don’t know what it is exactly they are against, all they know is that they will defend the apartheid state no matter what.

As with all the BDS campaigns I have seen, there is no harrassment of those who would cross the picket line, there is however a sincere and very urgent campaign to educate them and try to persuade them not to endorse apartheid. This is what campaigning for justice and human rights looks like, it’s what it looked like in the campaign agaisnt South African apartheid. That the Irish Minister for Justice either cannot or refuses to see this is disturbing. That journalists can produce copy based on lies, inaccuracies and mistruths is worrying.

This is the IPSC’s official response to Minister Shatter.

The Palestinian led cultural boycott is growing every year, more and more artists are choosing not to perform for apartheid Israel. It is an honourable campaign and one I am proud to be part of, as should all involved especially the artists who make the decision to join.

BDS until apartheid ends – if you don’t like it, then let’s see your work to end injustice.


Related Links

Justice and Defence Minister abuses position in attacking human rights campaigners

Letter to Seanad Éireann (Irish Senate) concerning defamation by Senator Paschal Mooney

More mendacious drivel in the Irish Times regurgitating speculation about venom.

All comments made prior to Dervish’s cancellation on their page:

Campaign Against Israeli Blood Diamonds – Australian Palestinian Solidarity Activists Alert

Israeli blood diamondsPlease help raise awareness about a very important Kimberley Process meeting to be held in Washington from June 4-7th. You can email, tweet and phone politicians asking that the Australian representative at this meeting calls for a ban on trade in blood diamonds from Israel that fund war crimes, trade which the Kimberley Process should prohibit.

The sentencing of the blood diamond-funded former Liberian President, Charles Taylor, for war crimes and crimes against humanity will take place on 30th May. Together with the Kimberley Process (KP) meeting in Washington shortly after, there’s sure to be a lot more media reports about blood diamonds and so there’s an opportunity to push the issue of Israeli blood diamonds into the media spotlight once again.

Your government will have a seat at the KP table. It is important that you voice your concerns about the trade in diamonds from Israel that fund war crimes and crimes against humanity but which evade the human rights strictures of the Kimberley Process and are sold worldwide labelled as conflict-free. NGOs are seeking to have cut and polished diamonds included in the remit of the KP but the vested interests are resisting any such move which would pose a serious threat to Israel’s burgeoning diamond industry and the entire Israeli economy. Even though the KP refuses to include cut and polished diamonds it’s important to raise the issue and expose the double standards in the Kimberley Process which is designed to protect the rich an powerful beneficiaries of the diamond trade while Palestinians hunger and die under Israel’s diamond-funded hegemony.

Please take a few moments to contact your political representatives and ask them to raise this issue in parliament and with the government.

As the time frame for action is quite narrow it is important to act as soon as possible. You can find contact details for your local MP here – http://australia.gov.au/directories/contact-parliament

Another promising development is the action by solidarity activists in Italy who are planning an Israeli blood diamond demonstration in Vicenza next Monday to coincide with a meeting there of the World Diamond Council that will be attended by all the movers and shakers in the global diamond industry.

For more information about Israeli blood diamonds and the campaign to stop them, visit here.

Below is a draft letter which can be used or adapted and sent to politicians about the issue. Please help the monitoring of the uptake on this action and BCC emails.

Australia must act to end the trade in diamonds from Israel that fund war crimes

The conviction of former Liberian President Charles Taylor by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity has again cast the spotlight on the trade in blood diamonds. It is a timely reminder of the urgent need for reform of the Kimberly Process definition of a “conflict diamond” which presently only applies to rough diamonds that fund rebel movements and not to diamonds that fund government forces guilty of war crimes.

Last year the Kimberley Process allowed the export of blood-tainted diamonds from Zimbabwe where government forces stand accused of serious human rights violations. Human rights organisations wanted the definition of a “conflict diamond” broadened to take account of diamonds that fund rogue governments guilty of human rights violations but the KP failed to act and the diamonds from Zimbabwe were allowed to contaminate the global market. As a result, Global Witness, a founding member of the KP, withdrew last December stating “most consumers still cannot be sure where their diamonds come from, nor whether they are financing armed violence or abusive regimes”. Other human rights organisations have indicated that they will also withdraw from the KP unless meaningful reform of the definition of a “conflict diamond”, accompanied by the inclusion of the cutting and polishing sector, is agreed this year.

Reform of the KP definition of a “conflict diamond” will be the main issue on the agenda at the KP Intersessional Meeting in Washington from June 4th – June 7th. It is important that the Australian representative at that meeting calls for a broadening of the KP definition of a “conflict diamond” to include all diamonds that fund gross human rights violations, including cut and polished diamonds which presently evade the criteria applied to rough diamonds.

Israel, a member of the KP, stands accused by the UN Human Rights Council of serious war crimes and possible crimes against humanity following the 2008/2009 assault on Gaza that left over 1400 people dead including more than 300 children;

The UN Human Rights Council investigation of the Israeli attacks on the humanitarian aid flotilla (including MV Mavi Marmara), bound for Gaza on 31 May 2010 during which nine people were murdered and many others injured, found that there was clear evidence to support prosecutions of the following crimes within the terms of article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: – Willful killing; Torture or inhuman treatment; Willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.

The investigation also considered that a series of violations of Israel’s obligations under international human rights law have taken place, including: – Right to life (art. 6, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights); Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (art.7, International Covenant; Convention against Torture); Right to liberty and security of the person and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention (art. 9, International Covenant); Right of detainees to be treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person (art. 10, International Covenant); Freedom of expression (art. 19, International Covenant);

Considering that evidence presented to the London session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in November 2010 indicated that the Israeli diamond industry contributes about $1 billion annually to the Israeli military and security industries and that every time somebody buys a diamond that was exported from Israel some of that money ends up in the Israeli military;

Diamonds exported from Israel are therefore helping to fund gross human rights violations in Palestine as well as Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons programme which it refuses the International Atomic Energy Agency permission to supervise or inspect.

Given these facts, I call on you to ask the government to instruct the Australian representative to the Kimberley Process to call for:

the Kimberley Process definition of a “conflict diamond” to be broadened to include all diamonds that fund gross human rights violations by any group or government;
a ban on the export of diamonds from Israel until such time as it respects the human rights of the Palestinian people under its control and abides by the international human rights law and humanitarian law.

Related Links

David Cronin writes about the diamond trade that links Antwerp and Tel Aviv and how Israeli diamonds evade KP scrutiny.
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] Movement

The Max Brenner 19 on Trial in Victoria

Omar Hassan: “Activists all across the world are being targeted for their campaign against Israel and I think this is just the latest step in that process. I think it’s because Israel is worried that BDS is delegitimising what is an illegitimate state.”

Rachel Sztanski: “We’re not going to be bullied out of protesting in support of Palestine.”

From the Australian Jewish News:

… defendant Jerome Small said there was nothing anti-Semitic about protesting for Palestinian rights. “To throw the anti-Semitic card is the oldest trick in the Zionist book,” he said.

As the only Jewish defendant, Crafti said misinformation created by the State of Israel generated anti-Semitism.

“Anti-Semitism is caused by a false connection between Jewish people and the State of Israel,” he said.

Defendant Omar Hassan said Max Brenner was targeted because it provided care packages to the Israeli Army.

The trial is expected to last two weeks.”

The Givati brigade, whose members were just let off the hook by the Israeli military for their murder of 21 civilians from the Samouni family during Israel’s Cast Lead massacre of the people of Gaza in January 2009, is one of the beneficiaries of the Strauss Group-owned Max Brenner chocolate shop chain largesse.

Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli businesses like Max Brenner who support war crimes against Indigenous Palestinians will mount internationally until justice is brought to Israel, and Palestinians achieve their human rights guaranteed under international law.

Related Links

Max Brenner, a Legend of Contemporary “Journalism”
They’re Goin’ on a March – in Newtown
BDS Protest Against Apartheid Israel Near Max Brenner in Brisbane
BDS Protests Max Brenner Support of Apartheid Israel’s Occupation
Crackdown on Free Speech and BDS Political Protest in Australia
Boycott Max Brenners – No More Sweetening of Apartheid