Hasbaroid, he was a hasbaroid
Scummier than you and me
Hasbaroid, for a hasbaroid
Palestinians must not be free.
Hasbaroid, he was a hasbaroid,
One talking point too many
Hasbaroid, for a hasbaroid
Palestinians must not be free.
And he bored us a lot
and he had a job
of selling lies for Israel
to cover up its crimes.
He was a hasbaroid
Hasbaroid, he was a hasbaroid,
his friends were unaware,
hasbaroid, he was a hasbaroid,
nobody even cared,
Hasbaroid, he was a hasbaroid,
One talking point too many
Hasbaroid, for a hasbaroid
Palestinians must not be free.
and he bored us a lot
and he had a job
of selling lies for Israel
to cover up its crimes.
He was a hasbaroid
He was a hasbaroid
June 2015
(Apologies to Devo)
Related Links
The elevation of an Israeli minister to deal specifically to BDS is a clear signal that Israel regards BDS as a significant threat to its apartheid, violent oppression of Palestinians.
New funding for hasbara:
“In addition, as Hasbarah Minister, Erdan will be given 100,000,000 shekels ($25.7M) in his first year of office exclusively for coordinating international events to counter the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. ”
Lapkin’s turgid asseveration trots out the current hasbara talking points and attacks the left, BDS and antizionists who oppose a racist Jewish state.
Omar Barghouti:
‘Netanyahu has declared, in effect, that BDS – the Palestinian-led movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions – is the new Iran.’
Israel’s latest hit mission against divestment on campus – intimidating pro-Palestinian students and threatening their careers. Israel sure knows how to delegitimise itself.
Ali Abunimah exposes Beinart’s hypocritical lib zio hasbara.
As if Ynet hasn’t donated itself as a mouthpiece for scurrilous Israeli regime propaganda forever.
Hasbara directed at fundamentalist Christians
“While the global, Palestinian-led BDS movement for Palestinian rights has proven to be a truly tough challenge for Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, we think there is substantial exaggeration in the recent panic-driven, racist and patently propagandistic Israeli attack on the movement.”
Adelson described three components of his Campus Maccabees concept: donors who will fund the operation; activists on the ground willing to take the fight to the campus; and researchers who will supply information about the anti-Israel groups and recommend possible legal avenues to block their activities.
Perpetrator of multiple war crimes, Elliott Abrams, pushes dirty propaganda against BDS in Newsweek
Decode the US hasbara against BDS
Current StandonUs team from the organisation that brought you pepperspraying of JVP members, portraying themselves as victims
Liberal zionist hasbara: Zonszein attempts to blame BDS for stifling of dissent in Israel.
Peter Beinart trounced by Yousef Munayyer in debate. Liberal zionism is yet again revealed as an immoral, undemocratic ideology.
South Africa’s “finest young leaders” invited on Israel lobby junket
‘Gerald Steinberg, founder of NGO-Monitor, a group that tracks anti-Israel activity of Israeli non-profits including Breaking the Silence, told TheBlaze Sunday that “any credibility given to Breaking the Silence is another blow to Israeli perceptions of the U.S.”’
Zionist AMCHA Initiative group fails to have a student-led course on the history of Palestine at the University of California at Riverside (UCR) shut down
Israel’s mockery of foreign war correspondents backfires
Hasbara and the Case for Cultural and Academic Boycott of Israel
Israeli government reps spying on activists at conferences
Israel has a long-standing policy of using cultural events to burnish its international image.
“We are seeing culture as a hasbara tool of the first rank, and I do not differentiate between hasbara and culture,” Israeli foreign ministry official Nissim Ben-Sheetrit explained in 2005.
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