It’s a busted trike, not a Ferrari, Mr. Beattie

Floating Lands at Boreen PointThe delusional premier of Queensland threw a complete wobbly at the state he rules from afar by decree of Commission. The current lofty Commission has declared 156 local subject Councils shall be reduced to a scanty 72. Deliberations commenced a mere 3 months ago in April, and there is to be no community consultation or followup regarding the Commission’s high and mighty decisions, with affirming legislation expected to be swept through within a couple of days. This is government by dictate. Commission member Terry Mackenroth must be rubbing his greasy mitts together in anticipation of his juggernaut Devine Homes marching up the coast. Talk about a conflict of interest.

Effectively for Noosa dwellers such as ourselves, with Noosa Council to be lumped in with the development crazed Maroochy and Caloundra Shires, our representational bang for a buck will be divided by 6, with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council having a mere 12 representatives. The development sharks will be quaffing buckets of champers for joyful weeks, arms linked with their respective political sponsors. The Local Government Minister, Andrew Fraser, whooped gleefully:

“We had a model T Ford, and now we’ve got a Ferrari.”

Yep, mate, we know, we know. We remember the good ole Joh days too.

The Commission shows how abysmally out of touch it is in its report:

The region has many environmental, scenic and recreational amenities and is a major local, national and international tourist destination. The maintenance and management of these attributes and faciliities have evolved in ways that are both different because of council philosophies, but similar because of the need to provide protection of the environment and the amenity of the area for residents and visitors alike. These are amenities which are important to each of the existing local governments and in the Commission’s view, are best managed on a regional basis to ensure the actions of one council do not compromise the environmental quality or amenity of its neighbour.

Just how amalgamating with the repulsive development hungry slumlords of Maroochy can protect the Noosa environment from developers’ predations with much reduced and removed local government representation beats me.

Looking at the figures, it’s Maroochy and Caloundra who will be mooching off Noosa income wise also. They spent their environmental and eco-tourism capital years ago on monstrous wastelands of coastal suburban slums, particularly the ravenous Maroochy wolves. But let’s not, of course, forget the oh so charming Currumundi pits – that classic beach haven for single parent junkies.

Another howler by the Commission is equally ludicrous … that somehow because the Sunshine Coast Airport is in Maroochy Shire, all tourist goodies must flow from there.The Maroochy airport is *not* and will never be the gateway to Noosa. Why are they unaware that the majority of tourism to Noosa is from Brisbane and does not arrive by air. Why are these dolts obsessed by a mode of transport which shortly will become too expensive for all but the very rich? Should they not be focussing on rail? I think the Commission unconsciously reveals its true concern in their first recommendation summary:

. Promote and support major economic development initiatives emerging in the region.

Yep … they know amalgamation will mean carte blanche for the big boys to move right in and to wreck the place with no local representation of locals’ wishes to stop or affect whatever major economic development (read Titanium Springs and the like) is proposed. We all know how sensitive the Maroochy Council is to the environment – gone is the Obi Obi, sacrificed to the algal blooms of Lake Baroon, and the tourist traps of Montville, Flaxton and Mapleton are wall to wall southern geriatric waiting room horror. The wetlands behind Coolum, Maroochy and Kawana …. either canal estate disaster zones or bulldozed for non canal estates. And we should trust an amalgamation with these environmental vandals? Maybe we should just submit wearily now and turn it all into one gigantic nursing home for aging southerners.

I spat off the following missive to our detestable state premier, who lost my support some time ago over the Traveston swamp debacle, when he first revealed himself to be a tool of southern development sharks.

Dear Mr. Beattie,

I have been a resident of Noosa Shire since 1976 and was born in Queensland. I met you in
the late 70s at an ALP function and thought you would make a fine Queensland leader then.
You seemed decent. Where is that decency now?

I never thought I would see the day when a Labor Party State government would foist an
undemocratic, ill-considered amalgamation on a unilaterally opposed Noosa community.

We in Noosa value our difference, our community identity and our environmental uniqueness.
Our area deserves special protection from the predations of property developers – their only
concern is making money from the invasion of (predominantly aged and social services
needy) southerners which your government, ironically in similar shortsighted fashion to the
tyrannical Bjelke Peterson regime, appears bent on encouraging here to the detriment of the
environment in south east Queensland, its natural resources on which the current population
depends and the enjoyment of life of those such as myself who were born here.

You are making things worse, not better, Mr Beattie. For folks like me, who have fought for
years to protect Noosa from the ravages of property sharks, your latest blunder is the last
straw. For this, you and your co-conspirators will not be forgiven unless this bleak, foolhardy
amalgamation is overturned.

You must ask yourself, Mr. Beattie, in whose interest are you really acting and to whom are
you responsible in our supposed representative democracy? Queenslanders such as myself,
who live in Noosa, or insatiable development companies for whom enough “growth” is NEVER enough,
who wish to prey on the property needs of future hordes of southerners which you, and not
we, seem keen to allow to pillage the unravaged remainder of the southern part of the state until
the golden goose has been cooked and picked to the bones.

Sacrificing the needs of individuals and their communities for the so-called “greater good”
rings reminiscent, hollow and forboding, Peter.

I have voted Labor all my life, and now, after the ongoing fiasco of the Traveston swamp, and
this abominable amalgamation which will severely diminish my democratic electoral
representation, your dictatorial actions have changed my vote.

For it is government which loses sight of the legitimate democratic interests of individuals and
the communities in which those individuals live, which prances blindly down the road to
totalitarianism and which has itself become illegitimate. I would patently be better served with
more satisfactory democratic representation by a more democratic institution if the
Queensland State Government was abolished rather than the Noosa Council.

Correctly, you seem to have great interest in the rights of Dr Haneef, a foreign national. Yet
the concerns and futures of individuals who elected you in this State, who were born here
and who have lived here all their lives are trampled on with a bureaucratic stroke of a pen.

By your own disgraceful, fascistic actions, *you* and your Party are now the enemy. You have
lost my vote. And worst of all, in your rush to deliver another windfall profit stream to the
corpulent unethical predators of our environment, you may well cost Kevin Rudd the Federal

Do the decent thing, please, Peter and restore my trust and admiration.

Let the individuals who live in Noosa and the Noosa community be what they want to be and
not what you, the Property Council and its various avaricious sycophants and leeches want
them to be.

Otherwise, it will be many many years before an ALP member is elected in this region again.

Not that, of course, unrepresentative, out-of-touch, heading off the rails toward fascism governments give a stuff about what their electorate wants. One still must try.

Noosa 2007Noomaroochy 2027

If we’re properly over the flu by Friday, we’ll be attending the rally against amalgamation and fascism in Brisbane at 10.30 a.m. at South Bank. More details here – and you can also see a visual comparison of the foreshores of Maroochy and Noosa Shires which make it blindingly obvious which is environmentally conscious and which is a slum.

Later today after his meeting with coast mayors, Beattie weasels in a futile attempt to placate those like myself.

The 45-minute meeting was closed to the media, but the Premier said afterwards that he had promised to protect Noosa, including retaining its current population cap and ensuring it did not face wholesale, high-rise-type development. Any major changes to planning schemes would have to be approved by the state government, he added.

Mr Beattie also confirmed he will not budge on his Friday deadline for the mayors to make a decision on whether they want separate divisions within the new regional authority or would prefer to head to the polls in March without internal boundaries.

C’mon, Peter, you can do better than that. Your sootheing nothings about changes having to be approved by the state government don’t impress me. And do you mean to say we will be facing small scale high rise? the thin edge of the wedge? You and your mob will be in power a shorter time than you think, and you and I know the other bastards are, for all your hideous latter day faults, invariably much worse. And who will stop the silvertail sharks then if you have kneecapped our community’s political power?

Rodent Wedgie Update

RacismTime for a reassessment of rodential wedgies leading up to the election. Today little Johnny laughably dredged up his old favourite – there are terrorists amongst us, folks, so fear, fear, fear – as he desperately tries to regain popularity the best way he knows how. A late November election is now looking likely – Ratty needs all the time for slime he can manage.

Here’s the updated wedgie list:

  1. The attempt to vilify teachers.
  2. The attempt to win votes by unnecessary condemnation of AIDS victims.
  3. An attempt to reinvigorate “Boatpeoplephobia”.
  4. The attempt to bash unions.
  5. Smear and muckraking, even having the cheek to try to exploit the WA crime and corruption commission prosecutions when he would NEVER implement a CCC at the federal level.
  6. The attempt to blame high interest rates on Labor.
  7. May 2/07 Use of Bill Heffernan to slag off at Julia Gillard for being “deliberately barren” and thus unsuitable for public office – the rodent waits a whole day before expressing support for those requiring an apology from the Heffer.
  8. The attempt to smear Kevvie via his wife Therese Rein.
  9. The attempt to bash unions AGAIN.
  10. Broadband – the cities vs the country
  11. Reignition of aboriginophobia with the military invasion of indigenous peoples’ communities under the guise of helping the children.
  12. Revamping of the old ‘there are terrorists’ amongst us fear campaign.

Have we missed any? Please let us know.

BTW, don’t miss the rubbery rodent skit at she sells sanctuary.

While we wait …

And watch and listen …

Our national politics, let alone our international political predilections are nearly too sickening at present for words anyway. While the rodent postures and preens over indigenous causes which he has patently ignored for 10 years, he is touting devious plans to allow forced entry to aboriginal communities – cornucopia for mining interests? He is preparing for the campaign of his miserable ratty existence, the outcome of which despite the woeful Liberal polling is by no means assured.

Little Johnny’s immoral counterparts and allies, the terrorist state of Israel and its bevy of international cowering zealot minions with their individual imperial ambitions, piously condemn the popular democratically elected so-called ‘terrorist’ government of the overly occupied terrorities in favour of their now allies of convenience, the terrorist Fatah brigades. Terminally blinkered Western proponents of democracy thus are seen to regard democratic governments as legitimate if they undemocratically support policies which their electors patently do not.

There is a reason the people threw out Abbas’ Fatah party in last year’s election. Palestinians see the leading Fatah politicians as unimaginative, self-serving and corrupt, satisfied with the emoluments of power. Worse yet, Palestinians came to realize that the so-called peace process championed by Abbas (and by Yasser Arafat before him) had led to the permanent institutionalization — rather than the termination — of Israel’s 4-decade-old military occupation of their land. Why should they feel otherwise? There are today twice as many settlers in the occupied territories as there were when Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat first shook hands in the White House Rose Garden. Israel has divided the West Bank into besieged cantons, worked diligently to increase the number of Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem (while stripping Palestinian Jerusalemites of their residency rights in the city) and turned Gaza into a virtual prison.

Divide and conquer the good old colonialist way – again, for the umpteenth disastrous time since the Zionist invasion, when the Zionists first introduced terrorism to Palestine. Is As’ad from the Angry Arab News Service too optimistic when he declares:

The Palestinians need a new political organization: neither Fath nor Hamas. NOW.

As’ad also points out that

A new poll among Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank reveals the obvious: that most Palestinians are neither for Fath nor for Hamas: more than 40% of Palestinians indicated that they are “independent”.

United Stupids Suicide bomber barbieYet even if there was an alternative political force, it would be nanoseconds before the Israeli government stereotyped them as terrorists in order to engineer the obligatory, traditional nobbling of peace initiatives, so their land thieving on the West Bank and breaches of international law could continue behind the usual smokescreen of convenient, manufactured ‘beleaguered’ victimhood.

As Jeffery Sachs observes:

For the past 10 years, the greatest practical barrier to peace has been Israel’s failure to carry out any true withdrawal to its 1967 borders, owing to the political weight of hundreds of thousands of settlers in the West Bank and the religious and secular communities that support them. This remains the crucial truth; the rest follows as tragedy. Even when the US or Israel have tabled peace offers, such as at Camp David in 2000, they have included convoluted ways to sustain the West Bank settlements and large settler populations, while denying an economically viable and contiguous Palestinian state.

Sachs fails to note that inevitably it is the enabling activities or lack thereof of the Israeli government which have bolstered the continued thievery and oppression. At all times, it has been within the power of that democratically elected government to restrain its extremists and to act within the ambit and intention of UN Res 242 in order to obtain peace.

Continue reading “While we wait …”

Worthy of further investigation

A little bird alerted us to this essential reading and listening about various vile and nefarious rodential attacks on freedom in Asstralia:

His Master’s Voice: The Corruption of Public Debate under Howard.

David Marr argues that John Howard has the loudest voice in Australia. He has cowed his critics, muffled the press, intimidated the ABC, gagged scientists, silenced NGOs, censored the arts, prosecuted leakers, criminalised protest and curtailed parliamentary scrutiny.

National Insecurity : The Howard Government’s Betrayal of Australia.