Nuff said 🙂
Whack a Poll
Play this fun Fairfax game, raise your favourite party’s approval rating and enjoy pollie bashing online in celebration of the fast approaching federal election.
Blog Action Day – let’s put the environment first for a change.
Rarely are we interested in participating in these ever more ubiquitous days of blog solidarity, however given that our upcoming election may pivot around environmental issues, here’s our contribution.
Let’s face it, follks, both major Asstralian parties are off the mark when it comes to ensuring our environment and we who have plundered it survive. Neither party is willing to address the main issue adequately – that our consumption levels are far too disgustingly gluttonous for sustainability. Both parties preach a blind necessity of population growth for productivity growth without questioning the longterm viability of this profligacy or the patent lack of common sense in promoting ever increasing gobbling of resources and abominable expansion of concrete slums along the Australian coastline. Both Libs and Labs are paid off by lobby groups, from industry, religious groups and workers, which mean these issues are submerged. Look no further than the recent Gunns debacle in Tasmania, the rape of democracy in Queensland with forced council amalgamations which will assist developers at the expense of the environment particularly in the South East quarter, the Traveston Dam horror, the ghastly influence of the loony Exclusive Brethren in our elections, not to mention the insidious and historically all pervasive intrusions of the male dominated Catholic church nuthouse with its destructive, self-interested policy of rampant human reproduction.
Sneaky, our opportunistic scrub turkey agrees with our major parties’ shortsighted economic irrationalism. Without human waste, Sneaky’s lifestyle would be greatly impoverished.
Chaser team to be chastised and chastened?
No point waffling on to the blurgaverse when one is overwhelmed by post-viral horrors, a foul, swampish sense of being shafted by the abdicated Peter Beattie over the forced and greatly despised council amalgamations, predictable stock market slumps and recoveries, and mammoth work and play commitments. It’s not as though one has millions of avid readers complaining about the Fringe’s absence, and neither does the Fringe care.
Of all these tribulations, it is Beattie’s intransigence which most peeves us. For nights we pore over the dry old Australian constitution and conclude the only solution permissible in our defence is to form a new state to encompass our local water resources. A friend however points out that we would have no chance of defending our precious water should the profligate hordes further south whine that their swimming pools need filling. They could simply send in the military. Still, as a media event, and as a protest against the scything of our grassroots democratic representation and mutilation of our local identity and sustainability, for which Noosa just won a UNESCO award, it needs to be done.
Rudd’s popularity sank with the impact of Beattie’s ill-considered attack, and has now recovered, helped by little Johnny Moron’s pathetic flailings about the hospital systems amongst other gaffs. People have had enough of their irksome prime monster and all going well, and a few marginal seats lost, and even his own seat to Maxine McHugh, Howard will be out on his ear, dumped like a dead cat with no bounce. Then again, who knows what the malevolent rodent will pull out of the hat at the last minute. Nothing has turned out well for him of late though. At APEC, an event where his mighty miniatureness rubbed shoulders as he so loves, with the doyen of world leaders, he was joyously upstaged by the wonderful Chaser team, who will face charges this week for successfully and mischievously crossing the barrier between the people and those who rule from afar.
Our best wishes are with them this week – and may humour triumph over all adversity.
Email to P.B. – Taking to the Street
“Can you hear me Peter Beattie
From your leather padded chair?
There’s a tide outside your door
Steadily rising
It’s a simple case of freedom
And a lot of us who care
And if demonstrations aren’t enough
Well I hope you’ve said your prayers.
It seems this time you’ve gone too far
Next you’ll call the troopers in
And you can put my dossier
In the glossy pages of the Bulletin.
Oh you think the battle’s over
Well the war has just begun
Your legislation’s just a piece of tissue
Oh won’t you listen to the beat
Of ten thousand marching feet?
Taking to the street.
Oh there’ll be a national monument
In coloured sand of course
Where the plaque reads
“Look what Peter Beattie did”
A traitor’s tree, a traitor’s rope,
Thirty bits of silver
And a couple of Queensland
silvertail kickbacks.
You think the battle’s over
Well the war has just begun
Your legislation’s just a piece of tissue
Won’t you listen to the beat
Of ten thousand marching feet?
Taking to the street.”
(With fond apologies to Redgum.)
Peter, your head nodding placations about the amalgamation of Noosa Council with its avaricious, development crazed, environmentally irresponsible and unsustainable southern neighbours are not credible.
You claim Noosa will be protected by state government regulation. Yet it will only take a change of government or even more certainly, a change in planning strategy by the new, undesirable regional body before Noosa will be legs apart for the developers.
Developers are already slathering and ringing Council in anticipation of wreaking havoc following amalgamation on our nominated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
Instead of nobbling our community’s power in the ominous and telling name of the ‘greater good of Queensland’ (i.e. “Queensland uber alles”), you should join UNESCO in applauding and further protecting Noosa and its beloved environment from the southern predators who have no qualms about destroying it for their own selfish short term gain and who have obviously got you and your Government by the short and curlies in some fashion. Could it be to do with Terry Mackenroth and his interest in the mega development company, Devine Homes?
Peter, you may have become an unwitting pawn of the development lobby, or perhaps you are a well informed co-conspirator with it, but know this – we in Noosa will NOT yield an inch. You ain’t seen nothing yet.