Freedom for Gaza : The Thing About Waves Is They Keep on Coming


Messages for Michael – from John Pilger:

For Michael Coleman … Michael, try not to be deterred by the rogue regime that illegally detains you. They kidnapped you and your comrades because they fear the growing moral outrage of the world; all criminal regimes harbour this dread of a known truth. Be assured the great majority of humanity is with you in spirit; I personally am grateful to you for what you have done and for your courage. All power to you.

Solidarity Appeal: Protest Letter to the Israeli Ambassador: ‘The crew of the MV Saoirse and the Tahrir remain in custody in Givon Prison. Reports have emerged of violence used when the ship was hijacked by the Israeli Navy, and from a telephone conversation with Paul we have learned that the crew have been severely mistreated in prison .’
Israeli takeover of freedom boats violent and dangerous
Violent tactics by Israel almost sunk Gaza-bound boats

“It began with Israeli forces hosing down the boats with high pressure hoses and pointing guns at the passengers through the windows,” Lane, who was onboard the Saoirse, said. “I was hosed down the stairs of the boat. Windows were smashed and the bridge of the boat nearly caught fire.”

From FB: Zoe Lawlor phoned home this Sunday morning and both she and Mags O’Brien are in good spirits and looking forward to getting home very much. They also asked us all to put as much pressure on the Dept of foreign affairs as possible.


Confirmed that the two Irish women hostages are being held in Givon prison.

While there’s been no statement forthcoming or phone calls from the women hostages held by Israel, the Israeli spokesperson is a woman:

“There are 21 passengers detained who refused to be expelled immediately and are engaged in proceedings against their deportation before an Israeli judge,” interior ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad told AFP. … ‘She said the remaining 21 people were still being held at a detention facility in Ramla near Tel Aviv, after questioning by immigration authorities.’

4 easy ways you can help illegally detained Australian #FreedomWaves to Gaza delegate Michael Coleman (please RT!) –

Only 2 days plus a couple of hours after he was kidnapped, Michael Cole is allowed a phone call with his family.

“We have just spoken to Michael’s father who has just had a call from Michael.

He was supposed to have a 3 minute call but was cut off after a minute. He reported that 30 armed men forcibly boarded the Tahrir. He and others were assaulted on the boat and again when they were forcibly taken off the boat against their will into Israel.

He has not signed and will not sign any deportation order or ‘admission’ that he entered Israel illegally. He expects to be deported 72 hours after ‘the process’ began.’

Why haven’t we heard from the women who are gaoled in Israeli dungeons? ?The Irish Prisoners Committee

‘is seeking direct contact with the women prisoners. ,,,
Note:the two women from the Irish ship (Zoe Lawler and Mags O’Brien are held elsewhere) ‘

From the Irish Times:

‘But it is understood activists have refused to sign deportation orders as they were brought to Israel against their will.

They include Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy, former Fianna Fáil TD Chris Andrews, Siptu official Mags O’Brien, artist Felim Egan, People Before Profit councillor Hugh Lewis, Sinn Féin councillors Pat Fitzgerald and John Hearne, and Zoe Lawlor, who teaches at the University of Limerick.’

‘Claudia Saba, spokeswoman, said there has been no contact from anyone onboard since it was hijacked, apart from a single text message from Mr Hogan’s mobile phone.

“Once again, as with the flotilla of June 2010, Israel has managed to gain a monopoly on the narrative of what happened when the Gaza-bound boats were hijacked by Israel at sea,” she said.

“The footage released by Israel of the boarding of the boats is vague and lacking in detail.

“Since we have no direct contact with our fellow citizens, and since they are not allowed to communicate with the outside world, we do not know exactly what happened or how those aboard were treated.”

Campaigners called on the Government to suspend Israel from the Euromed Agreement, end all arms trade with Israel and take steps to ensure no Irish state-funded institution engages in any cultural, academic, or economic cooperation with the state of Israel or its associated institutions.’

More update on the recalcitrant Occupy Wall Street mob who have failed to make the connections between racism, imperialism, neoliberalism, capitalism and zionism. :

‘The tweet was erased because there was discussion about how it was not appropriate to address this issue on these large public social media accounts until we had agreement from the group on our exact stance on these kinds of international conflicts.’

As thought the NYT doesn’t shill for imperial interests: ‘In the wake of the #OCCUPYWALLSTREET movement, the New York Times has twice taken a swipe at Adbusters magazine, originators of the event. David Brooks led the charge in his October 10 column, The Milquetoast Radicals, falsely accusing us of being anti-Jewish. ‘

Here comes anonymous! ‘Anonymous said that if the siege continues and Israeli forces intercept additional flotillas, or if they conduct additional operations such as the commandeering of the Mavi Marmara, it will have no alternative but to launch repeated cyber-attacks on Israeli computer systems until the siege ends.’

Australian held after Israel navy intercepts protesters
Michael Coleman: Tahrir Take Two


Journalists held as Israeli navy boards Gaza peace flotilla

Congratulations, Occupy Boston, for having the humanity to extend the 99% to encompass oppressed Palestinian people who suffer because of the Israeli apartheid regime, zionist hegemony which strides arm in arm with US imperial hegemony. Freedom Waves and BDS are unstoppable and they are the Occupy movement’s natural ideological partners, not racist zionism and US elites.

From Givon prison, Tahrir humanitarian from Canada, David Heap, has managed to release a letter via his lawyer.

‘Although Michael and I (among others) were transported in handcuffs and leg shackles, let me stress that we are neither criminals nor illegal immigrants but rather political prisoners of the apartheid state of Israel. Four from the Tahrir are imprisoned with 12 Irish comrades from the Saoirse, who have more experience with such issues. The four of us, Ehab and I (Cdn), Michael (Aus) and Hassan (UK) have joined with the Irish in their political prisoners’ committee in order to press our collective demands:

Association in the block – i.e. open cells
adequate writing and reading material
free communication with outside world – i.e. regular phone calls
information about shipmate women held at same prison’

We add one Tahrir-specific demand: that Israeli state recognize the professional status of Democracy Now journalist Jihan Hafiz in accordance with her credentials from the US government. All political incarceration is unjust but let me stress that in duration and conditions, our situation pales in comparison to the plight of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners and to the open air prison of Gaza.

If you have energy to devote to solidarity actions in the coming days, please concentrate on them. We must get Tahrir back and hope Freedom Waves continue.
Free Majd Kayyal! Free all political prisoners! Free Gaza! Free Palestine!

Anishnabe-debuewin, restons humaine, stay human, in love and struggle,


Michael’s father John speaking early on Sunday morning said:

“We have had one call from DFAT. That is all. Michael has not been able to contact us. We have support from the organisers here and around the world but not from our Government.”

We understand that the delegates were asked to sign deportation papers testifying that they entered Israel illegally and waive their right to a court hearing. They were brought into Israel against their will; therefore they have refused to sign those papers. We also understand that this peaceful resistance is what is leading to ongoing punishment and communication restrictions.

Yesterday, the “Australia Foreign Affairs Department said it was trying to arrange a consular visit to Michael Coleman, 35, from the state of New South Wales.”

As for our Irish friends on the MV Saoirse,

The Derry Friends of Palestine received a phonecall from Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams office at about 10PM Irish Time last night (Friday). We were then advised that their office had been in touch with the Israeli authorities who were holding Belfast passengers John Mallon and Phil McCullough.

They were told both men were in custody and in good spirits. That they and the other passengers were believed to be in good physical condition. We were told they will be taken to court and charged with illegally entering Israel, if they agree to this “crime” and accept the charge they can go home immediately with voluntary deportation, if they refuse the criminal charge then they will be given a lawyer to appeal and ultimately be forcibly deported within 72 hours. The Israeli diplomat informed Mr Adams office that we could expect John Mallon home most likely on Tuesday.

We were told John was very concerned that people back home would be worrying, especially his 7 children and family members. So they were all overjoyed when the news came through last night about their Dad.

We can also confirm that Phil McCullough’s family has had a phonecall from the Irish Consulate just this morning (Saturday) And that Phil is in good spirits and, like the others, will be taken before the courts soon.

All passengers are being refused direct contact with family members; however, we can expect them to be back in Ireland most likely on Tuesday.

There’s two other big stories on the apartheid entity out today –

Israeli doctors ‘failing to report torture of Palestinian detainees’

“This report reveals significant evidence arousing the suspicion that many doctors ignore the complaints of their patients; that they allow Israeli Security Agency interrogators to use torture; approve the use of forbidden interrogation methods and the ill-treatment of helpless detainees; and conceal information, thereby allowing total immunity for the torturers.”

Palestinian Children Face Abuse in Israeli Military Courts

The legal apparatus of the Israeli military system does not endeavor to protect Palestinian children’s rights; the military courts, under which children from the OPT are tried, lack comprehensive fair trial and juvenile justice standards. In September 2009, Israel established the Military Juvenile Court, but the situation on the ground remains essentially unchanged. On September 27, 2011, the Israeli military authorities raised the age of majority in the military courts to 18 years old. Until this time, the age had been officially set at 16, which directly defied the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, in practice, children as young as 12 have been and continue to be tried in military courts, with those 14 years of age often being tried as adults.

As of the Second Intifada (which began in September 2000), Israel began to employ administrative detention against children. Since this time the arrest and detention of children has grown more rampant and systemic, with around 700 children detained each year, and frequently held with adults in detention. The most common charge is stone throwing. At the time of this writing, 164 Palestinian children are in Israeli detention, 35 of whom are between the ages of 12 and 15.

In addition to regularly suffering abuse and torture similar to that of adult prisoners (beatings, blindfolding, being painfully shackled, position abuse, solitary confinement, electric shocks, threats of sexual assault, coercion into signing documents in Hebrew despite being unable to read them), children in detention are routinely subjected to tactics designed to exploit their age and intimidate them into confessions. These illegally obtained admissions are often used as evidence in the military courts. In the overwhelming majority of cases before these courts, children are denied bail and ordered to remain in detention until the end of the legal process. Credible allegations of ill-treatment and torture are not investigated.


As I’ve tweeted, the thing about waves is that they keep on coming, until the rubbish of Israeli apartheid and oppression is washed away. The most recent wave of humanitarian passengers from the seized Tahrir and MV Saoirse are now in custody at Ashdod port, incommunicado for several hours.

Michael Coleman, Australian delegate on the Tahrir, left a pre-recorded message in the event of his capture.

Before the Israeli pirates boarded the two vessels, they sprayed them fiercely with water cannons. UN Human Rights Council independent investigation of the Israel’s May 2010 flotilla attack declared Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza illegal. Further, as Ali Abunimah tweeted: “Israel claims Gaza waters are “closed military zone” but that it “withdrew” from Gaza in 2005. Which is it liars?”

Israel’s blockade was not broken on this 12th flotilla attempt, yet the waves will keep rolling over Israel’s apartheid and oppression in solidarity with the people of Palestine until it ends.

Here’s some resources for action to support Aussie delegate Michael Coleman and the other #FreedomWaves activists while they are held captive by the Israeli brigands.


On Saturday, 21 of the 27 passengers

remained in costudy and are slated to board flights back to their home countries over the next few days.

The other six passengers were released, including 2 Greek crew members, an Egyptian citizen that was returned to Egypt and two reporters, American and Spanish, who were released under limiting conditions and commited to leave Israel on Sunday.

Israel begins deporting Gaza flotilla activists
The Immigration Authority has taken four out of the 27 flotilla activists to a hearing prior to their deportation from Israel. Onboard one of the ships were 12 passengers and another 15 on another, including one Israeli citizen

The remaining passenger, Majed Kayal from Haifa, was released on bail after a police investigation.

25 activists are STILL DETAINED in #Givon Israeli detention center. They are not allowed to call a lawyer. #FreedomWaves RT @PALWaves #

Related Links

LIVE-BLOG: Israel military intercept Irish and Canadian boats off the coast of Gaza
Zionist agonises that the Occupy movement is becoming too explicitly pro-Palestinian
Email Campaign to Protect Irish and International Citizens Sailing to Gaza
Chaos at Occupy Sydney protest

“Who are we?” an Occupy Sydney spokeswoman asked the crowd.

“We are the workers, we are the indebted, we are the immigrants and the indigenous. We are homeless, we are the students, we are the unemployed, we are the under-represented people of the world. We are the 99 per cent. We are Occupy Sydney.”

Dis-ability Word Matters
Former Shin Bet director says Israel should take control of Strip for several years to dismantle terror organizations.

Palestine / Israel Links

Bedouin face bulldozers as Israel reshapes the desert
CIA following Twitter, Facebook, Mideast at the heart
Young man injured by Israeli machine guns East Shouja’ayah Neighborhood
KCL Action Palestine Campaign against Ahava
Goldstone a ‘liar’ – Gaza lawyer

Speaking at yesterday’s event, Palestinian refugee Leila Khaled drew parallels between South Africa’s apartheid regime and her own experiences in Palestine.

“I am optimistic, because in South Africa there was an apartheid regime and you ended your struggle with the support of the international community,” she said.

“I remember at school, rallying, demonstrating and calling for freedom in South Africa. I was brought up saying ‘when South Africa is free, Palestine will be free’.”

Khaled also called for the international community to boycott Israel.

Other issues discussed by the panel included the recent decision by countries such as the US to block funding to Unesco for accepting Palestine as a member country. Israel has also said it will block funding to the organisation.

US money accounts for nearly a quarter of Unesco’s funding.

Sourani, meanwhile, said this showed in a “clear-cut way that the US is providing full and clear diplomatic immunity to Israel”.

‘Four Knesset members have withdrawn their support for a private member’s bill that would subordinate democratic rule to Israel’s Jewish identity. Three of the MKs – Benjamin Ben-Eliezer (Labor ) and Kadima’s Doron Avital and Shlomo Molla – have already formally removed their signatures from the draft for the new Basic Law. MK Nachman Shai (Kadima ) said he will remove his within a few days. ‘

End the Racist Intervention Insist Northern Territory Elders and Community Representatives

Statement by Northern Territory Elders and Community Representatives – No More! Enough is Enough!

Melbourne 4 November, 2011

United First People’s Law men and women who are born leaders representing people of Prescribed Areas in the Northern Territory make this statement. Once again, they have gathered to openly discuss the future of our generation who have been subjugated by the lies and innuendo of the Federal Government, set out in the Stronger Futures document (October 2011).

The Stronger Futures report has created a lot of anger and frustration due to the lack of process and the ignorant way in which the views of the people have been reported. We therefore reject this report.

We will not support an extension of the Intervention legislation. We did not ask for it. In fact we call for a genuine Apology from the Federal Government for the hurt, embarrassment, shame and stigma, and for the illegal removal of the Racial Discrimination Act. It is our intention to officially call upon Government for reparation.

The recent consultations report shows that Government has failed to take seriously our concerns and feelings. This report is simply a reflection of pre-determined policy decisions. This is shown clearly by the absence of any commitment to bilingual learning programmes as well as the proposal to introduce welfare cuts and fines to parent of non-attending school children. Once again a punitive policy that is neither in the best interests of the child or the family.

Blanket measures have been central to the Northern Territory Intervention and have been the source of much distress. Where there are problems, they must be addressed on a case by case basis and preferably with the assistance through the appropriate community channels.

Since August 2007 till 2011, more than 45,000 First Nations Peoples living in the Prescribed Areas were traumatised when a Bill was passed through both Houses of Parliament (The House of Representatives and the Senate).

This legislation suspended the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 to put in place the Northern Territory Emergency Response. The Australian Greens were the only party to oppose the legislation.

These actions have placed Australia in breach of its international treaty obligations to the First Nations Peoples. Respectful discussion and negotiation with community elders did not take place before the introduction of the Intervention.

Discussions on a diplomatic basis are essential. There are elders in every Aboriginal Nation invested by the authority of the majority. These are the people with whom Minister Macklin should be negotiating, rather than with the chosen few, as has been her habit.

There has NEVER been acquiescence in the taking of our lands by stealth. Aboriginal people are sovereign people of this Nation. The process that will lead to legal recognition of customary law should be immediately commenced.

We believe that there should be an honest and comprehensive treaty negotiation with the Australian Government and facilitated by the United Nations.

We have a right under international law to self determination and after almost five years of the oppression of the Intervention, we demand that Government hand back to us control over our communities and provide adequate Government, long-term funding to ensure the future of Homelands.

Community Councils have suffered from years of underfunding. The same is happening today with the Shires that have been imposed on us. There is a lack of funding for our Core Service.There is no capacity for Aboriginal communities to engage in long-term services planning without the certainty of long-term funding.

We have had enough! We need our independence to live our lives and plan our futures without the constant oppression and threats which have become central to the relationship between Government and Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. We will not support policies that have not been negotiates with all elders of Prescribed communities and we will not support an extension of the Intervention, or an Intervention under other names.

Since the Apology and since reconciliation, the level of incarceration of Aboriginal men has increased three-fold; our families are being punished for failure to attend a foreign school design; our capacity to govern our own lives has been totally disempowered; Aboriginal youth suicide rates in the Northern Territory are higher than anywhere else in Australia; and our people have been demonized, labelled and branded. This is not what an apology is and it is not reconciliation. These outcomes are the very opposite to their intent.

Australia is in breach of its international treaty obligations to the first nation’s people through it membership to the United Nations in the elimination of racial discrimination.

We as leaders of the Northern Territory acknowledge other peoples’ views. We acknowledge that some may agree and some may disagree with parts or all of the ‘intervention’; whatever the name the Government chooses to call it. The only right we now have left is to remain silent.

We as Aboriginal people call on the international community to hold Australia to account for its continuing crimes against humanity for its treatments of its first nation’s people. Again, we say to our visits by the Minister’s department; this is not consultation. Proper consultation is about listening and inviting and including the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Consultation is about outcomes that are progressive and agreeable to all parties.

The future is based on our children having a quality education, but to date this continues to be a systemic failure. A quality education for our people needs to include:
• Bilingualism in schools to be returned and strengthened to ensure our children learn their traditional languages, dialects and cultural knowledges.
• Attendances need to be rewarded, rather than children and families being punished for non-attendance.
• Aboriginal teachers in classrooms and school educational leadership roles are essential to building quality, localized schooling programs. This means also equal pay and entitlements, rewards and opportunities consistent with their important roles.
• Curriculum needs to change and reflect traditional knowledges not just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, but importantly for the broader Australian population who know very little about their own first peoples.
• Aboriginal teachers need to be treated fairly and equally to their non-Aboriginal counterparts in delivering quality education to our children. This includes the opportunity to tell oral stories of Kinship, Creation Stories, and about important cultural knowledge and skills.

Failure to accept these views and work seriously toward their inclusion will simply mean more of the same.

Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra OAM
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM
Japata Ryan
Harry Nelson
Djapirri Murunggirritj
Barbara Shaw
Yananymul Mununggurr


Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: “The Government’s Stronger Futures Consultation Report wasn’t surprising, but it was deeply disappointing.”

Other relevant Statements.

Aboriginal Elders statement: 7th Feb 2011



Basic Rights not BasicsCard – Address to the Say No to Income Management Rally, Bankstown, 6th October 2011 Dr John Falzon – or watch the Video

Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra full response to Minister Jenny Macklin

Joint letter by Alastair Nicholson QC and others full response to Minister Jenny Macklin

Rt Hon. Malcolm Fraser full response to Minister Jenny Macklin

Related Links

SBS: Elders voice anger over NT intervention
“Statement by Northern Territory Elders and Community Representatives – No More! Enough is Enough!”

They’re Goin’ on a March – in Newtown

Australian Defence League The next protest against illegal Israeli occupation sponsor, Max Brenner, is in Newtown on Saturday, September 10 at 1pm, and Australia’s demented version of the white supremacist British EDL, the Australian Defence League and Australian Protectionist Party (APP), will be there to protest alongside Zionist white supremacists against BDS.

The NSW leader of the APP, Darrin Hodges, is an ex-Stormfront forum member who once opined that “[Hitler] laid a foundation that we should build on” but who now identifies The Muslim rather than The Jew as being Public Enemy #1. Martin Brennan, the former leader of the ADL, was last month deported back to England as an illegal immigrant but looks forward to joining the EDL as they attempt to march through Tower Hamlets on September 3 (slight problem being police have banned the march). One of Brennan’s closest supporters was another foreigner named Roberta Moore, former leader of the EDL’s ‘Jewish Division’: on the one hand, Moore was unhappy with the number of ‘Nazis’ belonging to the group; on the other hand, the EDL was unhappy with Moore’s cultivating links with the ‘Jewish Task Force’.

Roberta Moore has a cosy relationship with the Australian far right.

In an Australian JDL Facebook group now secret or defunct and assisted by Meir Weinstein from the Canadian JDL (which collaborates with the Canadian EDL), Ms Moore offers Australian JDLers assistance lining up Australian Defence League honcho Martin Brennan with the Australian Jewish Defence League, which is supporting a demonstration against an Islamic Conference early in July.

Boycott, divestment and sanctions are the principled non-violent method chosen by Palestinian people to oppose the illegal Israel Occupation, to end Israel’s apartheid, for equal rights and the recognition of Palestinian people’s rights to return to their lands. BDS was one of the primary methods used by the anti-apartheid movement to end white South African apartheid.

Recently, Zionists and white supremacists including from the Australian Patriotic Defence Movement (APDM), a fascist organistion here in Australia, joined forces to oppose a BDS protest near Max Brenner in Brisbane. Birds of a feather protest together.

While the Fairfax press is quick to smear BDS falsely as anti-semitic, it neglects to examine the far right white supremacist anti-semites who protest alongside the their zionist counterparts. White supremacists who support Israel’s apartheid regime hate Arabs only slightly less than they hate Jews. The alliance between the odd bedfellows is an opportunistic, twisted marriage of convenience.

“People are angry, but they can’t explain why.” I’d suggest someone made a similar mash up of the Cronulla times 50 loon over at Slack Bastard’s, except his voice sounds more like a jackhammer than anything remotely associate with music. Maybe I need to listen to some TISM for inspiration. And the Brechtian further incarnation – Root!

Related Links

BDS protesters say they won’t be silenced, intimidated
We, Israeli citizens, members of Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within, would like to express our solidarity with the numerous Australians who are involved in the burgeoning BDS campaign in Australia.
BOYCOTT! Newsletter #64

Far Right Australian Nationalist Groups include

Australian Protectionist Party Facebook Group
Australian Defence League (official) Facebook Group [Old]
Australian Defence League (Official ADL Est.2009) [closed group]
Australian Patriots Defence Movement
Alert: French JDL is recruiting ‘militants’ to travel to West Bank in 2 weeks

UPDATE 9/9/11

Marrickville BDS reaches finals of SydneyVision Song Contest
Hate Muslims and multiculturalism; welcome to the Zionist party
Max Brenner and Australia’s fascists While this piece exhibits some understanding of the nature and opportunism of far right nationalists, it fails to identify the bigoted fallacies they share with zionism which makes white supremacism and zionism natural bedfellows. (a) White supremacism and zionism both assume Jews can’t live safely anywhere else but in Israel. Yet Jews should be able to live safely anywhere. (b) White supremacism and zionism also assume bigotry toward Jews is inevitable.

These two fallacies play directly into the Zionist regimes’ interminable ‘security’ hasbara, which is code for zionist expansionism and disposal of its surplus ‘sub-human’ Palestinians. Zionism treats Palestinians as sub-human, in the same way as white supremacists regard Jews. Zionism resonates well with the sense of entitlement other settler colonial entities have over surplus sub-humans in their colonies, often including the way these other settler colonial entities have treated Jews.

UPDATE 8/8/11

The AJDS releases a despicable document in which the most shameful thing besides trivialising the holocaust, impugning bds activists as antisemites and nazi supporters and slandering Australians for Palestine is it makes no mention of the white supremacist far right nationalists aligning directly with anti-BDS zionists against legitimate protest by Palestinians and supporters for rights. So much for ‘democratic’. Apparently, the Palestinian protest isn’t polite enough for these apologists for apartheid.

When “liberal Zionists” slam BDS, you know moral compass is lost — Antony Loewenstein
More zio hasbara about the Max Brenner protests
Fred Nile – the zionist anti-BDS loons embrace another ludicrous fellow traveller

UPDATE 21/4/12

Roberta Moore defends Breivik
English Defence League Jewish Division extremist, Joel Ben Shuleman defends Breivik too.

Palestine / Israel Links

Why the J14 protest won’t cause the Israeli govt to change a damn thing
Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza Strip despite a new ceasefire agreement between Tel Aviv and the Hamas government in charge of the territory.
Leak Offers Look at Efforts by U.S. to Spy on Israel
Wadi Ara next in line for Judaization project
‘Racist & inaccurate’ : Captain Israel – ‘Brand Israel on steroids’

Other Links

Twitterzens of the World Unite!

BDS Protest Against Apartheid Israel Near Max Brenner in Brisbane

Ian Curr at the Workers Bush Telegraph reports on the protest at South Bank against Israeli company Max Brenner’s support of apartheid and occupation.

Ironically, the BDS protest was opposed by a strident group of “Zionists, people mobilised by Max Brenner and University of Qld Liberal club … heavily supported by the Australian Patriotic Defence Movement (APDM), a fascist organistion here in Australia”.

With no irony they shouted slurs like ‘racists’ ‘anti-semites'(curious because some of us are semites) and ‘traitors'(to what, the Israeli flag they carried?). Some held up placards of the Australian Flag.

..The cops used water barricades to separate us from the abusive mob. Our speakers could not be heard above the din as the slanging match began. No reasoned debate was possible. The mob held up ‘Never Again’ placards, taking the holocaust slogan in vain. How could Jewish people stand alongside Nazis from the APDM to shout us down is beyond me. Our message was never about race or religion, it was about democratic rights for Palestinian people indicated in the three demands of the BDS movement …

Ian says that ‘This was the first time in 30 years that a demonstration I have been in had been attacked by the organised right.’ The opposition of the white supremacist far right against the anti-racist, pro-human rights BDS solidarity for Palestinians which includes amongst its supporters many Jewish people is unsurprising. White supremacists either hate Arabs only slightly more than they hate Jews, or hate Jews only slightly more than they hate Arabs. White supremacists are opportunistic with their allegiances, gravitating to support other intrinsically fascist movements – like political zionism, which erroneously claims to represent the aspirations for ‘security’ of all Jews by the false premise and maintenance of a racist religio-ethnic state built on the dispossession, subjugation and de-privileging of Palestinian people. Like other groups, Jews should be able to live safely anywhere, without compromising the collective and individual human rights of others.

On a very positive note, and as highlighted in the video below:

‘… the Qld Teachers Union QTU had just passed a motion in support of the Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions BDS campaign. Inside the Convention Centre next door the teachers had voted to continue to support the BDS.’

The next Brisbane Justice for Palestine meeting will be held on 14th September at 6.30pm at the TLC building.

Related Links

Backing elite interests, the Victorian Government and zionist contingent in the ALP attempts to strongarm Victorian unions over BDS
However defying the Victorian government, Victorian Trades Hall supports BDS and condemn the arrests of of the Max Brenner 19
Murdoch Press and the Fictional Jewish Chocolatier

The good news is that there is no call to march on Jewish-owned businesses by any group of people. But also worth knowing is that if indeed Jewish businesses were ever targeted by any group I would not be surprised to find the same human rights advocates who are marching against Israel today standing to defend the Jewish community’s right to live free of racism and intolerance. These are the values held by the BDS movement: non- violence, equality, justice for all and zero tolerance for all forms of racism and discrimination. But you would never know that, if your primary source of information is The Australian newspaper.

BDS protesters say they won’t be silenced, intimidated
Greens senator Lee Rhiannon stands by Israel boycott
Danby implies that the white supremacists who demonstrated with zionists are ‘mainstream Australia’

BDS action against Max Brenner undeterred by counter protest
Canada: Community radio broadcasters back Israel boycott
Chocolate war gets messy
Zionist propaganda about the Brisbane demo
Australia BDS campaign under attack
Anti-Israel campaign leaves parliament in shameful disarray

Why does the ALP continue to resist BDS? supporting BDS is consistent with opposition to South African apartheid! The Australian continues its disgraceful divide and conquer attack on BDS support from Australian unions – the zio-imperialists continue to illustrate their fear of the strength of ethical BDS.

Enough With The Nazi Slurs : Antony Loewenstein
Why Palestine protests target Max Brenner

Contrast the Max Brenner protests in Australia with the Palestinian Olive Revolution protests and commentary in Part 2: The Olive Revolution, Knocking on Jerusalem’s Doors at Qalandia Checkpoint

Abir Kopty reports : Olive Revolt in Palestine

Palestine / Israel

Youth Against Normalization: #BDS: Boycott #Israel campaign targets London’s Hatton Gardens
Israel uses sport for propaganda to normalise its apartheid
Sonja Karkar:

For decades the mantra of a Palestinian state side by side with the state of Israel has been the only solution given any credence. But now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going all out to prevent it, while a long-time supporter in Australia is deciding between a ”no” vote in the UN or abstaining.

The arguments for and against statehood are many. There is a sense of foreboding in many Palestinians and supporters who see the statehood bid as only further entrenching Israel’s occupation, with no prospect of an intransigent Israel abiding by international law.

Negotiations are, in fact, a ruse to keep the old discredited paradigm of a two-state solution going for as long as it takes Netanyahu to achieve his goal of a Greater Israel.

More than the statehood bid, what threatens the Greater Israel dream is the fast-growing global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Modelled on the movement that helped bring down apartheid South Africa, BDS is adding to the tremors being felt in the power structures that have enabled Israel to wreak such havoc at home and in the region.

For peace and a just solution, it is time to hold Israel to account.

Gaza strikes kill two youths, and cut off hands of 13-year-old boy playing football
Israel’s bloodthirsty illegal reprisals against Gazan citizens claim 17 lives, including 2 children. PCHR Weekly Report

‘In addition, 3 workers went missing when Israeli warplanes bombarded a tunnel in Rafah. A Palestinian resistance fighter died of a previous wound in Gaza City.

14 Palestinians, including 5 children and two women, were wounded by Israeli forces the Gaza Strip.’

Video: No Place is Safe in Gaza

Report: Egypt thwarts Israeli assassination of Hamas PM
Australia supported the US against the Goldstone Report after a US demarche
Protests in 6 governorates demand expulsion of Israeli ambassador

While protests in Egypt are demanding a reassessment of Egypt Israel ties, Nutanyahoo is using this to delay negotiations with Palestinians.

Jimmy Carter to Haaretz: Recent Cairo protests threaten Israel-Egypt peace treaty
Israel OK’s expansion of building in Hebron : Israel OK’s expansion of building in Hebron: Barak “a tool of the most radical settlers”.
Occupation renews administrative detention of Palestinian lawmaker
Israel inflicting the third pillar of apartheid again
Microsoft CEO “Microsoft is as much an Israeli company as an American company
Egypt’s military ruler Tantawi and the American siege of Gaza: revelations from Wikileaks

Australia Links

Amerikkka using historical commemoration as propaganda in Australia: the Great White Fleet
Maxine McKew and Greg Smith confide in the empire prior to the 2007 election
What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid?

Libya Links

Did Wikileaks just reveal the US blueprint for Libya?
Dead Sirte: Another Murderous Twist in NATO’s Coil of Lies
Oh look, AQ freed in Libya, joining the rebels – what a lovely excuse for the US to establish AFRICOM bases there. : Al Qaeda Terrorists Fled Libyan Prisons, Joined Rebels – Report
The rape of Libya
Assault on Tripoli ‘planned weeks ago’
Video: With Support Of NATO Racist Rebels Continue To Eradicate Black Libyans
NATO nations set to reap spoils of Libya war
The African Union (AU) does not currently recognise the Transitional Council as the ruling power in Libya.
Libyan “liberation” : Max Ajl surveys the devastation of Libya and looks at some of the wins in store for empire.