Under Western Capitalism, White Lives Matter Most

Australian Settler Coat of Arms

The Settler

First they wanted me to hate on Aboriginals because they lived on land I wished to farm in my British way.
Kill them, poison them, send them to missions, enslave them on *my* properties.

Then they wanted me to hate on China because the pig-tailed Chinese came here to take *our* white gold.
Massacre them, hunt them down – let Lambing Flat be a lesson to them.

Then they wanted me to hate on Islanders better used here toiling as slaves on *my* cane plantations.
Let them live apart from me, and if they rebel, kill them.

Then they wanted me to hate on Europeans because they weren’t proper British whitey like me.
Send them to Silver City, Villawood and the factories.

Then they wanted me to hate on Vietnamese because the US said so.
Kill the commies, they are against my bulging property portfolio.

Then they wanted me to hate on Iraqis, Palestinians, Iranians and Muslims because the US said so.
I have powerful mates with big guns. I like big guns.

Now they want me to hate on China again because the US empire is falling and the West needs all the gold, always.
I hate. I am obedient. It is my gold too. I am capitalism. I am colonialism. I am imperialism. I am a statue in your town. White blokes are the best. I am the war on terror. I am terror.

Jinjirrie, June 2020

Relevant Australian Racism Links

Gamilaroi man, Luke Pearson:

‘White supremacy then and white supremacy now, is an innate belief in the superiority of whiteness, sorry, of Western civilisation. This is why we are so often told that we should be thankful for invasion. That it was a good thing, because without invasion I wouldn’t have an iPhone! Without white invasion, we’d still be ‘stuck in the past,’ or even worse, we might have been invaded by ‘the Chinamen,’ (which I’ve been assured would have been way worse for us because, apparently, ‘in comparison with white races’ they are ‘unequal and inferior’).’

Gareth Evans on rising sinophobia in Australia.

Up to My Eyeballs in Batshit

Coronavirus gods

Doing the corona conspiracy jive
where one plus three can equal five,
all the “true” info’s on youtube clips
when Dr Shiva commands your ship
and 5G implants you with RFID chips,
Enough to make Pete’s light machine flip,
all to feed Big Pharma and the Deep State
and of all the zillionaires, Bill Gates.

Under the banner of personal liberty,
arm in arm with virulent white supremacy,
claiming rights to hate and spread infection,
in the name of freedom and children’s protection,
There’s no herd immunity to superstitions
distracting from ruling class oppressions.
Bait and switch, burn the witch,
Bait and switch, burn the witch.

Anti-vaxxers adore Icke’s white supremacism
while stuffing words in the mouth of a Nobel prize winner,
Does the virus even exist, it’s really weird,
yet it’s also a disease to be vaxed and feared,
It’s not real, just another 1% trick
no, China and/or Amerikkka built it to make the world sick,
Can it be both – a hoax virus with hoax vaccinations?
What a cognitively incongruent abomination!

Under the banner of personal liberty,
arm in arm with virulent white supremacy,
claiming rights to hate and spread infection,
in the name of freedom and children’s protection,
Where’s the herd immunity to superstitions
to undermine ruling class oppressions.
Bait and switch, burn the witch,
Bait and switch, burn the witch.

Jinjirrie, May 2020

Related Links

On the confluence of white supremacists and anti-vaxxers


Making Isosauce

Looking to experiment with new recipes during coronavirus lockdown? Here’s how to make my delicious all-purpose Isosauce which you can freeze in meal-sized recycled containers and combine with other ingredients later on as you wish. Measurements are approximate as you can alter most amounts according to your tastes. I like using this sauce with pasta, as an addition to stews and casseroles or as a gravy substitute.


Several onions
Several capsicums
Several zucchinis, beans or other veggies you like
Several cans of chopped tomatoes or if available, fresh tomatoes – cherry toms are best
One can of coconut milk optional
Fresh turmeric
Fresh ginger
Fresh garlic
Olive oil or butter
Whole black pepper
Curry paste optional


Saute onions in butter or olive oil in a large, high saucepan, mix in some curry paste if you like, then add in order chopped garlic, turmeric, ginger, capsicums and other vegetables. In a separate frypan, saute mushrooms in olive oil or butter, then combine them with the sauce mix.

Finally, tip in the tomatoes and coconut milk, add some sugar to fix the tomatoes, salt and pepper to ignite the turmeric.

Simmer for a couple of hours, then leave to cool. Then fill your containers and freeze them till you need them.

The Way We Were – Grief and COVID19

King of the Mountain Festival, Pomona

The stages of grief are relevant as the world mourns for lost freedoms and health, under a shared threat. People cope in different ways, moving from one stage to another, or becoming stuck in one phase.

(1) Denial – rampant conspiracism: “the virus is a hoax”, irrationally looking for someone or something to blame, grasping at straws, or “it can’t happen to me, I’m young and/or really healthy”.

(2) Anger – focused conspiracism: “it’s the NWO, illuminati, lizard people, 5G, China, Bill Gates” irrationally targeting someone or something with blame – often we can recognise here pre-existing white supremacism and ultra-nationalism . Other expressions of anger include self-harm, destructive displacement behaviours, domestic violence, feeling out of control – “how dare they take away my right to party”.

(3) Bargaining – if I do everything I’m told, I’ll be OK, compulsive hand-washing, obsessive germophobic behaviour – not a bad space in terms of reducing infection rates overall. Can also manifest as engagement in irrational behaviours, “if I act like everything’s normal, I’ll be OK”, or “if I placate gods/goddesses/idols/the ruling class, I’ll be OK”.

(4) Depression – feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, anxiety, hopelessness, lack of focus and concentration, dithering, finding the structuring one’s activities oneself is daunting, lack of social contact producing sadness.

(5) Acceptance – adapting to the new stressor with constructive behaviours, permitting oneself to grieve, treating self and others with kindness and understanding, also accepting that one can slip back into the other stages, not trying to force the grieving process.

Major life changes take three years or so to process. The impact of the COVID19 virus can multiply life changes into a huge multi-pronged stressor – losing one’s friends and family, job, schools and social contact with friends all rolled into one. Perhaps if we are more aware of ourselves and others and understand our reactions are part of being human, we can make the way easier for them and ourselves too.

We’ve Got You Covid – Make Your Own Face Mask

‘In the Czech Republic, masks have been compulsory since March 18th. The country has only 2 deaths (as at March 24) and the growth of new cases has flattened, whereas in other parts of Europe the pandemic is largely out of control. How has this happened? One of the key reasons is a massive country-wide community initiative to create and wear home-made masks. In just 10 days the country went from no mask usage to nearly 100% usage, with nearly all the masks made at home with easily accessible materials, like old t-shirts. See https://tiny.cc/masks4all

Longer version:

You can also sew your own masks from cotton bedsheets.

Here’s another sewn version.

Related Links

World COVID-19 updates
Queensland Health current status for COVID-19