Worthy of further investigation

A little bird alerted us to this essential reading and listening about various vile and nefarious rodential attacks on freedom in Asstralia:

His Master’s Voice: The Corruption of Public Debate under Howard.

David Marr argues that John Howard has the loudest voice in Australia. He has cowed his critics, muffled the press, intimidated the ABC, gagged scientists, silenced NGOs, censored the arts, prosecuted leakers, criminalised protest and curtailed parliamentary scrutiny.

National Insecurity : The Howard Government’s Betrayal of Australia.




Flying Mudballs

Rodent Mudball

With the latest disastrous poll results, in ruthless, churlish desperation, the rodent chucks a dirty wobbly at Kevvie and his missus, which they fortuitously duck. Has the rodent prematurely shot his load, or are there other greeblies awaiting?

Peter Dutton feebly attempts
to compound the mudball, bleating that

Kevin Rudd should apologise for remarks about women not being mere appendages of their husbands …

How dare Kevvie suggest that women aren’t just appendages of their husbands.

Naturally, as evidenced by Costello’s continued emphasis on increasing the population and rewarding Asstralia’s breeding stock, the Rat Pack needs more women to stay at home to do their national duty to breed more work slaves for the elite rather than succeeding in their own right in the still male-dominated world of business.

The Other Costello

Is it something about their name that gives these Costello fellows a predisposition toward dangerous money moves? With our snide bridesmaid treasurer, it was losses from dodgy currency deals and the sale of Asstralian gold reserves right before the resource boom. The value of our gold pile would be triple by now if he hadn’t frittered it away to fund his beleaguered party’s electoral bribes and advertising amongst other reckless extravagances.

Now his namesake appears to be a stubby short of a sixpack as well when it comes to protecting Asstralians’ financial future.

“Federal Labor says the American financial institution hired by the Future Fund is linked to the Enron pension fund collapse in the US.

Earlier this month the Chicago-based Northern Trust Corporation won a competitive tender process bidding alongside Australian banks to manage the Future Fund’s banking requirements.

The decision has caused concern among the Federal Government backbench and unions.

Labor Senator Nick Sherry has told a Senate Committee that Northern Trust was the Enron superannuation fund’s trustee and was alleged to have breached a duty of care.

The Enron collapse cost employees more than $1 billion.

Senator Sherry says the Future Fund managers should further investigate the company’s credentials.

“I’m just surprised … that the fact that Northern Trust had to settle to the tune of $37.5 million didn’t leave you to further question what the behaviour – alleged or otherwise – of Northern Trust was in respect to the Enron Pension Fund collapse,” he said to the general manager of the Future Fund agency, Paul Costello.

Mr Costello says he has no concerns about Northern Trust.

“They were caught at a difficult time responding to an instruction from the sponsor of the plan and to prepare a book of records for transfer,” he said.

“The timing was unfortunate so we were not concerned that this represented a risk to us in the terms of the arrangements we were seeking to put in place with Northern Trust.”

The current balance in the Fund is $51 billion but that figure is projected to rise to $140 billion by 2020.

The Fund was established last year for the sole purpose of meeting the cost of public sector superannuation liabilities.”

What is the rodent doing shipping control of Australians’ money and futures out of the country in the first place? What guarantee can this septic bank give that the money will be used to fund Australian development via Australian companies and not line the pockets of septic banks and their parasites?

Teletubby Tinky Winky testifies

Falwell goes to hell

Hot news sent to us from a friend in the know in Nebraska –

Lynchburg – Scandal struck the Falwell family today when a secret will was discovered leaving most of his estate to Tinky-Winky the Teletubby.

Rumors that the Reverend Falwell had carried on a secret affair with the television star were vehemently denied by Falwell’s family, which is contesting the will in court. Family spokesman Totle Biggit announced, “There was no affair. Reverend Falwell may have spent time with Tinky-Winky, but only to bring him the word of the Lord. He was always reaching out to media figures in an attempt to save them from evil influences. Whether it was weekend spiritual retreats in Key West with Tinky-Winky, going to Streisand concerts with Big Bird or watching gladiator movies with Bert and Ernie, Reverand Falwell did whatever it took to spread the good word.”

Tinky-Winky himself only recently came forward with his tale of a secret and stormy affair, “Publicy he denied me three times before the cock crowed, but he always came crawling back with his endearing little “I don’t know how to quit you.’ He may have engaged in some verbal gay bashing, but secretly he hated all forms of gay bashing, unless you count all the times he tied me up and went at me with the cat-o-nine tails. Truly ours was the love that dare not speak its name.”

When asked about some of the Reverend’s more controversial comments, Tinky-Winky responded, “I know it sounds strange but deep down he was a kind person who felt horrible about the things he had to say publicly. He did it to keep his followers happy and the money rolling in. He didn’t really think gays were responsible for 9-11, he knew it was all the fault of the Catholics and the Jews.”

We have no problem whatsoever speaking ill of the dead Moral Moronity leader Falwell.

He was a particularly noxious far right-winger – a gay bashing, apartheid supporting bigot. Falwell’s lambasting of Tinky Winky can only be described as bizarre. Yet those who protest the loudest about moral depravity almost invariaby have hidden, smutty secrets – thus we can speculate with glee about Falwell’s hidden proclivities.