WTF am I?

One of the notable benefits of participating in the Blogshares game is that it can lead one to discover sites which one would never come across otherwise.

Here’s a not to bad joke found on one such found treasure.

A helicopter was circling above Seattle in poor visibility providing traffic information when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft’s electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter’s position and course to steer to return to the airport.

The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a handwritten sign, and held it in the helicopter’s window. The pilot’s sign said ‘WHERE AM I?’ in large letters.

People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said ‘YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER.’

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.

After they were on the ground, the passenger who was sitting in the front seat asked the pilot how the ‘YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER’ sign helped determine their position.

The pilot responded ‘I knew that had to be the MICROSOFT building because they gave me a technically correct, but completely useless answer.’

Bug found in blog post


On the Queen’s pseudo birthday, we’ve finally had a chance to go through a mammoth swag of emails – those ones people proliferate compulsively round the net to share their idea of humour or to prove they know how to forward email, whilst we sanitise our inbox from an even greater dung heap of awful sickly friendship chain emails requiring one to send them on to ten people or you will suffer a painful fate. Some friends.

We couldn’t resist this animation which reminded us, as we resisted the urge to swat our screen, of certain Lib party pollies.

All smiles

Edge Designs is an all women run company that designs interior office space.

They had a recent opportunity to do an office project in NYC.

The client allowed the women of this company a free hand in all design aspects.

The client was a company that was also run by all women execs………….

The result…………well…….

We all know that men never talk …never look at each other….and never laugh much in the restroom….

The men’s room is a serious and quiet place…………

But now …with the addition of one mural on the wall……lets just say the men’s restroom is a place of laughter and smiles…

All Smiles

Speaking Out

Delbard Matisse RoseSpeak Not Silently

I am the eyes who look upon you,
yet you cannot see my soul.
I am the memory which casts
it’s dark shadow, it’s veil across your face
yet you cannot remove it, no matter
how great the measure of your effort.
I am the face in the crowd, the one
which is unrecognizable to many
aside from the other who shares
a commonality in their journey.
A simple glance is all that is needed
to translate a thousand words,
foreign to those who cannot
comprehend my language.
I am silent in my suffering.
I am silent in my pain.
I speak only to those from whom
I have been given permission,
for it is in my lack of safety,
I remain silent.
I am hidden in the musty closet
of my mind’s eye, choking on
the twisted hangers of humankind’s
continued perpetration.
I am bleeding, and I am raw.
I am tired, and I am broken.
Speak not silently.
It is for one such as I
you choose to raise your voice.
One who cannot speak for herself.
One who has suffered such as you.
Stand upon the highest point
and hear it echo across the world.
Let not mankind ignore your message.
Speak not silently.
For in your truths, I shall be set free.
And I shall learn, through your courage,
how to whisper by way of a dry
cracked vocalization, initially incoherent.
But someday, perhaps, I shall join you
on that high, high peak, and our echoes
shall resound together.
For you chose to speak not silently.
Instead you screamed for me.

A.C. Fernandez