Why Did Eric Burdon Cancel His Gig in Apartheid Israel?

The latest major artist to cancel their performance in apartheid Israel is Eric Burdon, after a focused campaign by BDS advocacy organisations, including the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and DPAI. A facebook page and twitter campaign augmented the calls to Burdon to respect the Palestinian-led boycott.

Since the cancellation, the Scottish PSC, who provided an online facility for forwarding letters protesting Burdon’s breaking of the boycott, published a disclaimer of allegations of threats broadcast by the Israeli media. These threat allegations are second-hand, emanating from a supposed letter from Burdon’s management to supporting band, T-Slam (or Tislam). T-Slam band member Yair Nitzani served in the Israel Defense Forces as a broadcaster on Galei Zahal, and later on the show Ma Yesh (What’s Up) on Israeli Army Radio.

The US Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) has also disclaimed allegations of threats to Burdon.

‘Although we and our allies urge artists not to cross the international picket line by performing in Israel, and although we make sustained efforts to educate performers about the reason for boycott, we have not and never will issue any threats against anyone who does not heed the boycott call. Recent claims of threats from ex-Animals singer Eric Burdon in an article published by Ha’aretz are vague and unsubstantiated. We do not know if they are made up by media hostile to the BDS strategy, or by artists and/or their agents, or if they are inflated reports of remarks made by individuals who do not represent the movement. USACBI advances the BDS movement not through threats, but rather by exposing Israel’s wrongs, and promoting non-violent ways to redress them, and achieve the rights of the Palestinian people.’

Israel’s Haaretz reported:

Former lead singer of The Animals Eric Burdon on Tuesday announced he is cancelling his planned concert in Israel, citing threats. According to his personal manager Marianna Burdon, he was pressured not to perform in Israel and ultimately chose to cancel the concert, which was to take place August 1.

“We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis. I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger” his manager wrote in a letter to Israeli members of Tislam, the band Burdon was scheduled to perform with.

Burdon told two of the band members who he met with in Vienna last week that he was subject to threats not to perform, but insisted that “people cannot be denied music. Everyone needs music and it has nothing to do with current politics. Everyone has the right to entertainment, regardless of their situation or the politics of their country.”

A previous Haaretz Hebrew story does not mention ‘threatening emails’, but rather phrases the supposed written allegations expressed to T-Slam by Burdon’s manager, Marianna Burdon as “strong pressure not to perform in Israel and they chose to cancel the scheduled appearance for fear of his life.” [Google translation]

The Haaretz City Mouse appears to have published news of Burdon’s cancellation first, with a headline “Because of political pressure: Eric Burdon cancelled his appearance in Israel“. This story goes onto say:

“His manager, Mariana Burdon, wrote today that “we are under growing pressure, including a large number of emails that come to us on a daily basis, I would not want to put Eric in danger.” [Google translation]

In the same Mouse story, the support band, T-Slam issued normalising hasbara in response to the cancellation.

“To appear with Eric Burdon, one of the founding fathers of rock and roll, was for us a dream almost come true. It pains us that despite his personal promise to us, he succumbed to foreign pressure and cancelled the appearance. Continue to strive to bring to Israel musicians we appreciate and create a bridge of peace through music. [Google translation]”

A spokesperson for the Facebook group Eric Burdon: Bring Down Apartheid, Boycott Israel commented on T-Slam’s response in Mouse:

“This seems to suggest the article is not attributing any weight to the claims of threats but that it was a political pressure, thus Burdon being confronted with the facts about the Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing as well as being informed of the call for boycott.”

Later, reasons for Burdon’s cancellation were distorted further by the UK independent, who quoted Israel Radio:

‘However, in a statement, Mr Burdon’s management, said: “We’ve been receiving mounting pressure, including numerous threatening emails, daily. The last thing I intend do is put Eric in jeopardy.” The nature of the threats is unclear, but according to Israel Radio this morning, Mr Burdon was not willing to risk his life to come to Israel.’

Kadaitcha has attempted to contact Burdon’s manager for clarification, and at time of publication has received no response.

Following Burdon’s cancellation announcement, Israel’s propaganderists, Avi Mayer and Ido Daniel swiftly moved into action, maliciously attempting to smear the BDS movement by associating it with the unsubstantiated death threats.

This is not the first time unsubstantiated allegations of ‘threats’ have been used against the BDS campaign. Previous attempts by Israel’s hasbarists to dilute the impact of BDS on cancellations and performances with fictitious smears have included BDS campaigns on Paul McCartney, who played, dubstep artist Joker, who cancelled, metal band Arch Enemy, who played, Irish band Dervish, who cancelled, and Joy Harjo, who went ahead with her tour.

Ali Abunimah documented hasbarist smears against BDS attempts to persuade Joy Harjo to cancel:

‘An Israeli government-sponsored student hasbara (state propaganda) group called “What Is RAEL,” claimed victory in a tweet at what it called a “#BDSFail” and also claimed on its Facebook page, without offering any evidence, that Harjo had been subjected to “ugly threats from BDS activists – calling her to boycott Tel-Aviv University and its students.”’

Ironically, Ido Daniel, a board member from Whatisrael, and purveyor of recent smears above against the BDS campaign for Eric Burdon to cancel, has issued real threats against BDS activists.

“I believe it is time to expose the true face of anti-Semites who hide behind the guise of political correctness and other whitewashed expressions and exact an economic and personal cost from them. We must show the BDS activists that boycott and incitement have a price.”

That Israel’s propaganderists devote so much energy to attacking BDS and BDS activists is an important indicator that this Palestinian-led campaign to achieve freedom, justice and rights for Palestinians from apartheid, settler colonial Israel is succeeding.

Related Links

Time of Israel:

But his manager later wrote to Tislam to state that the show was off. “We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis. I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger,” his manager wrote, in comments released by Tislam on Tuesday.

In a statement, Tislam said, “To appear with Eric Burdon, one of the founding fathers of rock & roll, was an almost dream come true. We’re sorry that despite his personal assurance to us, that he bowed to pressure and cancelled his concert.”

Libel on Forbes

Eric Burdon cancels Israel gig but why?

i’d like to see some of these “nasty emails”


Tislam published a statement Tuesday saying Burdon’s manager had informed it the singer would not appear, Israel Radio said.

“We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis. I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger,” the manager said.

Australia’s Shameful Racism Against Refugees

Betty the PossumWhy do most Australians only stir in masses about endemic racism in Australian government policy when it comes to a head, as if victimisation of refugees arriving in boats is an anomaly instead of an institution? That Australian politicians can trigger the settler population so easily to reject refugees reveals suppressed self-hatred and alienation from the land. For settlers, the native ecosystem must be transformed, exploited, and converted to resemble the predating mother country, with monocultures of exotic introduced species termed ‘productive agriculture’ and Indigenous fauna and flora reframed as ‘pests’. Invading settlers in this sense are vectors for colonising plants and animals – for white colonists, refugees who bear competing species from regions regarded as ‘non-white’ are suspected, quarantined and feared. Thus, racist Australian colonials endeavour to delay refugees offshore, and now to expose them permanently to dangerous conditions in Papua New Guinea to colonise the jungle instead of diluting white supremacist Australia and jeopardising election results.

With an uprising of indignant, decent protest throughout Australia, is there hope?

Will the Human Rights Commission take action against this appalling advertisement, posted on the Rural Australians for Refugees site? The Australian government is apparently utilising social media to spread its divisive, opportunistic hate for asylum seekers.

How smooth is the regression to the sadism of Australia’s convict past, with disgraceful treatment of refugees on Manus Island exposed on SBS Dateline by a whistleblower:

“Words can’t describe,” Mr St George said. “I’ve never seen human beings so destitute, so helpless and so hopeless before.”

‘Mr St George alleged six men were sexually abused in the men-only tent section of the camp. Because there are no separate secure areas, he said, the victims were left in the same facilities as their attackers. “‘

Concurrently the racism behind the Northern Territory intervention, and embarrassing settler colonial collaborative sycophancy toward Israel and the US at the expense of Palestinians continues largely unchallenged. Each outrage which the fatal shore fetishises serves as a smokescreen for other repulsive human rights abuses. With inalienable individual rights sacrificed to white supremacist economic irrationalism, humans are treated by the political and financial elite as units of economic production. People are divided and exploited by racism and bigotry, made angry, powerless, weary and apathetic, distracted from questioning the rule of cruel, predatory elites who increasingly and disproportionately benefit from their global nightmare of neoliberal, patriarchal capitalist parasitism termed duplicitously as ‘progress’ and ‘civilisation’.

With the race to the bottom cheer-led by pernicious, opportunistic politicians, this gruesome explosion of racism by existing settler colonials, ex-refugees and their descendants in Australia at the moment makes one even more determined to stay on the property and pretend they don’t exist. One is tempted to identify merely as a visitor from another planet sent here to observe the ignominious downfall of the human species as its self-appointed greedy elite trample on humans considered undeserving, whilst contaminating the environment on which we all depend. .

No Pasaran

My favourite refugees arrive for dinner.
They’ve signed petitions. There’s hope.
El gobierno de Rudd habla con mala leche del diablo!
Abran las puertas hay lugar para mas gente!!
No tiene sentido de pelear y sancionar en Afghanistan,
Iran y Iraq y despues no recibir los ciudadanos de estos paises!!!
The garbanzos were delicious.

Jinjirrie, July 2013
Paradise Parrot

Neoliberal Darwinism

grew up empty
on a farm not far from Namboring,
lack of diversity a wedge for perversity
his rhetoric leaves us all snoring.

Jinjirrie, July 2013

The Paradise Parrot vs Genesis 1:28

White boats transport extinction
in flat watercolours and oils
stuffed and caged native treasures
consigned to monocultural oblivion

Jinjirrie, July 2013

Recipes for Revolution

when will the obstinate muse
reclaim the rituals
deliver them on a plate to share
i’m cooking words to open sesame
this cavern of just desserts
where my mother and her mother smile

Jinjirrie, July 2013

Here’s a list of rallies for refugee rights happening nationally this weekend:

Melbourne Saturday 27 July, 1pm, State Library
Sydney: Sunday 28 July, 12pm, Sydney Town Hall
Sydney West: Sunday 28 July, 12pm, Mount Druitt Hub
Brisbane: Saturday 27 July, 1pm, King George Square
Perth:Saturday 27th July, 1pm, Murray Street Mall
Adelaide: Saturday 27 July, 1pm, Parliament House

Related Links

Four reasons why dumping Australia’s responsibilities onto PNG is unacceptable and the NSW Rabbinical Council’s disgusting edict is hypocritical and racist. The Rabbinical Council of Victoria however takes a more ethical view.

Asylum deal ‘madness’, says PNG opposition

The Nauru Riot: Staff Condemn Cruel and Degrading Conditions

Get busy acquiring your own economic productivity accessory and replacement unit. Here in Arsestralia, the government bribes people to breed unilaterally with hefty baby bonuses, to ensure increase in the number of locals, as opposed to taking in those scruffy undeserving refugees.

Protesting the empire’s troops in Australia

Rudd giving succour to white supremacists

As in other countries, the work of reconciliation in Sri Lanka

will undoubtedly require a long, painstaking and painful process of mutual reflection and community-based dialogues. However, it cannot be avoided if we want seriously to address the asylum seeker problem.

Australia can play an important role, here and elsewhere, in assisting with community capacity building and supporting the re-emergence of an independent civil society sector. Often, as in this case, the presence of a committed and highly skilled diaspora community is a key resource on which we can draw.

While the process is time-consuming and labour-intensive it is relatively inexpensive: estimates suggest that an effective reconciliation process in Sri Lanka – which Australia could support – would cost less than 1 per cent of that spent on our border protection activities.

Palestine/Israel Links

It’s unlikely these ‘threats’ against Eric Burdon came from BDS folks. Whilst deploring anyone who threatens performers, one has to be cynical about unsourced ‘threats’, Israeli media and hearsay.

La Ashton is deeply into labelling settlement goods. Not enough, Catherine, but a start.[FB]

SOAS Conference in October:

‘In its embrace of self-criticism, the conference will focus on the ways Palestinian leadership and elites have become embedded in the logic of settler colonialism, embraced neoliberal capitalism, and reproduced social and political accommodation of the Oslo process. However, it also aims to widen our lens, and examine the growing socialisation and reproduction of Oslo logics in Palestinian political and social life, and the ways in which Palestinian resistance against Oslo and Israel, and international solidarity with that resistance, has reproduced the very conditions it seeks to overturn. In particular, we hope to highlight the context and consequences of the re-orientation of the liberation struggle into a legal and rights-based approach; the political, geographical, and social separation of the Palestinian body politic in movement discourse and strategy; the proliferation of an unaccountable “political solution/vision market” and unchecked practices of solidarity; and growing alienation and distancing of Palestinians from others engaged in similar struggles against settler-colonialism.

With this conference, SOAS Palestine Society hopes to build on its long-standing commitment to critically rigorous movement thought and analysis in an emancipatory and committed space.”

Two Videos: Ali Abunimah on the EU Settlement Move and Israel’s Pinkwashing Hasbara

Ali Abunimah, Guardian’s Ian Black and Israeli settler debate EU settlement rule

Ali Abunimah:

“This decision is somewhat limited. For decades, the EU has been complicit with Israel’s violent occupation of the Occupied Territories.

The settlements are war crimes and people who aid and abet the settlements should be regarded as war criminals.

This move starts to send a message.”

Responding to Fleischer:

“Interesting to hear the settler adopting a progressive language when he has admitted he lives on occupied land in East Jerusalem. He refers not to Palestinians, but in a generic way, to Arabs.

The EU … has said nothing as far as I know about ongoing ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of Palestinians within the so-called Green Line.

I’m reminded of the fact that at one point in humanity’s dark history, white slave owners used the bible to justify the ownership of other human beings, to justify slavery and we have these extremist settlers like Mr. Fleischer claiming that the bible gives them the right to bulldoze their way into other people’s land, other people’s olive groves, other people’s homes and living rooms and take them and to come on here and give us this sob story that they want to live in peace. And that’s why the whole world is against them.”

Ian Black:

“To some extent, the EU is responding to pressure from their own people.”

Fleischer duplicitously claims Indigenousness to the land. (Later he claims he ‘bought’ the land).

Ali Abunimah:

“Mr. Fleischer is a settler living on land illegally occupied by Israel in the war of 1967. It’s not his land. I could feel a connection to anything, it doesn’t give me the right to go and grab it and then say but I just want to live in peace. The whole world understands that, that Palestinians are being forced off their land so that settlers like Mr. Fleischer can enjoy it and have swimming pools and lovely houses. Right now as we speak tens of thousands of Palestinians Bedouins are being forced of their land in the Naqab in the south of present-day Israel in a process that has been going on for decades and the EU has been aiding and abetting this and dragging its feet. This step that we have been talking about … is a small step and if it’s a move toward tougher policies that Ian Black says, then good, but the reality is that Israel has been getting away with this for years and years.”

On the 17 July edition of Worldview on WBEZ radio, Ali Abunimah discussed the EU’s decision:

Pinkwash, Greenwash, Hogwash: A talk by Ali Abunimah from Albino Squirrel Channel on Vimeo.

Pinkwash, Greenwash, Hogwash: Ali Abunimah on Israel’s use of sex and marketing to distract from apartheid

All videos from the Homonationalism and Pinkwashing conference in New York


The West Bank and Gaza are prisons and designated collective punishment zones for people of colour. They are the result of ethnosupremacists being permitted impunity to pursue people of colour, hunt them down, murder them, deprive them of rights, steal their land, property, culture and voice. In Australia there were missions, in the US and Canada, reservations, in South Africa, bantustans for Indigenous people seen as undeserving of their own homeland by settler invaders. Settler colonial Israel embodies and manifests apartheid, racism and genocide.

Israeli land thieves howl for implementation of the Levi Report to ‘legitimise’ settler outposts following EU affirmation of the illegality of Israel’s existing thefts in the West Bank.

Israel’s Response to EU Boycott: 1,000 Yesha Homes

Related Links

How Israel uses settlers to establish illegal beachheads on Palestinian land, which then provide an excuse for military fortification.

‘The settlers would not be able to terrorize their neighbors if they didn’t know they had the support of the strongest army in the Middle East, which can turn a village into a training site because it feels like it, or can turn into an armed gang at the drop of a hat. Without the army, the settlers could not exist.

And vice versa: without the settlers, the army would find it difficult to maintain its hold on the West Bank. Retreating from some godforsaken military camp is much easier than from a “settlement.” Throughout the settlement period, the army – allegedly a neutral body, taking its orders from the elected government – was a part of the land theft scheme. No settlement and no outpost were built without the army giving it, at the least, tacit quiet approval and often much more (not to mention sending its men to defend the new outpost).’

Non-violent resistance on the ground against Israel’s malignant expansionism in the West Bank through Festivals of Resistance.

Hafez Huraini, a member of the popular committee, explained what they hoped to achieve through the festival. ‘We want to send a strong message to everyone, Palestinians and Israelis, with our example: nonviolence is possible, is effective, and it is the only way to fight for justice, dignity and peace”.

One of the ways Nutanyahoo is executing his Bar Ilan plan is by declaring military firing zones on Palestinian land. Another is through lawfare. There’s a bill on the books to ‘legitimise’ even more outpost tentacles of Israeli expansionism in the West Bank. Why is Israel squealing hard about the EU moves against settlements? because the EU has directly assaulted Israel’s major strategy. What does Israel do? it immediately announces more settlement growth.

Delegitimisation of Israel’s ‘brand’, which is not just one of occupation, but also settler colonialism, racism, apartheid and neolib collaboration with imperialism is just one of the impacts of BDS. BDS attacks Israel’s prime strategy, tactic and goal – expansionism, but is still only a tactic, one part of a larger picture. This article seems to mistake BDS for a national liberation strategy. (FB)

This contemptible article highlights the essential bigoted nature of liberal zionism, with its anti-jewish stereotypes, even as it advocates boycott. Beware, folks, don’t buy Israeli bigotry, whether it comes from right or left, it discredits the human rights principles on which the boycott movement is based. (FB)

Why boycott can’t be limited only to Israeli occupation and settlements

Andrew Kadi:

‘It’s simply dishonest to perpetuate the myth that the settlements or the occupation are somehow disconnected from the Israeli state, the very government that funds, equips, and protects settlements, deploys its army to maintain its occupation of 1967, and that systematically discriminates against Palestinians who constitute 20 percent of its citizens.’

Nutanyahoo goes into supersonic whine mode

From IPSC: The EU stance doesn’t go far enough … the settlements are inseparable from the regime which administers and encourages them

Has the EU really caused an “earthquake” for Israel?

Israel’s social cohesion one of the lowest in the Western world

‘The main reason for Israel’s low standing is a lack of tolerance, lack of faith in political and social institutions, and a very low perception of fairness on the part of the Israeli public.’ (FB)

EU guidelines on Israeli settlements send out powerful message

‘This explicit restatement of the EU’s position is intended to force an end to the ambiguity that has helped Israel to maintain and expand its presence beyond the old “green line” border since the 1967 Middle East war – without incurring significant costs.

The EU’s “territorial applicability clause” spells out that there can be consequences for flouting UN resolutions and international legality. Not enormous ones, true, but they still include funding, co-operation, scholarships, research funds and prizes for institutions in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, whose population now number about 520,000 people. Ariel University, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, is one obvious target.’

Why does the New York Times sanitise the news on Israel’s illegal settlements?

Zionists growing ever more desperate to counter BDS. ‘Pro-Israel advocacy group JCC Watch is holding protests on the second Thursday of each month until it sees new guidelines that prevent the UJA-Federation of New York’s funding of activities that give a platform to activists of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, the JNS news agency reports.’

Zionist hasbaroid claims recent expressed fears of BDS in Israel will stymy the illusion of a peace process

Israel’s main fear is that the guidelines will jeopardize Horizon 2020

EU guidelines: a point of no return

Israeli banks may lose access to large loans under new EU rule on occupied lands

Israeli banks, businesses and public bodies will lose access to hundreds of millions of euros in European Investment Bank loans, under new European Union guidelines on Israeli settlements, Palestinian campaigners said today.

This could be the most serious impact of the EU’s decision to ban future subsidies to Israel unless agreements explicitly exclude the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), the Gaza Strip and Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in 1967.

Other Palestine/Israel and BDS Links

For Sydneyites – rally for Palestine on 17th August

For Melbournites this Friday – be there!

Honour to Madiba, on your 95th birthday.

“We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians.”

Obama, while you support the Israeli apartheid regime you do not have any right to appropriate Nelson Mandela and his ‘the path to justice, equality, and freedom’ in any way.

Jewish South African paramilitary group CSO acts illegally and brutally.

Protest to Israel’s Prawer Plan land grab and expulsions has unified Palestinians in resistance.

Wits University appeasing zionists. ‘Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa, is becoming embroiled in controversy. This morning, in what is being described by students as a blow to the values of “transparency and administrative justice”, Advocate J.A. Woodward S.C, who is presiding over the trial of 11 Wits University students, “kicked-out” and prevented both representatives of the media as well as members of the public from attending the trial after a submission of “prejudice” was made by Wits University’s legal representative, Mr Mothibi on behalf of the University’s Management. ‘

Magda Haroun, head of the Egyptian Jewish community: “Zionism is a racist movement that discriminates between people on the basis of religion. The failure to draw a distinction between Judaism as a religion and the Israeli state is the result of ignorance, which is to blame on social science curricula and teachers.” Well, it’s also the fault of the zionist elite, who deliberately spread hasbara to conflate Israel with all Jews.

“Palestinians stand with those who mourn Trayvon Martin’s death. We know what it feels like to lose loved ones and to watch the murderers evade justice.”

From Israeli citizens to Skunk Anansie: A Concert in Israel is Fu%^& Political! Boycott Apartheid!

‘You being the band who once sang “everything is fucking political”, we’d like to point out that a concert in Israel is patently political, not least because Israel openly and expressly uses music concerts (among other cultural aspects) to create a semblance of normalcy and a glamorous image in order to divert attention from its discriminatory practices, human rights violations and war crimes against the Palestinian people.’

Fatah: Israeli refusal of 1967 borders nixed Kerry’s plan

Maqboul told Ma’an that Palestinian leaders had reached a consensus with Kerry that for talks to resume, Israel must agree to negotiate on 1967 lines, release an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners and stop settlement building.

The Palestinian negotiators asked Kerry to present the demands to Israel. Fatah’s Central Committee, which met on Thursday to discuss Kerry’s plan, said the Palestinian demands must be met in writing and not just verbally, Maqboul said.

Poems of Discontent

Under Capitalism

I would be more worthy
if I am a wage earner
if I am male
if I am white
if I am not dis-abled
if I am least colonised
if I am from the mother country
if I am young and not too young
if I am seductively skinny
if I am gender normative
silent alliance and complicit silence
secret scythes to reproduce
and feed the dream
that steals from
all of us.

Jinjirrie, July 2013


How we love Amerikkka, land of bugs and drones,
Where obscenely rich old men perch upon their thrones,
Spying on the world to keep their loot secure,
Destruction is their legacy, they will not endure.
The US gave us Hollywood to keep us occupied,
Sharing in the dream, we’d sleep, complicit in the lies.

Jinjirrie, July 2013

Independence What?

puffed pride
worlds collide
truth died
monoculture pesticide
settler heart identified

Jinjirrie, July 2013

Related Links

The NSA Comes Recruiting

Postscript: The Present through a PRISM

To paraphrase a dead French guy badly, the surveillance state has to change people/populations into the kind of group that basically remains silent. That is what is needed first in order to make the unthinkable possible and finally, normal.

This is why, when they come for some of us, they actually come for all of us.

Postscript ||: Our Government has No Right to Hide Its Actions

To The Killers, Please Don’t Book Apartheid Israel

Don't Play Israel, The KillersDear Brandon Flowers, Ronnie Vannucci, David Keuning and Mark Stoermer of The Killers,

It is being reported by some media that you are planning to perform in Israel this October and we, DPAI, urge you not to book. The reports might be baseless (there have been many instances of false reporting of bands playing Israel even after they explicitly told the Israeli promoters that no money would buy their conscience), so please let us know whether they are or not.

We ask you, as musicians of conscience, not to close your hearts to the oppression of the Palestinian people. There is a profound moral obligation to refuse to play in Israel, and even though the financial rewards might be considerable, we sincerely hope you choose to act according to your conscience.

Last month, the esteemed Professor of Physics, Stephen Hawking, chose to publically support the boycott of apartheid Israel. He joins Desmond Tutu, Roger Waters, Alice Walker, Ahmed Kathrada, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, John Berger and many others who agree that Israel’s system of oppression cannot be brought to an end without ending international complicity and intensifying global solidarity, particularly in the form of the boycott. On the growing list of artists who have joined the boycott are Faithless, Leftfield, Gorillaz, Klaxons, Massive Attack, Gil Scott Heron, Santana, Pete Seeger, Pixies, Tindersticks, Elvis Costello, Cassandra Wilson and Cat Power. They understand it takes a boycott to work for justice, and that “dialogue” or performing in Israel while also speaking out against it has failed.

You might want to read Professor Ilan Pappé’s “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine,” which is recommended reading on the website Mormon Matters. Pappé is also a strong advocate of the boycott of Israel.

Music cannot build bridges between Israel and the millions of Palestinians whom it oppresses. Bridges can be built through the boycott, as was the case in South Africa, with the ultimate result being that the rights of all people are respected.

The purpose of the boycott is to exert pressure on Israel to respect the rights of Palestinians, by ending its occupation and blockade of the West Bank and Gaza Strip; respecting the rights of Palestinian refugees who are prevented from returning to their homes just because they are not Jewish; and abolishing institutionalised discrimination including more than 50 laws [1] preventing equal rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel.

The boycott builds on a historical tradition of popular resistance around the world: from within Palestine itself to the Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Historically, boycotts work.

Roger Waters wrote:

Where governments refuse to act people must, with whatever peaceful means are at their disposal. For me this means declaring an intention to stand in solidarity, not only with the people of Palestine but also with the many thousands of Israelis who disagree with their government’s policies, by joining the campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel. This is [however] a plea to my colleagues in the music industry, and also to artists in other disciplines, to join this cultural boycott. Artists were right to refuse to play in South Africa’s Sun City resort until apartheid fell and white people and black people enjoyed equal rights. And we are right to refuse to play in Israel.[2]

Desmond Tutu has this view:

I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid.[3]

“International Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions against the Apartheid regime, combined with the mass struggle inside South Africa, led to our victory … Just as we said during apartheid that it was inappropriate for international artists to perform in South Africa in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity, so it would be wrong … to perform in Israel“.[4]

Today, due to the boycott call and its international magnitude, it is impossible for any international artist to play in Israel in a political vacuum. Your performance will be interpreted and used by supporters of Israel and by the state as an endorsement of Israel’s regime, whether you want it to be or not.

Billions of dollars are lavished on Israel annually by western states, particularly the United States and Germany. Taxpayers in those countries are in effect subsidising Israel’s violations of international law at a time when social programs are undergoing severe cuts, unemployment is rising, and the environment is being devastated.

Please join in the struggle to end western complicity in Israel’s violations of international law and respect the Palestinian-led call for cultural boycott.[5] This is not only good for Palestinians, but also good for those around the world struggling for social justice and against perpetual war.

We are a group, of over 1000 members, representing many nations around the globe, who believe that it is essential for musicians & other artists to heed the call of the PACBI, and join in the boycott of Israel. This is essential in order to work towards justice for the Palestinian people under occupation, and also in refugee camps and in the diaspora throughout the world.

[1] http://adalah.org/eng/Israeli-Discriminatory-Law-Database
[2] http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/11/cultural-boycott-west-bank-wall
[3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/desmond-tutu/divesting-from-injustice_b_534994.html
[4] http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article727749.ece/Tutu-urges-Cape-Town-Opera-to-call-off-Israel-tour
[5] http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=1047