Le Trio Joubran and Mahmoud Darwish

Mahmoud Darwish (13 March 1941 – 9 August 2008)

‘This siege will persist until we teach our enemies
models of our finest poetry

the sky is leaden during the day
and a fiery orange at night… but our hearts
are as neutral as the flowery emblems on a shield

This low, high land
this holy harlot…
we do not pay much attention to the magic of these words
a cavity may become a vacuum in space
a contour in geography’

from State of Siege

‘I am dreaming of white lilies
of a song-filled street
a house that’s well-lit.
I want a good heart
not the weight of a gun’s magazine.
I want a day & its sunlight
& no fascist victory exultation in it.
I want a smiling child in this day
not an issue of the war-machine.
I came here because I thought a sun
was approaching its zenith not setting.
I refuse to die
turning my gun my love
on women & children
to guard the orchards & wells
of oil tycoons & tycoons of weapons factories.’

from “A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies

I Have Behind the Sky a Sky

I have behind the sky a sky for my return, but I

am still polishing the metal of this place, and living

an hour that foresees the unknown. I know time

will not be my ally twice, and I know I will exit

my banner as a bird that does not alight on trees in the garden.

I will exit all of my skin, and my language.

And some talk about love will descend in

Lorca poems that will live in my bedroom

and see what I have seen of the bedouin moon. I will exit

the almond trees as cotton on the brine of the sea. The stranger passed

carrying seven hundred years of horses. The stranger passed

right here, for the stranger to pass over there. I will soon exit

the wrinkles of my time as a stranger to Syria and the Andalus.

This earth is not my sky, yet this sky is my evening

and the keys are mine, the minarets are mine, the lanterns are mine, and I

am also mine. I am the Adam of two Edens, I lost them twice.

So expel me slowly,

and kill me quickly,

beneath my olive tree,

with Lorca …

Related Links

Mahmoud Darwish, “Unbeliever in the Impossible”

Poems by Mahmoud Darwish

Mahmoud Darwish Biography

Selected Works: On the 5th Anniversary of Mahmoud Darwish’s Death

On The Cat

may06 060Guest post from Kadaitcha reader Ray Nash:

“CAT, my dear Cat,

So common a name for such an enigmatic and enchanting creature. You are so much more than that, Cat. Words escape me, for I alone cannot capture that which I know to be true. Your presence seems locked into my soul. Your physical shape, your soft features and your fluidity of motion, as you move from place to place, complete my picture of the nature of life so perfect and whole.

A shame for those who see in you no good, a travesty against such a wonderful, precious and beautiful entity who so often is illegitimately misconstrued and misunderstood and the result of which is the laying of unfounded blame for bad deeds not actually done. They can never know what it is they somehow miss with their blinders of prejudice and never being able to see you simply as one who is a part of much that is good in this often-time world of sorrow, the goodness or feel of your endearing tenderness and love is beyond their comprehension.

When my gaze locks onto your mysterious far off one, I feel a symbiosis, a symbiotic bond between life cousins. There is no speech necessary, for we knowingly understand each other in so many ways. With part of you still in the wild and the other part willing to share with us humans your self-assurance and love. I hold you closely and dearly as I listen to your guttural purr. I feel your intrinsic entitlement to me, your ownership of me, and I am indeed yours forever. My wonderment in your actions and my appreciation of you continues to grow, even in your eventual death I can never let you go. We are more than just good friends, your presence has enriched me far beyond normal measures and made my life better.

Beyond flesh and bone, sinew and fur, you, CAT, are indeed so very much more than that. You are, simply, one of Mother Nature’s greatest and absolute treasures. And I love you!


Eric Burdon, Please Don’t Cross the Picket Line – Boycott Israel

Eric Burdon at the 2008 Daffodil FestivalDear Eric Burdon,

It is with consternation we are aware you are booked to play Israel on August 1, 2013. We would like to inform you about the important means of resistance which has been chosen by Palestinian people to assist in their attainment of justice, rights and freedom after 65 years of oppression in the Palestinian homelands by Israel.

We are asking that you join the existing long list of performers of conscience and others [1] who respect the Palestinian-led global call to boycott until Israel

“meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by:

1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.”[2]

We understand you have spent time in the Negev, where at present under the vicious Prawer Plan, Israel is demolishing the homes of, and expelling more than 40,000 Indigenous Palestinian Bedouin people against their will in order to “judaize” the Bedouins’ homeland.[3] Surely you would support the boycott to protest this terrible act of ethnic cleansing.

You have been requested by Palestinians to stand against Israel’s apartheid regime, which has been described as worse than that perpetrated by South Africa by several noted South African anti-apartheidists.

Baleka Mbete, National Chairperson of the ANC, former Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa (2008-9) and former Speaker of the National Assembly at the 2012 African National Congress (ANC) International Solidarity Conference said that she has been to Palestine herself and that the Israeli regime is not only comparable but “far worse than Apartheid South Africa.” [4]

‘As a South African newspaper editor, Mondli Makhanya, put it in after a 2008 trip to the Middle East: “It seems to me that the Israelis would like the Palestinians to disappear. There was never anything like that in our case. The whites did not want the blacks to disappear.”‘[5]

Especially since your music forms part of rock and roll’s foundations, Eric, please don’t permit yourself and your important legacy to be appropriated in the service of Israel’s cynical propaganda to disguise the oppression and obliteration of Palestinian people. Join Mira Nair, internationally-acclaimed director of Salaam Bombay!, Monsoon Wedding and Mississippi Masala, who stated just last week:

‘I was just invited to Israel as a guest of honor at the Haifa International Film Festival with “The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” I will not be going to Israel at this time. I will go to Israel when the walls come down. I will go to Israel when occupation is gone. I will go to Israel when the state does not privilege one religion over another. I will go to Israel when Apartheid is over. I will go to Israel, soon. I stand with the [Palestinian Campaign] for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the larger Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement.’ [6]

In order to set a principled example alongside many artists and academics who have cancelled their appearances after being made aware of the boycott [7], we hope you will be persuaded to support the boycott of apartheid Israel wholeheartedly, and at the least, cancel your performance, refuse to cross the picket line and compromise the struggle for freedom of Palestinian people.

We are a group, of over 1000 members, representing many countries around the globe, who believe that it is essential for musicians & other artists to heed the call of the PACBI, and join in the boycott of Israel. This is essential in order to work towards justice for the Palestinian people under occupation, and also in refugee camps and in the diaspora throughout the world.

[1] http://www.bdsmovement.net/timeline
[2] http://www.bdsmovement.net/call
[3] http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/video-bedouins-resist-israeli-plan-expel-40000-and-judaize-their-land
[4] http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-far-worse-apartheid-south-africa-says-anc-chair-pretoria-conference-backs
[5] http://www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/comment/israels-similarity-to-south-africas-apartheid-is-more-than-skin-deep#full
[6] http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/monsoon-wedding-director-mira-nair-boycotts-israel-film-festival
[7] http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=2093


Why Has Burdon Uncancelled His Date with Apartheid?

Despite both Kadaitcha and Electronic Intifada approaching Eric Burdon’s manager for substantiation, no evidence has emerged of any alleged ‘threats’ outlined by Burdon’s support band T-Slam in the Israeli media. Now, Burdon’s August 1 gig in apartheid Israel is back on his tour calendar. This further casts into doubt the reliability of these hearsay threats.

On Burdon’s Facebook page, however, we find a sewer of abuse toward Burdon and BDS advocates, following his initial supposed cancellation. Some examples of the bigoted, bullying language used toward Burdon by zionist propaganderists include:

Michael Silverstein Guess you do not believe in your own music. You have proven that you are a Racist. You grew up in the era of peace yet you allow Racist to tell you how to run your life. Be a real man not a Racist that you have proven that you have turned into. I will be boycotting all your music and if you show up in my town we will be the one’s with signs to boycott your show

Scott Lawrence Eric-Im ashamed you canceled your Israel gig due to Muslim Fanatics threatening you I have always loved your music.

Marco de la Rosa Grow a BACKBONE already… Cringing before terrorist threats ? That craven attitude only FUELS the fanatics’ murderous impulses… Is this the same legendary artist whose music we loved ? ? Do you want Osama bin Laden and his murderous jihadi SCUM to be able to intimidate decent people with their empty threats ? Did the Navy Seals run away and hide ? or did they ELIMINATE that monster ? FACE YOUR FEAR and confront it head on… You would be SAFER in the Holy Land than almost anywhere on the planet – thanks to young women and men in IDF uniforms who have the COURAGE you lack… Shame on you… You have disappointed an entire generation…

Comm Net eric burdon is just a chicken …

Ruby Harris eric is a coward. he bowed to bds nazis. shame on you. McCartney is a hero. he didn’t! [NB McCartney’s cancellation had nothing to do with BDS]

Bobby Levit Eric Burdon is a coward…..cancels his show in Israel ….

Steve Toltz Burdon is a COWARD. Succumbing to the PHONEY BDS movement and the lies and anti-Semitic rants leveled at Israel. Where is that spirit of Rock and Roll that I grew up to with you in the 60’s? Shame on you…

Deborah Jankelle Salant You have lost another fan due to your weakness and caving to the boycott.

Cindy Zemel you are a coward! no one in the right mind would bow to these idiots.

Brian Alan I’ve destroyed and erased all your music. Shame you capitulated to terrorism. you’re a coward.

Rick Clayton Go to israel you puss.

Segev Afriat unlike my friend Barry Williams, I’m not gonna beg you to come to iisrael. if you wanna give in to terror, it only means you’re not good enough to come to israel. good luck with your music, you chicken

Nephtaly Hans Velez-Crespo Had you cancelled on matter of conviction, you would at least have something to show for it. You nonetheless cancelled because you are a straight out pussy who succumbed to threats by load mouth activist armed with a hateful agenda.

That’s how your fans in this region of the word will see you. No backbone. What a shame.

You still have the opportunity to fix this.

Scott Izes Ruth I commend you on your posts, especially considering you are talking to an ignoranus who puts the same degree of thought into her posts as she does in deciding to support 7th century barbarism over modern civilization.

Last week, Defence for Children International revealed its latest report on Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children in military detention. Israel currently imprisons 193 Palestinian children, 41 of whom are between the ages of 12-15. In 19% of cases, solitary confinement was used for interrogation purposes on these Palestinian children. More than half of the 193 Palestinian child detainees are held inside Israel in violation of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.


‘Israel is the only nation that automatically and systematically prosecutes children in military courts that lack basic and fundamental fair trial guarantees. With over 8,000 Palestinian children arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system since 2000, it is an unmistakably damaging and oppressive venture. How many young kids need to be detained, arrested and ill-treated before Israeli leaders realize that the routine ill-treatment of Palestinian kids is not okay?’

Will these imprisoned children who when free dwell in another open air prison in the West Bank behind Israel’s hideous illegal apartheid wall, soon hear distant strains of western rock music denied to them on the basis of their Indigenous ethnicity, Israel’s appetite for ethnosupremacist hegemony, oppression and Palestinian land?

Because of news of Burdon’s alleged cancellation proliferated by the Israeli media, a demonstration in support of boycott of apartheid Israel organised by the Scottish PSC at his concert in Edinburgh on July 24 was called off. Thus Burdon was shielded from receiving information directly about Israel’s criminal oppression of Palestinians including those 193 Palestinian children which it incarcerates and torments, Israel’s fiendish Prawer Plan for ethnically cleansing more than 40,000 Indigenous Bedouins from their homelands in the Negev, systematic apartheid against Palestinians in Israel and many other reasons for BDS.

Eric Burdon still has time to cancel his gig, to respect the boycott and disperse the unsubstantiated allegations of ‘threats’ against him. Some may feel the burden falls upon Burdon to explain why neither he nor his manager have made the effort to clear up uncertainty. Until there is clarity, questions about unsubstantiated Israeli media reports of threats, cancellation and uncancellation will remain as a cloud above Burdon’s long, distinguished rock and roll career.

UPDATE 31/7/13

Burdon arrives in Israel, with UPI reportng Burdon disclaims his gig was ever cancelled.

“Eric Burdon, the former lead singer of the British rock band The Animals arrived in Israel Tuesday, despite initially canceling the gig due to threats.

At a press conference in Tel Aviv, the 71-year-old rock legend denied he had ever thought to cancel his Israel trip despite reports a week ago claiming otherwise, Israel Radio said.

“The fact that I am here proves the point,” he told reporters. Burdon took advantage of the press conference to praise the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, saying while he believes and dreams for peace, “we live in a world that also knows war.”

The Israeli rock band Tislam, which will perform with Burdon Thursday, also attended the press conference.

A week ago, Tislam said Burdon’s manager had said the singer was canceling the show in Israel because of threats.

At the time a statement released by Burdon’s manager said: “We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis. I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger.”

Ynet now claims [Google translation, which is not a reliable translator] [Hebrew original]:

“It was not my decision to cancel the show, it’s my manager, following the threat received a lot of emails just afraid for my life. I’m not afraid to play here and very happy to return to Israel,” he said today (Tuesday) Eric Burdon, band singer “Animals” legendary in Tel – Aviv.

Bardon, appears five (1.8) Zappa Amphi difference Binyamina, canceled his appearance a few weeks ago in the wake of political pressure pro-Palestinian organizations. Now as he returned it, said he was not involved in the decision and came to Israel to make the show.

Please note that this is an exceptional case. Rare that artists canceled their attendance on political grounds and then return them. “Above all, it is important for me to convey a message that the past is not Important,” he added today, “and I came to Israel as long as I wanted. It was important to play here and I’m concentrating all my energies towards performance. We are going to give a great Israeli show.”

Burdon said the evening will be planned jointly with the band “Slam.” Wearing a shirt on which the symbol of peace, met this morning with members of the band Burdon Israel in Tel – Aviv, after he had met in London and Yair Izhar budding more last month.

The Independent says Burdon’s statement quoted in Ynet comes from his management:

In a statement from his management today 71-year-old Mr Burdon said he had already arrived in Israel and that the concert would go ahead as planned.

“It was not my decision to cancel the show, it was my manager’s, who as a result of lots of threating emails she received, was genuinely afraid for my life,” he said.

“I’m not afraid to preform here and very happy to be back in Israel”

He continued: “Above all, it is important for me to convey a message that the past is not important, and the most important thing is and I came to Israel, as I wished to. It was important for me to play here and I’m concentrating all my energies towards the performance. We are going to give a great show to the Israelis.”

Tickets available, with handling fee.
Tickets available in blocks of 20 4pm 31/7/13

UPDATE 31/7/13 4pm EST

Tickets in blocks of 20 are still available for Burdon’s gig at Ampi Shuni.

Zionist and other media spin, stories and bare-faced lies following Burdon’s “uncancellation”


‘Legendary 1960s band The Animals’ musician Eric Burdon will perform in Israel after initially canceling the performance due to threatening anti-Israel emails, his manager said.’

Times of Israel:

“After caving to threats and canceling a gig in Israel, aging rocker Eric Burdon will play here after all.

Burdon flew into Israel on Monday night for the Thursday concert. “If it hasn’t go to do with music,” he declared on arrival, “it’s bullsh*t.”

Burdon, the former lead singer of ’60s British band The Animals, was last week reported to have canceled the August 1 concert in Binyamina because, his manager said, he had been receiving daily threatening emails.

However, on Monday the concert was back up on Burdon’s website and was again listed among the concerts at the Zappa Shuni Amphitheater in Binyamina. No reason was given for the cancellation of the cancellation.

Burdon, whose band’s decades-spanning career including hits such as “The House of the Rising Sun,” “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place,” “It’s My Life,” and “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,” is once again scheduled to perform alongside Israeli legendary band T-Slam, as per the original plan.

Earlier this month, Burdon met up with members of T-Slam in Vienna and told them he was under pressure from anti-Israel activists to cancel the show. At that time, though, he seemed set on going ahead with the concert, telling the Israeli musicians, “Everyone needs music and there’s no connection to current politics. Everyone has the right to be entertained.”

But his manager later wrote to T-Slam to state that the show was off. “We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis. I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger,” his manager wrote, in comments released by T-Slam last week.

In a statement at the time, T-Slam said, “To appear with Eric Burdon, one of the founding fathers of rock & roll, was an almost dream come true. We’re sorry that despite his personal assurance to us, that he bowed to pressure and cancelled his concert.”

However, it seems Burdon’s reluctance to go through with the concert was short-lived and the show is back on track.”


“Eric Burdon, lead singer of the popular ’60s band The Animals, said he will perform in Israel days after canceling a concert due to threatening emails.

On Monday, after saying last week that he had canceled his Aug. 1 concert in Binyamina, the concert appeared on Burdon’s website. It also was posted on the website of the Zappa Shuni Amphitheater, the concert site.

Burdon’s wife and personal manager, Marianna Burdon, had written to Tislam, the Israeli band with whom Burdon was scheduled to perform, about canceling the performance. “We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis,” Marianna Burdon wrote. “I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger.”

Performers have been under increasing pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, or BDS, not to play Israel.

Burdon, 72, last performed in Israel during the 1980s. He recently released a solo album.”


“Eric Burdon, lead singer of the popular ’60s band The Animals, said he will perform in Israel days after canceling a concert due to threatening emails.

On Monday, after saying last week that he had canceled his Aug. 1 concert in Binyamina, the concert appeared on Burdon’s website. It also was posted on the website of the Zappa Shuni Amphitheater, the concert site.

Burdon’s wife and personal manager, Marianna Burdon, had written to Tislam, the Israeli band with whom Burdon was scheduled to perform, about canceling the performance.

“We are under increasing pressure, including many threatening emails that we are receiving on a daily basis,” Marianna Burdon wrote. “I wouldn’t want to put Eric in any danger.”

Performers have been under increasing pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, or BDS, not to play Israel.”

Arutz Sheva:

‘Eric Burdon Takes Back Cancellation of Israel Shows

Eric Burdon, lead singer of the 60s group the Animals, who created the group WAR, landed in Israel, Monday, less than a week after he announced he was pressured into cancelling his performances here.

Burdon will appear, as scheduled, with the Israeli group Tislam, in two performances Thursday at the Zappa Amphitheater in the Jabotinsky park in Binyamina, south of Haifa.’


‘Animals singer to perform in Israel despite criticism

Eric Burdon, former lead singer of British band The Animals, who last week canceled his performance in Israel citing political pressure, defies criticism, lands in Israel ahead of scheduled performance with Israeli rock band T-Slam.

Eric Burdon, the former lead singer in the British band The Animals, who last week canceled his performance in Israel citing political pressure, has had a change of heart.

Burdon landed in Israel on Monday evening ahead of his planned performance with Israeli rock band T-Slam at the Shuni Amphitheater in Binyamina.

In a statement released last Tuesday, Burdon’s personal assistant said, “We’ve been subjected to mounting pressure, including numerous threatening emails, daily. The last thing I intend to do is put Eric in jeopardy.”‘

Arutz Sheva again:

‘However contrary to a previous report last week, Eric Burdon’s Israeli appearance would go on as scheduled. It was previously stated Burdon would not come to the Jewish State due to threats from anti-Israel agitators.

The British singer led the 1960s group the Animals, famous for such songs as House of the Rising Sun and We Gotta Get Out of This Place. He also created the American band War, famous for ’70s hits Low Rider, Spill the Wine and more.

Burdon landed in Israel on Monday less than a week after he announced he was pressured into cancelling his performances here. He will appear, as scheduled, with the classic Israeli rock group Tislam (aslo spelled T-Slam), in two performances Thursday at the Zappa Amphitheater in the Jabotinsky park in Binyamina, south of Haifa.’

Jewish Press:

‘Another day, another BDS fail. Famous rocker Eric Burdon has rejected pressure to bow out of a performance in Israel and will appear with Israel legendary band T-Slam on August 1.

Despite the very best efforts of the very biggest haters, rock-n-roll legend Eric Burdon – star of the classic ’60?s rock band the Animals, War and solo careerist – will play in Israel. He will be performing on August 1 with the 80?s era Israeli band T-Slam.

The Israeli musician and co-founder of T-Slam, Izhar Ashdot, had personally invited Burdon to join them in a concert in Israel.

It’s been an on, then off, and now back on appearance promise by Burdon who originally announced he would be appearing with T-Slam after Ashdot personally invited him.

When Ashdot and fellow T-Slam band member Yair Nitzani met with Burdon in Vienna recently, the British musician informed them he had received messages from many people, asking him to refuse to play in Israel. But, as the Jerusalem Post reported, Burdon initially told the Israeli musicians, “It’s impossible to prevent music. Everyone needs music and there’s no connection to current politics. Everyone has the right to be entertained.”

Despite those brave words, briefly, Burdon decided to cancel his appearance after his wife and manager, Mariana Burdon, claimed there were not only requests for Eric Burdon not to play in Israel, but threats of physical violence as well.

However, as of Monday, July 29, the gig was back on.

In response to the prodding of the insatiable haters of Israel at the blog known as Mondoweiss (naturally, the creator of the blog is a Jewish anti-Zionist named Philip Weiss), Ashdot explained why, actually, no, he does not support a boycott of Israel, although he is against what he calls the “Occupation.”

The reporter Ira Glunts preened about supporting the boycott and about writing on Ashdot’s Facebook page that although he loved the Israeli singer’s huge anti-”Occupation” hit, “A Matter of Habit,” he was disappointed that the Israeli musician did not use the fact that Burdon had cancelled to “address the evils of the occupation and how it isolates Israel from the world community. In addition, I recommended that he address the occupation at the concert which was scheduled to go forward without Burdon.”

According to Glunts, Ashdot shut him down.

The singer wrote, among other expressions of disagreement with the thoughts express [sic] in my message: I am afraid that you miss the principal point. The song “A Matter of Habit” is the way in which Alona [the song’s lyricist and Izhar’s life partner] and I express ourselves in regard to the occupation and the damage that it causes our children. Burdon not coming to Israel disappoints me very much, but just as I am against the occupation, I am against boycotts. I, myself, have appeared more than once in the occupied territories, in front of settlers, they are part of my people and one day we must welcome them back without regard to their politics. [My translation, IG.]

Eric Burdon became a musician in the early 1960?s with the band which became known as The Animals. They were a hugely popular part of the “British Invasion” of the United States by British rock bands. Like the Beatles, the Animals also appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. By the latter half of the 1960?s the band fell apart due to personnel changes and financial mismanagement. Burdon had a solo career, was part of other popular bands including “War” (“Spill the Wine”) and is still performing at age 71.

Despite the name of Burdon’s second band, he is clearly not someone who embraces the concept of war. It won’t be surprising if Burdon and Ashdot decide to – or feel the need to – speak out against Israeli violence at their concert. Perhaps they’ll even mention Arab terrorism? Nonetheless, a political disagreement is not the same thing as a decision to engage in economic warfare, and Ashdot, and now Burdon, refuse to be a part of that nefarious effort.

So Eric Burdon will bring his voice and his presence to Israel, and this is another “brick in the wall” against Zionophobia.

Rather than, as some Zionophobes suggested, Burdon and Ashdot sing “I Gotta Get out of This Place,” meaning, Israel, perhaps the two will instead sing together a different one of the Animals’ best known anthems: “Don’t Let Me be Misunderstood.”


‘According to a personal message I received yesterday (Sunday) from Izhar Ashdot, Eric Burdon will be performing in Israel despite reports that he had cancelled his scheduled appearance due to alleged threats from Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists. Mondoweiss covered the reported cancellation, as well as the U.S. Campaign for an Academic and Cultural Boycott statement denying that the BDS movement uses violent threats.

Ashdot is a founding member of the popular Israeli rock group Tislam. He personally invited Burdon to appear with his group on stage on August 1 in an amphitheater in Binyamina, Israel. Ashdot wrote me that Burdon would be arriving in Israel today (Monday) and quoted the British rock legend as telling him that, “… he will stand by his promise of two weeks ago: ‘I believe in everyone’s right to music, without connection his/her politics.’” The Jerusalem Post reported that the legendary British rocker told Ashdot:

It’s impossible to prevent music. Everyone needs music and there’s no connection to current politics. Everyone has the right to be entertained.

I sent the Israeli rocker Annie’s post via Asdot’s Facebook page. I expressed admiration for his courage in answering the criticism of his song’s trenchant protest against the occupation and elucidation of the corrosive role of the military in its perpetuation. But I also expressed my “disappointment” that he did not use the Burdon cancellation to address the evils of the occupation and how it isolates Israel from the world community. In addition, I recommended that he address the occupation at the concert which was scheduled to go forward without Burdon.

Ashdot did not take kindly to my suggestion. The singer wrote, among other expressions of disagreement with the thoughts express in my message:

I am afraid that you miss the principal point. The song “A Matter of Habit” is the way in which Alona [the song’s lyricist and Izhar’s life partner] and I express ourselves in regard to the occupation and the damage that it causes our children. Burdon not coming to Israel disappoints me very much, but just as I am against the occupation, I am against boycotts. I, myself, have appeared more than once in the occupied territories, in front of settlers, they are part of my people and one day we must welcome them back without regard to their politics. [My translation, IG.]

Screenshots from Eric Burdon’s Facebook page wall

Related Links

PCHR Submits Shadow Report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Resisting Israel’s vicious Prawer Plan for ethnic cleansing of Bedouins from the Naqab

At the gig: Times of Israel erroneously reports it was his manager announcing threats when it was T-slam:

‘The relentless death threats that led his manager to announce two weeks ago that he’d be canceling this Israel trip? Not a mention. The subsequent cancelation of that cancelation? Not a word. Just a big smile from behind his shades at the start, a “thank you, you’ve been a great audience” at the end, and half a century’s controlled musical mayhem in-between. ‘

NGO Monitor director Gerald Steinberg called to respond to delegitimization “like we’re in a war. We need counterattacks.” Steinberg also spoke out against Israeli organizations that visit Diaspora communities and claim that Israel commits war crimes;

Adam Shay’ss Strategic Hasbara Plan

Adam Shay Profiler and threat strategy

Poems Of Domestic Revolution

Tenant from Hell (from Other People’s Lives)

He cares not for mundane semiotics –
weeks of encrusted dishes mount,
all year I’ve begged the bludger
to wash the house,
sombre as my roiling mood,
disdain for stains and smudges
curses my brain.
Mould seethes from wall to ceiling,
the rot’s set in …
devolution is inspiration
for deconstructive brilliance,
cadging appreciation
of Lacanian castration.
Ragged spiderwebs in corners
mock and spin since he moved in,
from nights of carousing toil
empty cans pattern the yard
with post-structural foil,
laundry unspeakable with foetid heaps,
garden weed-festooned
like his scruffy tangled beard,
I, or is it my ego, struggle not to weep.
He clicks the remote for the footy game,
derisively philosophizes Derrida,
oblivious to temporal flames.
Someone has to clean it up
and I guess it won’t be him.
His mind’s immersed in existential
anguish of being, not doing,
my discomfort his convenient exegesis
to carve another tidy thesis.

July 2013

Domestic Inconsistencies (from Other Peoples’ Lives)


She made me do it, didn’t get the hint.
Simple things change. It didn’t feel right.
There had been others. I owed her no reason.
Too old, too bright, too cosmic,
her song had ended.
She came to take her furniture.
After all I’d done for her. I needed it.
She stood her ground.
Her quietness incited,
inviting me to strike.
The barbed truth prodded my hands
to encircle her neck,
clasp her thin body and throw it
like a curse across the room.
Who would have thought
she’d be so light. I didn’t mean to.
She bounced off her old table,
fell against her lounge,
head cracking.
I nearly laughed, pushed her from my house.
Hurled her bag after her.
She provoked it, this matter of perspective.
Everyone says there’s always two sides.


He dropped the blade on our love,
smiled when he dismissed me.
Kept my furniture. To compensate for
all he’d done for me.
So I visited to ask for my heater to keep me warm
now I was alone.
Like Anne Boleyn on the block,
my head in his hands,
across the room I flew,
ricochetting off the table against my old lounge.
My head rings still.
Once he called me his gentle rose.
Excuses are words, not blows,
not the black petals on my body.
I’ll extract the thorns,
release the angry pus in private.
Everyone says there’s two sides and
asks whether I provoked him.
I stood my ground, wept,
now weep no more.

April 2013