Spokesman from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Dr Danny Lamm unctuously preaches isolationism, as if Australians never object to injustice in other countries at any time.
“A strong bipartisan voice saying ‘No’ to BDS will reflect the basic sentiment of most Australians that the bitterness and complexity of foreign conflicts should be kept out of our peaceful country.”
In fact, the majority of Australians support Palestinian rights and the Australian government adopting a policy on the Israel-Palestine conflict that calls for negotiations to be based on international law and human rights.
Kim Bullimore corrects the record from The Australian’s predictably reprehensible and inadequate reportage where an imaginary Max Brenner is quoted (there is no Max Brenner), offering an honest appraisal of the purpose of BDS and the noble reasons for picketing of Max Brenner shops. Surely the Press Council or the appropriate union should be interested in Cameron Stewart’s ethical breach? The name ‘Max Brenner’ is a combination of the names of the two original owners of the chain, Max Fichtman and Oded Brenner.
The next action in support of BDS against Israeli apartheid will be held in Brisbane on August 27 at 1 pm
Boycott apartheid Israel! Boycott Max Brenner!
Max Brenner Chocolates is a 100% Israeli-owned company belonging to the Strauss Group, the second largest Israeli food and beverage company. On the “corporate responsibility” section of its website, the Strauss Group emphasises the support it gives to the Israeli army. The Strauss group is proud that for more than 30 years, it has supported the Golani reconnaissance platoon infamous for its involvement 2006 invasion of Lebanon and other atrocities. As their website puts it: “Our connection with soldiers goes as far back as the country, and even further. We see a mission and need to continue to provide our soldiers with support, to enhance their quality of life and service conditions, and sweeten their special moments.”
PROTEST: Sat August 27
Gather at 1pm in park on cnr of Merivale & Glenelg St for a march to Max Brenner store at South Bank
Phone: 0400 720 757, 0401 586 923
Email: contact@justiceforpalestinebrisbane.org
Spread the word!
Download posters and flyers:
Related Links
Australian Public Opinion on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Murdoch reporter unable to use internet to discover Max Brenner role in Zionist occupation
Max Brenner protesters reappear in court
Australia cracks down on BDS
BNC Condemns Repression of BDS Activism in Australia :
‘We stand with Australian activists in the face of the organized repression and smear campaign they have been facing for the past year, since the attempts to overturn the Marrickville council BDS motion.
‘We remind the government of Australia of its obligations under international law to respect basic human rights and end all support of Israel’s war crimes and other serious violations of international law. The Australian government must urgently end its arms trade with Israel and impose sanctions upon it rather than investigate dissident organizations who, in the tradition of principled international solidarity, are taking the moral responsibility to end Israel’s impunity and Australia’s complicity in it.”
Harsh bail conditions meant to stop more Max Brenner protests
Here’s how the Marduk press is attempting to divide the BDS movement in Australia – quoting Jim Barr from APAN, which is a newly formed advocacy group as ‘THE head of Australia’s peak pro-Palestinian group …’ objecting to violence at the Max Brenner demo (caused by the cops charging the protesters).
The glutaginous zionist scribe Philip Mendes chips in as well – as usual no sign of the Marduk monstrocacy bothering to balance the view.
APAN supports BDS and signed the solidarity statement for BDS the other day.
Launch Of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
‘Former Australian ambassador to Egypt Robert Newton.
‘Mr Newton, who was recently elected vice-president of the Australia-Palestine Advocacy Network, said the network was made up of groups of people who wanted justice for Palestinians affected by the conflict.’
Barr is involved here
Palestine / Israel Links
Israel to make payment for “Cast Lead” deaths
The settlement was negotiated by the Gaza-based Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) on behalf of the family of a mother and daughter killed by Israeli soldiers during Cast Lead. The payment is to be made to the family in return for their dropping the claim against the Israeli military.
US Palestinians on inaugural ‘know thy heritage’ tour “The hardest thing for me was seeing the wall. That was just devastating and horrible, and I just can’t stand it”.
Abusisi to Shabak: I Left Gaza Because Hamas Threatened Me and My Children
Nurit Peled-Elhanan’s new book, exposing the racism of Israel’ s education system.
Jenin Theatre says raids and arrests show that Israel’s only methods involve violence and terror
Israeli Tent Protests Ignore Link Between Neoliberalism, Occupation
And, of course, the Histadrut is only nominally a “labor federation”: in reality, it assists an accumulation process tightly tied into the state apparatus, regulating wages and – notoriously – offloading state enterprises onto politically connected figures in the private sector in the looting of the commons euphemistically called “privatization.” As ever, the state is not looking out for the interests of the dispossessed. It is looking out for the interests of the possessed, and looking out for them with great care and skill: ten large business groups now control 30 percent of the market value of public companies, while 16 control half of the money in the whole country.
Diggers accused of ‘plundering’ mosaic from Gaza
The Fight for Equality in Israel’s J14 Movement
War has broken out over an idea to revive the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel group. Barry O’Farrell has been accused of attempting to ”politicise” the group, with even Israel Ambassador Yuval Rotem monitoring the stink from Canberra.
Max Ajl: the Histadrut is only nominally a “labor federation”: in reality, it assists an accumulation process tightly tied into the state apparatus, regulating wages and – notoriously – offloading state enterprises onto politically connected figures in the private sector in the looting of the commons euphemistically called “privatization.”
Chomsky: “Pro-Israel Christian Right most anti-Semitic people in the world”
Today’s Murdoch hackery; accusing Israel critics of anti-Semitism
Leader of Gaza youth group said arrested by Hamas authorities on return from France
UK riots
In contrast to Cameron’s anathema toward social media: Activists use social media to help Egypt slum-dwellers
The Fight for Equality in Israel’s J14 Movement
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