The Endless Criminality of the West

Enabled by the US, Australia, UK and other western white supremacist colonialists, Israel’s genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are ever-expanding, one year on from October 7. Boycott Israel today and every day until Palestinian people have all their rights which are guaranteed under international law, denied to them by land-thieving, white supremacist Israel and rest of the West for the past 76 years.

(AI art by Jinjirrie)

US War Pigs

US war pigs

Here’s a “measure of justice” of the US, whose economy is primarily driven by dirty profits from weapons sales. May its predatory, planet-destroying empire which feasts on white supremacist oppression across the globe fall soon and hard.

Easter Meditation

Forest Grey Kangaroo

Easter 2024

I don’t want to write about food
or visits to the stupormarket
while people in Gaza are being
starved to death deliberately by
Netanyahu and the profane AukusPorkus
Coalition of the Swilling and Killing
I don’t like family Easter feasts
mindless gobbling, pomp and ceremony
when children are taught to associate
death of a political martyr and fluffy things
obscene chocolate gluttony
built on child plantation labour
while Aboriginal children of Australia
are under curfew in Alice Springs
crime rises with wealth inequality
I don’t like celebrating another ritual
capitalist appropriation of religion
in service of the white supremacist
colonialist patriarchal ruling class
an intersectional rort built on annihilation
and subjugation while an impossible virgin
smiles benevolently despite her loss.

– March 2024

Poems For a Cancelled Christmas

Banana Mango Season

No Genocide for Christmas

Deck the halls
with amputations
Israel is a fascist state
Tis the season
for mass slaughter
Crush zionism and celebrate
Turf it from
the United Nations
For Christmas
no more assassinations
Israel is a fascist state
Dismantle it
Boycott it
Don’t wait
Till it kills
More children
It calls “little snakes”
Stealing their land
because #GenocideJoe
Says it can
Strip away its tinsel wrapping
Israel is a fascist state.

December 2023


Because if we don’t see it or feel it
the blow didn’t happen
the wind is revealed as trees bend
and shuffle their leaves
when bodies lie like playing cards
strewn in shrouds along the ground
so much fallen fruit from a season
of harvest in the charnel house
see rotten farmers feeding the world pain
if we turn away the wind will still blow again

November 2023

Nuts on the Table

Oh what a lovely familiar war
Nutolini wants so much more
Land for settlers, rewards for sacrifice
Annihilation of ‘animals’ a worthy price
Israel’s the nadir of colonial white pride
Wallowing in endless genocide.

December 2023

Ode to Decolonisation

Decolonize the world of patriarchy
From the mountains to the forests
To the rivers to the sea
End the scourge of white supremacy
People should be free in every nation
From capitalism’s vile predation.

Apartheid Israel, you can’t hide,
you’re committing genocide,
The whole world knows you lie and lie
By your own foul acts, your end is nigh.

Time to bury US hegemony
for people want freedom
not capitalist tyranny
open up your weary eyes
find solidarity and decolonize.

November 2023

I See You Whitey

domesticated by washing machines and
other white lovely things
microwaving dreams
turning away from the savages
displaced by your invader parents
turning away because you can
busy with barbies and dresses
surfing and ebikes
beautiful minds don’t want to worry about wars
while long covid wreaks hell with
frontal lobotomies
whitey, whitey everywhere
turning away because they can
doing the ‘both sides’ tango
while they forget they live on stolen land.

December 2023


you don’t pause a beating
you end a beating
unless you’re a continuous beater
with a track record of wife beating
israel’s like a dedicated wife beater
allowed to get away with it
put the missus in her place
a little touch up now and then reminds her
to submit and make allowances
for the high and mighty lords

December 2023


the putridness of forced rhymes
typical of AI slime
with no musicality
and even less sensibility
AI’s the antithesis of revolutionary
Locking imaginations
in sanitized mediocrity

December 2023


every day i wake up
then once i check the media
stomach sickens
yet i cannot stop analysing
even while heart pounds
and bear trap mind recoils
still i analyse
taking the long view
from far away in the forest
i analyse and wish
i could return to the future now
mission to study the beginning of
the fall of the US empire complete
escaping inevitable collapse
extinctions and end play
of relentless human folly
still i analyse
unbearable anguish of oppression
bloody criminal wet dreams
of decadent old white men
prancing in celebrity boxes
relishing macabre spectacle
blooding eager young
ejaculating white phosphorus
still i analyse as tears fall
enough in which to drown
imperial wretches who starve
bomb and genocide
people who resist
for their simple wish to be free
from thieving oppressors
occupying them
still i analyse
there is no god
she was betrayed
banished and bamboozled

November 2023


I would like to build a house from landlords,
Stacked into rammed earth walls
Or turned into bricks
Or stuffed into bottles
Then they would serve some purpose
Other than making their underlings miserable.
They could be repurposed into doors that close shut
on cold callers and JWs, ground up and combined with
bamboo and packaging.
Enjoy my recycled ruling class door
Which opens to admit the poor.

December 2023


this is a poem about feelings
here’s some money
to collaborate with invaders
how do you feel?
if this poem is white supremacy
there’s a euro boot on your neck
how do you feel?
if this poem is a dominant force
do you resist?
do you understand your oppressor
forgive them and heal them
be nice to the boot
as it crushes you to death
if this poem is oppression
if this poem is about land theft
whatever you do, don’t judge whitey
that won’t feed them
this is a poem about irony
it’s not about me
it’s never fair
divide and rule
they take your share
can’t you see
it’s not about you
they’re never kind
they have your absence in mind
this is a poem about hegemony
this is a poem about genocide
when there’s none alive to object
nowhere left to hide

October 16, 2023

Gaza Guernica

Those who remain silent and pretend to be neutral about deliberate psychopathic criminality, which Israel has conducted against the people of Palestine since 1948 in order to steal their land become complicit with genocide.

As Desmond Tutu said:
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

Raz Segal, an Israeli expert in modern genocide:

‘I think that, indeed, what we’re seeing now in Gaza is a case of genocide. We have to understand that the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 requires that we see special intent for genocide to happen. And to quote the convention, intent to destroy a group is defined as racial, ethnic, religious or national as such that is collectively, not just individuals. And this intent, as we just heard, is on full display by Israeli politicians and army officers since 7th of October. We heard Israel’s president. It’s well-known what the Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on 9th of October declaring a complete siege on Gaza, cutting off water, food, fuel, stating that “We’re fighting human animals,” and we will react “accordingly.” He also said that “We will eliminate everything.” We know that Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari, for example, acknowledged wanton destruction and said explicitly, “The emphasis on damage and not on accuracy.” So we’re seeing the special intent on full display. And really, I have to say, if this is not special intent to commit genocide, I really don’t know what is.’

The parallels with British colonial genocide of Aboriginal people in Australia are striking.

‘The analysis of the frontier genocides waged against the Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the Herero of Namibia reveals a surprisingly congruent pattern despite the fact that the cases took place on different continents, under different regimes, and in different periods. The pattern divides into three phases. Colonists initiate the first by invasion. Economic and political
frictions then develop between the two groups as they struggle for limited resources and political power. Unable to compete with the invaders’ technology, arms, and wealth, the indigenous people find their economy fundamentally threatened and basic political rights denied under the settler regime. Aboriginal people begin the second phase by attacking settlers and their property in an attempt to regain access to economic resources, reclaim lost land, protect political rights, or exact revenge. Settlers and their government then retaliate, but cannot quickly defeat the indigenous peoples’ guerilla insurgency. Out of frustration and expediency, the invaders choose a “final solution” to the military conflict.

During and after the genocidal military campaign, the settlers’ government initiates the final phase by incarcerating Aboriginal people in camps that bear comparison with the Soviet gulag. In these reservations, settler governments continue genocidal policy though a varying combination of malnutrition, insufficient protection from the elements, inadequate medical care, overwork, unsanitary conditions, and violence.’